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Hi there! It’s been a minute since I’ve been tagged on KP!
Before I respond to your post…
@ampeterson03 @elishavet-pidyon @kathleenramm @koshkaThank you all for your incredible and insightful answers to this thread!! I apologize for not responding sooner (*cough* like a year sooner *cough*), and I figured that a long overdue thank you is better than none at all!! Your advice and comments are so helpful to my writing journey! So thank youuu!!!!!
Okay, back to replying to Janellebelovedpig…
Anddd before I respond your awesome post, I’m gonna sidetrack again into an introduction because I don’t believe I’ve met you before… so hi!!!! I’m Madelyn, I pop on and off this forum (thus, I’m secretly hoping to be called “the phantom of Kingdom Pen”… but we’ll see if that catches on). I love writing, reading, creative lettering, decorating, baking, medical science, etc etc. Right now in my Bible I’m reading Numbers, 2 Corinthians (which I just finished, but now I’m starting over again because it’s so amazing), and memorizing Psalm 73.
How about you? What are your hobbies and interests? What are some of your favorite Bible verses or hymns?
Ok, NOW I’ll actually reply to your actual post 😉
How’s your allegory going?
It’s good! I mean, I still haven’t started writing it… but it’s good!! Because of the complexity of the plot, I want to get a clear idea of the story, the world, the characters… so right now I have 33 pages of notes XD. It’s pretty slow going in that I don’t work on it every day (or even every week) but I am committed to this story so I think I have a good chance of actually, like, starting it 😉
Plus, I’ve never been this excited about a story!
I’ve begun writing one of my own, an autobiographical biography– that makes writing easier because I know what God has taught me and then I just have to translate what that looks like for my characters and setting.
That sounds like an amazing idea for a story!!! And to make it an allegory of your own story… honestly, I can see that being so incredibly impactful. How’s the writing process for that going?
My favorite allegory would be Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. I’m actually rereading it right now. I love how she is writing almost autobiographically of her following the Chief Shepherd but it’s still applicable to so many lives– I see lessons ring true in my own life.
I haven’t heard of that, but I’ll look into it! Sounds awesome 😀
The only other allegory I know of is Pilgrim’s Progress, which, actually I’ve never read. I know what it’s about and have heard/seen many adaptations. When I first tried to read it, I wasn’t solid in my faith and being saved through Christ from hell, and Apolyon and the fires and the burden were terrifying. It made me fear I wasn’t a Christian.
Though I didn’t read Pilgrim’s Progress before I was saved (and I still haven’t finished reading it now XD), I remember similar experiences of terror when faced with stories and descriptions like that… so I can see why that was a difficult read for you at that time! God was truly so good to me in using experiences of fear like that to cause me to seek Him… but in the end, it was simply His work in my heart that caused me to understand and believe in the cross and His grace.
But I digress 😉
Suffice to say, your description of the fearful impact of the book rang very true in my own past. It’s a good book though! I haven’t been able to finish it (I always get distracted or forget I’m reading it), but it has some strong and encouraging messages.
I feel like that’s a great thing, though, getting your readers thinking and applying what they read to their own lives. God using your writing to affect people’s eternities.
Absolutely!! Some of the most impactful books I’ve read were allegories. And that’s really most of the reason I decided to make my book an allegory, because after much internal debate, I couldn’t see a way to point readers to God without an allegory. Because without Christ, morality is legalism, happiness is fleeting, love is self-serving, and peace and hope are unfounded.
But again I digress, and I’m sure this topic could be debated to no end. I do not doubt that it is possible to point other to Christ with your writing without an allegory or something like that, but I felt that an allegory was clear and sure route to go.
What should allegory writers avoid? Well, I’m going to try, especially since it’s autobiographical, to not brutally beat up my main character and her weaknesses; and also not water down or heretically mis-portray the Guide’s (character resembling Jesus) true impact, mercy, and call to godliness in her life.
All wonderful points!! Over-emphasizing things, under-emphasizing things… so easy to do but so detrimental. But I have confidence that, if the Lord wills, He will use your story to His glory because of the truth of His Word that shines through it 🙂
I wish you the best on your writing journey! May your words lead other to Christ! <3
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
I’ve loved a ton of KP articles, but unfortunately, I usually forget to bookmark them XD
The one I do have bookmarked is Habits of Prolific Writers: The Secrets of Seven Authors. That one was really good!! 🙂
I love articles on writing habits, characters, plot, and world-building.
