Active 2 months, 2 weeks ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 145
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Hi! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 1 month ago
I would want a Time Machine too (hence my forum picture). I would also want a dragon… Oh, I LOVE apple cider! (Why did I forget to add that to the question?)
I have also read all of the Anne books… they were a part of a “phase” I had where I also read all of the Laura Ingals-Wilder books and the Little Women books… then I read a lo…[Read more]
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Writing Clubs? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 1 month ago
I think starting writing clubs is a brilliant idea! I have thoughts, but they’re still cooking.
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Hello everyone in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 1 month ago
Hello there! E. M. Trepke, at your service. (I guess you could call me Em) *bows dramatically* Welcome to the Kingdom of Pen.
I am a Christian Homeschooler who has an old soul in a young body. Old stuff just has so much character. I am also a VeggieTales veteran (much to my grandmother’s dismay), and happen to love dragons with a…[Read more] -
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Hi! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 1 month ago
Hello! I am E. M. Trepke (I guess you could call me Em sometimes?) I am also a Christian Homeschooler, but I am also a Canadian.
You enjoy mysteries? Have you read any of Agatha Christie’s then?Now for some random questions:
1) Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?
2) Dogs or cats?
3) If you could choose any fictional person or thing to b…[Read more]
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 1 month ago
I once found most of the show (the Last Airbender) on YouTube before, so you could check there.
I just looked into it, and it looks like you can find half of season 1, but everything else looks pretty sketchy on youtube. Do you know a particular channel that might have it?
I remember that I was watching season…[Read more]
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 1 month ago
I think that with Race to the Edge it was mostly surprising in how certain side characters actually had arcs (especially nowadays). It was also really cool how any developments in the show were used in the following movie— it actually tied in to the overall plot. And that was a level of thought that isn’t usually put in to spin…[Read more]
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 1 month ago
Wow… all this fourth dimension stuff is extremely difficult for tiny human minds to comprehend. *my Martian doppelgänger chuckles from across the room*
I like mold. (Not if it’s on my food, but I think it is really cool otherwise.) One of my dream stories to write in the future is set in a world full of gian…[Read more]
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 1 month ago
Wow… that is complex, but really quite awesome. What is the fourth dimension in your world? After reading The Time Machine, I always viewed the fourth dimension as time…. Or would something from the fourth dimension be like a tesseract?
I am thoroughly intrigued by your world. 🙂 -
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 1 month ago
You do Classical Conversations? Which level? I joined in Challenge II and am now in Challenge IV— one of the first Ch IV classes in my country, if I may add.
Math is…. Fun? Sometimes. I have a bit of a love-hate relationship in math. I prefer other sorts of brain puzzles. I am also ridiculously behind in physics.
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Your favorites of KP? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 1 month ago
If they’re comfortable and open, it would be wonderful to get their insights and understanding for an article on the subject!
I’ve heard from Autistic people online that autism is often misconstrued in media like books and movies. It’s one of many topics that a simple google search isn’t enough for. So if they are cool with it, an…
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Help! I want to start a blog in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 1 month ago
I have gone through with starting the blog. It has all of one post at the moment and is called Rosa Lumenis, which means A Rose of Light in latin.
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Your favorites of KP? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 1 month ago
And yes! It would be awesome if a writer who is or is close with someone who is autistic could publish an article on how to write an autistics characters accurately.
Maybe I could try? It would be difficult as the autistic person I’m closeish to has RAD as well. (Hence the -ish)
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Hello everyone! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 2 months ago
Earl grey is possibly the best beverage to be made by mankind.
Wow! That sister sounds a lot like one of my characters in one of my stories.
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Help! I want to start a blog in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 2 months ago
Thank you! And yes, please let me know.
Cool ideas you have so far!!
I read that bit in Yoda’s voice. “Mmm! Cool ideas you have.”
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Help! I want to start a blog in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 2 months ago
Also, @thelooneyone @loopylin
So many people to keep track of! What are your thoughts?
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Help! I want to start a blog in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 2 months ago
What do you think of “The Plasmic Dragon”?
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Help! I want to start a blog in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 2 months ago
OOH! What about “The Plasmic Dragon”?
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Help! I want to start a blog in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 2 months ago
Whimsey, space, dragons, and eccentricity pretty much describe me in a nutshell. Also cheese. I just need a good name right now. So far I have considered: Shall We Mosey? A Hint of Madness…. *sigh*
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Help! I want to start a blog in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years, 2 months ago
Also, @esther-c
It’s hard to keep track of everyone.
E. M. Trepke replied to the topic Harry Potter? in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 2 months ago
The problem with calling it YA is that lots of younger people do read it. Also, many of the readers do not have the frame of reference that we do.
I agree with you about the plot. The worldbuilding was fantastic, too. I just loved the idea of a hidden world in our own. I also liked the whimsey of it.
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