Active 2 hours, 21 minutes ago- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1259
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Seems I'm here in the forum Start HERE 3 years ago
Hello! I’m Elishavet (And a bit late, sorry.). It’s good to meet you, and welcome to the forum!
You like G. K. Chesterton? His essays or his books? I love his essays, especially Twelve Men, The Dragon’s Grandmother, and the one about his pockets (the latter I quote not unfrequently.).
Anyway…. Questions.
What is your…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Just imagine. . . in the forum Start HERE 3 years ago
(Your welcome! ❤️)
Oooh, the first draft will be done soon? That’s so exciting! (I hope to have two of mine plotted out by the end of this month. The first books in two separate series.)
Evren or L, you say? Those are fascinating names. What are these different reasons? (If it’s shareable. I understand if not.)
Rambling is fun!…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Just imagine. . . in the forum Start HERE 3 years ago
Imagine a girl somewhere between 14 – 18 years of age, somewhere between this world and a million others. Someone for whom “reality” is curiously like a mirror, reflecting a reality even more real and dangerous and beautiful than itself.Â
You might end up with me.
(Someone who loves the way you opened up your introduction.…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic 4 Characters In the Land Called Miska in the forum Characters 3 years ago
This is great! I really love these characters, by the by.
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Have you ever considered writing under a pseudonym, and why or why not? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
I have considered it, but since nothing I’ve written has reached publication, I never have.
Most of my pen name ideas are nerdy distortions of my real name (like Elishavet Pidyon, for instance) whereof I loved the meaning.
Why? Well, I don’t know where God wants me to go or do, and I’d rather not have my name out there, easily…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
Aw man, death scenes for our beloved characters are always like a punch in the gut. *sobs* I have some pretty heartwrenching deaths in the Life of Sacrifice series. We writers really are crazy. XD
*Moans* Yes, it hurts. We writers really are crazy. We create such traumatic scenes despite the suffering they will inevitably give to the…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Calling everyone but particularly twins, triplets, and brothers (or sisters)! in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
Hellooo! I am the younger twin of a girl-girl set.
Congratulations on incorporating multiples! It is an interesting crazy fun journey ahead. 😉
Also, it’s stupendous that you have triplets in your WIP, since most books settle for twins. (Which is great, except that there is so much unseen potential in the other kinds of multiples.)
So…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
Your series is sounding so fun! I don’t know if it’s weird for a girl to end up having a lot of male MCs, but it happens to me too. Many times I’ll start with a female MC, and then end up writing her brother/father as MC. It’s getting a tad bit annoying. XD
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
I know, it’s awful. If I don’t cry while writing his trial and/or *cough* (spoiler emitted for the benefit of the blissfully unaware few 😉 ) scene…. I don’t think that particular scene will ever make it into the book outside of flashbacks from Winifrith and possibly William. I don’t know. It sorta happens in between two books,…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
Hmm, there has to be conflict between the characters? I don’t think my one little romantic sub plot passes. 😉
But since it’s based of a few real love stories, it’s not exactly the super dramatic thing, and therefore while it plays a major role, I would not call the series a romance saga. It’s more like what you’d find in Men of Iron,…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
Researching randomness way back before the arbalester and the handgunn made armor pointless is a joy, and may it never be squelched by school research papers! XD
Seriously though, I lose half my interest in history when gun powder enters the scene, and it takes a good ole civil war or world wide revival to stoke the same height of…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
You have given me permission to rant about my books? Gramercy!
(If you do not see the warning in that last word choice, you are blind, my friend, BLIND.)
I am greatly anticipating portraying addiction and sin with the serfs. Seriously, I’ve been thinking it was odd that the dark lords would be just letting Alwin and the other…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic My Series Keeps Growing! in the forum Fantasy 3 years ago
My allegorical series that I mentioned above has developed quite a bit! It’s SO exciting. For a while I had no idea where I wanted to go with it, but now that the characters are falling into place, I can see each little life story spreading out before my eyes.
It’s a good thing the they can’t see it, or I’d have a mutiny on my…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic My Series Keeps Growing! in the forum Fantasy 3 years ago
Oh, I understand all too perfectly. The ideas are great, because they make the story DEEPER and STRONGER and just overall BETTER. Or so the scrambling author hopes.
I have a problem with developing my side characters into MCs.
Then I have to add another book to the rapidly-becoming-a-series-but-was-originally-a-novel.
And I’m…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Introduction in the forum Start HERE 3 years ago
Ah, another Bible Quizzer. Are they all writers or what haha?
Uh, actually… XD
However the statistics lie, there are a lot of writers among Bible Quizzers. We’re a different bunch. (In a good way, though)
The Bible Bee sounds pretty amazing. We don’t include much of the original languages, (officially, but since a whole question could be…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Characteristic Lines in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
It sounds like you have a deep understanding of Wilfred’s personality!
Thanks! 😉
Aww, thank you! And you’re so right! Hard places in characters’ lives are so much fun for authors. 😉
Welcome! (They so are! Our poor characters.XD)
Ooo… I didn’t think about that! That’s a very good point. Both Picket and Helmer made choices that included th…
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Introduction in the forum Start HERE 3 years ago
Greetings! I’m called Elishavet. It’s good to meet you!
Your writing sounds fabulous. I love both mysteries and nonfiction.
I’m also a Bible Quizzer, (We just ambushed you, didn’t we.) and it’s great to meet another Bible enthusiast. What’s the Bible Bee like?
I write some medieval fantasy, poetry, and just random bits of things…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Introductions in the forum Start HERE 3 years ago
Wow! Those genres sound amazing together. Placing magic in a modern/future setting sounds fascinating. It definitely looks like it’s well blended!
Hmmm. Biohazard sounds interesting. Does she see in the dark? (I mean, if her eyes glow, is it like a cats where the glowing is light being reflected to aid in night vision?)I don’t…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Characteristic Lines in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
Welcome! 🙂
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 3 years ago
Ooooo, it’s a nice name.
Thanks! I’m trying to work them through.
Your themes are absolutely fantastic!
Hmmm. I don’t know whether I’d rather breath underwater or walk on air, but I think the latter has a slight edge over the other.
Either historical or non-magical medieval fantasy. I love history, so….
As pleasing as the…[Read more]
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