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
First, I’ll say, @sarafini, I just made it through the first of the Peter Pan books you’re talking about… and I can’t say I’ll finish the trilogy XD. It was too slow-moving… it had some potential, but it didn’t fulfill it.
With the Ranger’s Apprentice, I’ll have to echo a couple of you (@starofthenorth @felicity) that they really didn’t grab my interest. In fact, I only read the first book… if it was the first book… I had trouble figuring that out 😉
On to other books…
I had a lot of trouble thinking of any, ’cause I think the more poorly written a book is, the more forgettable it is XD.
I think one of the most poorly-written books I’ve read was Carlota by Scott O’Dell. I can’t remember it that well, but it was about a horse and a girl whose father wishes she had been a boy. I remember it was poorly written because the main character (Carlota) was so bland that I felt no emotional connection with her at all. In fact, she didn’t seem to have many emotions XD. The plot was also poorly done.
It has been a while since I read the book, and I did finish it, I did remember it, and I think I may have reread it. So it certainly wasn’t the worst book I’ve read, but it was poorly done.
On the same note, (actually, the same author), and this may surprise some people, but I didn’t really enjoy The Island of Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell either. I know it’s somewhat of a classic, but there wasn’t a clear plot. The stakes weren’t gripping, little character (or plot) development, there was no mystery or suspense, and I don’t remember there being many other characters besides the MC for the majority of the book. As far as I can remember, it was just a narration of a girl trying not to die on an island, but that really doesn’t make a plot.
I’d say it was better than Carlota because I liked the MC more. Again, not the worst book I’ve read, but I was disappointed in the plot.
And I now I looked at your profile and saw that Scott O’Dell is among your favorite authors XD. Well, I trust your taste in reading, so perhaps I just forgot the parts I liked about his books 😉
On a bright note, I honestly can’t remember most of the other poorly-written books that I’ve read, and I’m glad for that. That just leaves more room in my memory for the good books! 🙂 😉
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
I have so many replies to catch up on here… *facepalm*
But anyhow, I had to hop on here, ’cause I had a similar experience with the series!!
I honestly stopped it because the romance was getting uncomfortable and there were several inappropriate scenes/comments. I can’t remember what book I stopped on… it’s been years… XD
Aside from that, I didn’t like the theme of the books. The way the brokenness of the characters was portrayed was dark and introspective. I didn’t see a message of hope shine through the hurt, or the characters learning and being built up from their tough experiences. And as a reader, I certainly didn’t feel built up or encouraged by it.
I don’t remember being disturbed by the mind powers, however, it’s been a while since I read it. It could be that if I read it now, I would agree with you XD
I will say that the plot and world-building were very good, so it was an engaging series! While I wouldn’t recommend it, I understand how many can enjoy it for the quality of storytelling it possesses.
As far as breaking rules… it’s been too long since I’ve read the series to remember all that XD But I still agree with you on those points.
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
November 30, 2022 at 3:19 pm in reply to: Y’ALLL!!!!! I started it…and I love this already!!! <3 Any thoughts? 😀 #122711@freedomwriter76
Wow, impressive!! I like it a lot and want to read more of it!! 😀
Like other people already said, the brother dynamic is fantastic!
One thing I noticed that was super cool was how you cycled through writing a bit from the perspective of each brother. First Leo, then Joshua, then Jakob, then Reuben, then Wolfgang. That was really well done, and an awesome tactic to accustom your readers to the characters without having to describe each one from an outside perspective.
I love the conversation between Joshua and Leo; their relationship was really cool as Joshua, who looked up to Leo, at the same time was trying to tell Leo what he didn’t want to hear. Really really interesting situation with Leo and Joshua, who seem so close, but vastly disagree on the most important topic possible. Such a complicated situation… which can only lead to a great story ;P I’d be interested to see what the rest of the brothers believe about God, and whether they agree with Joshua or Leo or are split amongst themselves.
The only part I was a little confused at was this:
“They’ll expect us to be at church, Joshua, you know that. To keep up their image, remember?”
“I remember. How could I forget? But we could simply say we’re going to another church, even if it’s only for one Sunday, and everything would be fine.”
Leo turned to face him, and the brothers’ matching brown eyes met. “You know that’s not true.”
