The Ducktator replied to the topic Keeping it Organized in the forum Plotting 8 months ago
I usually read my siblings what’s in my notebook, but I like bringing it to co-op, and I live in mortal dread of my archnemesis reading it. *shudders* Or one of the other annoying kids. Or…anyone who’s not a sibling, basically.
whaley replied to the topic Character Songs/Playlists! in the forum Music 8 months ago
@rae @theducktator @savannah_grace2009 @theshadow
Yayy!! 😆 I’m glad I got almost everything right! I wasn’t expecting that! And even though I got some stuff wrong, you guys know your stuff front to back anyway. Thanks for the fun music session (I did laundry while listening, hehe).
whaley replied to the topic Character Songs/Playlists! in the forum Music 8 months ago
Why do so many of these songs legit sound like ducks??
Ahem. *Composes myself*
1. With a sense of dignity, this character is not willing to give in to others at the cost of their plans. They believe themselves a representative of impeccable fashion. Whether or not they actually have this… up to you XD They have taste for the…[Read more]
Loopy replied to the topic Character Songs/Playlists! in the forum Music 8 months ago
Maple Leaf Rag, by Scott Joplin
They play this song constantly at the theme park I work at XD I never knew what it was called until now
@theshadow @savannah_grace2009 @ducktator
I’m going to leave all the character guessing up to Whaley, but I’m really enjoying listening to the music you shared! Adding some of these songs to my own…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Character Songs/Playlists! in the forum Music 8 months ago
Yep ;P
Loopy replied to the topic The Quote Archive in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 months ago
@theshadow XD I love those.
Over the Garden Wall is the absolute best
whaley replied to the topic Character Songs/Playlists! in the forum Music 8 months ago
@loopylin @rae @lydibug @beth-torres @freed_and_redeemed @theducktator @mineralizedwritings @savannah_grace2009 @esther-c @hybridlore @highscribeofaetherium @linus-smallprint @livingwoodchronicles @trailblazer @theshadow @godlyfantasy12 (guuurl, you ded but I’m tagging you anyways)
Song challenge!
Choose a character, think of their story and v…[Read more]
RAE posted an update 8 months, 1 week ago
@highscribeofaetherium @linus-smallprint @grcr @trailblazer @beth-torres @savannah_grace2009 @freed_and_redeemed @theshadow @jonas @esther-c @whalekeeper @loopylin @theducktator @articanimals
Hi everyone!
So the reason I tagged you is simple, my cat had four little kittens last night, and I need four cute kitten names! You can suggest as many as…[Read more] -
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Keeping it Organized in the forum Plotting 8 months, 1 week ago
I might have to try that, it sounds quite interesting. Thank you for sharing!
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Keeping it Organized in the forum Plotting 8 months, 1 week ago
@trailblazer, @theducktator, @theshadow, and @grcr.
Thank you for your ideas. I am seeing a recurring theme here. Use a notebook/document, and jot down the little things as they come up. Unfortunately, I am not a notetaker, but perhaps it is time I power through that and jot things down. (Which is kind of funny, because my user/pen name here…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Summer Fantasy Romance in the forum Romance 8 months, 1 week ago
Nice to meet you! Yes, if the villain’s “redemption” ended up looking like just a strat to get the girl, I would be devastated with myself. Good reminder XD What series are you referring to?
Thanks for that! I especially like your idea of giving them common ground 😀
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Hello, there! in the forum Start HERE 8 months, 1 week ago
Christmas. It’s Jesus’ birthday and the buildup to it so much fun. Also my siblings and I have a tradition where the oldest dresses up as his version of santa (for example, Marine Santa or Batman Santa) and gives the gifts out like that, and it is one of the best things ever lol. What about you?
