Active 5 months, 2 weeks ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 691
Koshka posted an update 5 months, 2 weeks ago
I just found out that you finished Smoke and Mirrors and OH. *Blinks in wide-eyed astonishment*
Wow. The end was so good. I’ve been so sad for two unnecessary years because I thought it was left incomplete. It’s been heartbreaking.
But now…
I love Sterling and Tessa so much. -
Annabelle started the topic Hey, it's been a while. ~ Chat Space in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 10 months ago
Hey everyone, it’s been like…. forever since I’ve been on here. XD Most of you probably don’t remember me… but yeah. I’m back!! 😁
So I just wanted to create a chat space where we can chat about characters and books and stuff, and I can get to know you all. Also, if anyone has a blog or social platform, feel free to share it here, because I…[Read more]
Ava Blue replied to the topic For the Poets Among Us… in the forum Poetry 2 years, 2 months ago
@daisy-torres that’s lovely!! I especially like this bit ;3
You stay close
even then
even when
the lights turn off again
and in a heart that’s
filled with sadness
you keep me up
in the middle of this madness
when a tear could fall
at the drop of a hat
Elanor replied to the topic For the Poets Among Us… in the forum Poetry 2 years, 2 months ago
Yes. The major con is the lack of sleep one gets when they’re brainstorming to write something 😆
Elanor replied to the topic For the Poets Among Us… in the forum Poetry 2 years, 2 months ago
I was just scrolling and this poem of yours Daisy and I love it.
Is it just me or does the poetry that comes at night the most powerful? The sort that repeats in your head until you HAVE to write it down for fear of it keeping you up all night.
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic Topic suggestion in the forum Questions and Support 2 years, 3 months ago
@scripter-of-kingdoms (ur tag is cool btw lol)
Woah, other gluten free peoples?!
I’m allergic to gluten (and like every nut, apples, pears, and dogs), but I grew out of my egg allergy at 5 (woot woot!)
We cook gluten free sometimes, but it’s hard because we try to do no sugar too…
Sugar adds fluff too so it’s hard to get the…[Read more]
GodlyFantasy12 started the topic HELP WITH A SCENE PLZZZZ!!! in the forum Plotting 2 years, 7 months ago
SOOO apparently this is where you go for stubborn scenes lol!!
AND I know I’ve already posted a question for help with an injury, well I’ve kinda gotten some help online with that so…but anymore help in that thread I’d appreciate as well, also feel free to ask ur own questions and such.
ANYWAY!! I am rlly trying to write because it’s be…[Read more]
GodlyFantasy12 started the topic Need Some Advice With An Injury Scene! in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
HEYO!!! Wasn’t sure where to put this thread XD But I need some advice with writing an injury infliction scene!! (I’m also gonna use my pal google, but thought u guys might could help out too!)
SO! I am working on my draft of book 1 of my series, and in it, my female MC (Arabella’s) All Is Lost moment is when my male MC (November) is injured by…[Read more]
Elfwing replied to the topic Self publish… HEEEELP in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 7 months ago
@daisy-torres @r-m-archer thank you both
yeah i know amazon isn’t great to support but if it works… gotta pick the lesser of the evils and difficulties i guess lol
I’ll check out LuLu though
Elfwing started the topic Self publish… HEEEELP in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 7 months ago
Hello all, the infamous Elfwing returns after long dormancy in writer burnout to ask an important question…
I want to self-publish. this isn’t an out of the blue thing, I’ve been looking into it off and on for a year or so.
I’ve been working on my novels for over 3 years and edging closer to a satisfactory disasterpiece that people so far have…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Smoke and Mirrors Progress report!/Where I'm at in life in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
@daisy-torres Thank you! I hope everything goes well with you too!
Koshka replied to the topic Smoke and Mirrors Progress report!/Where I'm at in life in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE finish this book! I want to know how it ends…*gasp*
I SERIOUSLY didn’t see that last chapter coming. Did you know that would happen?
Now that part of her prophecy is over, we need to heal Sterling please? And get those two on cordial terms.
Poor things.
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Smoke and Mirrors Progress report!/Where I'm at in life in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
@daisy-torres Yeah, I can’t believe it’s already second year. Where has the time gone? T^T
I have so many projects lined up, haha, and I’ve gone through so many projects in these past few years, but for this one I’m excited that I’ll finally get to the editing stage and, *ahem*, attempt to publish it. Gonna actually properly use betas this time…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Smoke and Mirrors Progress report!/Where I'm at in life in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
@daisy-torres Daisyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I missed you! I’m so glad to hear that you’re alive! Congratulations on the milestones you’ve hit with your book! I’m happy to hear that everything is going well for you.
As for me, well, I’m currently prepping to go back to college again. Before I do I’m hoping to complete the first…[Read more]
GodlyFantasy12 started the topic My Antagonist: Corvina, And Her Problem in the forum Characters 2 years, 9 months ago
Hey everyone!! So, I know I’m still on the first draft of my first book of this series, buuuuut I already am thinking ahead a tooon and, well, im sure some of y’all have heard of my anatabonist (who I love) Corvina.
This post was actually made because I could use a little bit of help with something about her, and it also kinda includes ano…[Read more]
GodlyFantasy12 started the topic MAJOR WIP SPOILER FORUM!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 9 months ago
*regrets immediately*
Thus this forum was…[Read more]
Jasmine Godby replied to the topic Welcome jasmine-godby!!! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 9 months ago
Annnd I’m back XD
Well @power I didn’t know how to sword fight when you wrote that comment but I’ve tried it out at a stunt park recently so I know a little bit about it! That knowledge may come in handy, thanks! (Given I need to write battle scenes and know near nothing about them XD) *points sword back at you, begins duel*
@joy-caroline Thank…[Read more]
Jodi Maile started the topic Choosing a Writing Platform?? in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 9 months ago
Hello, my friends! It’s been a minute since I was last on here. I’ve missed you all!
I have a question for any of you who have tried writing platforms similar to Wattpad, for context. I recently finished co-writing a book with my sister and we’re not sure what we want to do with it yet, so we’ve decided to try uploading it to a writing site over…[Read more]
Madelyn started the topic What Makes An Allegory Impactful? in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 years, 10 months ago
Hey y’all!
So, I’m dipping my toes into allegories…
Who am I kidding, I’m diving right in!!
I would love all y’all’s input on this subject! Namely, what are some of your favorite Christian allegorical stories and what made them impactful? What parts drove to your heart? Narnia is definitely on the top of my list of Christian allegories, so i…[Read more]
GodlyFantasy12 replied to the topic Memes, Inspo, Aesthetics, Pretty Much Anything XD in the forum Characters 2 years, 10 months ago
@denali-christianson @emilysf @e-m-tempke @koshka @keilah-h @issawriter7 @devastate-lasting @gracie-j @scripter-of-kingdoms @abigail-m @elishavet-pidyon @jodi-maile @annabelle @daisy-torres @trahia-the-minstrel @libby@lydia-s @e-k-seaver @mkfairygirl @seekerofthetruth @kathleenramm @jenwriter17 @nanisnook @elfwing @seekjustice @sparrowhawke @maryg3…[Read more]
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Haha!! I’m so glad you love them, I’m slowly working on two other books for that series!! It’s going to probably be another two years before they’re ready to see the light of day though haha.
*gleeful squeals*
I’ll be waiting.
(Please save Adrian!!!!!)