I thought that “they” refered to pastor and the church they were invited to (since I wasn’t aware that the boys’ parents were in the picture). Then I thought Joshua was suggesting they give the excuse to the pastor that they were attending another church, which wasn’t apparently wasn’t true.
Once I got the full picture and was skimming back through it, I understood it, but at the time it was confusing. But hey, maybe that was just me XD
I really love how Joshua stands apart from the others in how he confronts Leo about his view of God, and even the fact that he was doing his morning Bible reading. If I were to pick a favorite… *cough* *not-so-subtly point at Joshua* *cough*
I loved the part at the end with the brothers playing their game and interacting! It gave a cool view into their close relationship–which, in light of their difficult circumstances, is especially touching.
I am curious about one point, because you briefly mentioned there being a star on Joshua’s jacket. I vaguely recall the Jews in WW2 having to wear stars, so does that mean the brothers are Jewish?
Overall, you did a fantastic job introducing chararcters, foreshadowing confict, and setting up character arcs… it was all really good 😀
One last thing I’ll mention is that it took me a quite a bit to understand the ages and birth order of the boys. At the beginning I thought Wolfgang and Reuben were fairly young boys and that Jakob and Joshua were older than Leo (because they were taller than him). Then I realized that Joshua was second born, and shortly after that Jakob was younger too. Then, when you mentioned that Wolfgang was 18, I realized they were all adults or almost adults. I’m pretty sure now the birth order is Leo, Joshua, Jakob, and I’m not sure if Wolfgang or Reuben is the youngest because Wolfgang thought of the other boys as “his older brothers” but Jakob called Reuben their little brother.
Anyhowwww it was SUPER good and I couldn’t help writing up this long post about it 😉 Honestly, I really enjoyed it… and I already feel attatched to the characters XD
Keep up the awesome work!!!!
(Alsoooo, I don’t think I’ve talked to you before, so hey, nice to meet you!!! :D)
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
Glad to be of service!! 😉
Oooh, I love that scene!! You’re doing great with the tension between them 😀
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
Everybody else said so many things that there’s not much left for me to say XD
First, great job with the intensity of the scene!!! 😀 😀 😀
As far as ideas to make it better, I love to see the build-up of emotion in Christopher’s body language before he snaps at her. I can see at the first little bit that he’s trying to keep his cool, but all the frustration inside of him seems to boil over. So something like deep breaths, talking through his teeth, or tightness to his voice before he snaps at her?
Also, I think it’d really add to the heartbreak of the scene if you included an undercurrent of pain, of the awareness they both have that they’re breaking the relationship they had. Even though they’re angry at each other and trying to put the blame on the other person, there still could be that weak voice of hesitation, of “is this really worth it?”.
But that all depends on what you think works best for the scene and your characters 😉 You’re the writer!!
And I apologize if I merely restated what someone else said; I only skimmed the other replies 😉
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
Congrats on your upgrade 😉 😉 😉
Here, someone posted this once and I saved it for future reference…
- Your first post, you are a Bumbling Henchman
- 20 posts, you become a Charismatic Rebel
- 50 posts: Wise Jester
- 100 posts: Loyal Sidekick
- 300 posts: Knight in Shining Armor
- 1000 posts: Eccentric Mentor
- 2000 posts: Chosen One
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
Hi there!! It’s great to meet you!! (*returns virtual hug*)
You said it, our Family is one that will never fade!!! <3 We all have the same greatest possession, salvation in Christ!! Truly, one of the wonderful blessings of this life is that we’re running this race alongside so many others! The encouragement and fellowship of the saints are sooo necessary to this Christian life!
Awww, I’m so happy to have encouraged you!!! Yes, praise God!!! The King reigns!
Ohhh, I love homesteading so much!! I’m not very experienced in it, but anytime I make anything from scratch it’s so much more enjoyable than buying it at a store!! What’s your favorite aspect of homesteading?
Guess I should introduce myself too 😉
I’m from the Midwest; I love writing, creative lettering, cartography, decorating, baking, languages, and medical science. I’d like to go into the medical field someday–specifically exercise or nutrition (basically lifestyle coaching)–though I’d prefer marriage and raising a family over a career ;P But it’s good to have a backup plan, plus I love the field so I want to learn about it regardless of whether I have a future in it. I’m a project person–whether it be writing or art or decorating–so I always have 2 or 3 (or 4 or 5 ;)) projects going.