I agree, Christmas is the best hol…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Character development/character discussions in the forum Characters 8 months, 1 week ago
I really like what Ducky said (can I use that nickname @ducktator ? XD) about having a cultist influence the king within his closer circles. Another idea – since you want to preserve the concept of the land being rich and probably settled and populated – is to create a special communications system, then cut it off somehow before the…[Read more] -
The Ducktator replied to the topic Character development/character discussions in the forum Characters 8 months, 1 week ago
Well, I doubt any of the cultists would have told him. If he had already been to the nobles, then yes, the king would probably know. If he hadn’t, and the group is in the far reaches of unexplored kingdom, then he would likely know that some sort of rebel group existed, but might just dismiss it as rumors, especially if he has no idea…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Character development/character discussions in the forum Characters 8 months, 1 week ago
Hmm, this isn’t really down my lane. I would tag someone to help answer your question, but I can’t think of who would be the best option right now….
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Hello, there! in the forum Start HERE 8 months, 1 week ago
Thank you for the welcome @theshadow!
What season of the year is your favorite and why?
I like Fall best. The temperatures are just right. Not too hot and not too cold. It is not messy like spring. The bugs are gone. I like the colours of the leaves. The only downside for us Canadians is it only lasts a couple of weeks before all the leaves are…[Read more]
Esther replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Hi Esther! That’s great that you play violin! How long have you been playing for? And do you have a favorite classical composer?
Umm…. Almost two years? I think? It should be two years come September. It’s hard to remember because there were a few months where I didn’t play at all. XD
Ah, dystopian writing is interesting. Is that yo…
The Ducktator replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Sorry it took me so long to reply, school has been insane this week. And then Wyoh ate my first reply. She’s the technical ghost. (Wyoh, may you always forget toothpaste when you go on vacation.)
Ducks are fun creatures, any particular reason they’re your favorite?
I don’t really know why. I just love them.
Favorite bird is a raven, s…
Esther replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Welcome to Kingdom Pen!! I’m Esther: a volleyball-playing, violin-squeaking, dog-obsessed, homeschooled, fiction-writing, God-loving, teen girl!
My main WIPs are dystopian(ish) and contemporary. But I’ve dabbled in fantasy and other genres before. 😉
Now time for questionssss
1. What is your favorite character you’ve ever creat…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 8 months, 2 weeks ago
I have two younger brothers! We get along pretty well, and I credit that to years of homeschooling, lol.
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I have so many ideas:D
1. Tux
2. If you name one Snips, you need to name another one Snails
3. Domino
4. Millie
5. Fish
6. If you name two of them Snips and Snails, you could name the other two Sugar and Spice
Oh no. You are asking the Author who came up with a whole fantasy race that is known for being terrible at naming. He then put them in charge so that he would not have to put much thought into the names of many characters and locations. They are a lion-like species known as lyens that take a word related to ‘lion’ and change the…[Read more]
Aww, that’s awesome!
Here are a few names I came up with:
Gandalf the Grey
Warning, I like ridiculous and outlandish pet names.
Boy names: Alphonso, Frederick, Enrique, Sir Fluffyface, Richard, Bilbo, Frodo, Zephaniah, Heliodor, pretty much anything with Sir in front, Hubert, Wilfred, Petruchio, Mercutio, Benedict, Dietrich, Oswald the Destroyer, Garfield, Gandalf, Aragorn, Benvolio, Mercutio, Cinnabar,…[Read more]
Hmm… you could name them all after birds (it would be ironic but kind of cute).
Other ideas are (kind of random):
Stardust (could be Dusty for short)
So, I talked with my mom, and we are going to name the two grey ones Snips and Snails ( @loopylin ) and the tabby’s Candy ( @theducktator I actually wouldn’t have thought of this one for whatever reason, though it fits her so well! By the way, if we had a tuxedo kitten, I’d call it Sir Bowtie XD) and then there’s Poppy. @linus-smallprint Poppy…[Read more]
Adorable ^-^ I really live Snips and Snails!
Aw, so cute!! I’m honored you used one of my suggestions
Awww, adorable! I’d ask for a pic if they were working, but alas, no.
Aww, cute! Those names are precious!