Again, great to meet you! See ya around!
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
Aww, thanks!! <3 🙂 Amen, sister, he is faithful!!!!
Mmm, without Hobby Lobby… I cannot imagine a world like that XD
Ooooofda, braces are no fun! How much longer do you have to have them on?
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
It really is a good book! It’s one of the few books that my dad likes, and he’s not a reader. The intricacy of the plot is sooo well done; it’s just one of those super complicated storylines that keep you hooked! You really should write an article!
I ordered The Eagle of the Ninth from the library the other day, so I’ll let you know what I think!
Awwww, he sounds amazing!!! <3 🙂 Every house needs a cat monarch ;P We used to have a tuxedo (Molly) and she was a little queen! What kind of tricks can he do?
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
Oh, how did I miss this forum thread?!
First and foremost, I’m thankful for salvation in Jesus Christ!! For the suffering and anguish that He endured on the cross because of His great love to bring me to life in Him forever!!
I’m also thankful for God’s faithfulness! We can fully trust Him because of the perfect harmony of His wisdom, His love, and His power. He knows what is best for us, He has the power to bring it about, and because of His love for us, He does!!
Honestly, I can’t really cover all that He has done for me. I know that on my own, I’m a wretched undeserving human being, but because of God’s great love, I have been redeemed from the sin that once held me captive. I now have a race to run, a King to glorify, a message to share, and a hope of eternal glory beyond comprehension!!!
I’m thankful for the hardships that the Lord has brought through. I’ve learned marvelous truths about the Lord in the midst of fiery trials that I could have never learned without the pain and heartache. I’ve learned–no, I’ve only begun to scratch the surface— of the beautiful simplicity of dependence upon my dearest Friend.
I’m also incredibly thankful for my family–for all the memories we’ve shared together, for the love and support they’ve shown me, and just that I get to be part of my family!! 😀
I’m so thankful for the wonderful church that God has led us to. They’re my eternal family!! I’m so thankful that we get to be a part of a church with preaching founded 100% on God’s Word, a rare gem in these times!!
I’m thankful that we have the inherent Word of God available to us in our own language. Really, looking back at history, people have been martyred for reading the Bible in their own language. People have sacrificed everything (even their lives) to translate it into English–and so many other languages. I’m so thankful to God for His work through them!!
I’m thankful for my two kitties–Charlie Bear, my grumpy lil’ sidekick and Chester Rabbit, who keeps me laughing with his featherbrained, happy-go-lucky personality.
I’m thankful for God’s blessing of creation. And I don’t just mean nature (though that alone is certainly breathtaking) but even His creation of words, of art, and of imagination. What wonderful tools to glorify Him through!!
I’m thankful for Hobby Lobby. I just had to say it. The best 25% of my belongings are from Hobby Lobby 😉
And yes. I’m also very very very thankful for toothpaste ;P ;P 😉 (@koshka)
But maybe not floss.
Okay, floss too 😉
Psalm 16:5-6
The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.That got a little longer than I expected 😉 XD
Happy happy happy Thanksgivingggg!! 😀 😀 😀
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
That’s so cool!! I have such an interest in languages, but unfortunately, it’s an interest that only recently developed which means I’m not far in learning any language XD
Which is your favorite language? And which was the easiest to learn?
Oofda, yeah, I can see how that would be a lot! Pizzas are often already spicy enough with sauce and pepperoni.
And I’d also like to vote for snow shoveling to be a sport! And clearing off a car after a blizzard as a bonus round XD
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
I know, I know, but I still love asking questions ;P
Ooh, awesome!! Two of those series I haven’t read, so I’ll have to check them out!
Yessss apple cider is amazing 🙂 I’ve had wayyy too much of it in the past week XD Just can’t get enough of it! 😉
Oh yeah, I should have guessed that! Eowyn is a great character! I really should probably reread LOTR again; it’s been a while 😉
Oh, and I’m not sure I knew you liked The Count of Monte Cristo! I love that book too, it’s so incredibly gripping.
Also, I have to ask, how long have you had a cat?? I feel like might have heard you mention it before, but I must have forgotten. Please tell me all about him or her!!! I’m such a cat person! (as you probably know 😉 )
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by