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  • in reply to: Character Castle! #113186
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 141


      I’m sorry y’all. I’ll try to stay on track this time.

      Mila means ‘beloved, gracious’, and in some translations ‘precious’.

      Even though that isn’t her name’s proper spelling, it is fitting for her relationship with her father, as his favorite child. 🙂

      "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

      in reply to: Favorite Scenes In Our WIPs! #112179
        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 141

        @koshka that honestly reads like it could be a death scene, even tho it’s from first person pov! And it is so gripping!!

        "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

        in reply to: Character Castle! #112110
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 141

          @koshka I do not know. (Tho the correct spelling is Milla (two l’s)) What is it?

          "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

          in reply to: MAJOR WIP SPOILER FORUM!!!! #112025
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 141

            There’s so much to one of my stories (HofE), especially so much I’m unsure about, that I can’t present the twists as they deserve.

            The biggest twist in my FP,WS story is that the mentor dies at the end (which I hope will be surprising, but still mostly unexpected).

            Other than that, I’ll have to get back to you on the HofE twists, once I’ve written more of it. 🙃

            "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

            in reply to: My Antagonist: Corvina, And Her Problem #111992
              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 141

              Although she doesn’t have real DID, Shallan Davar from the Stormlight Archives has at least three personalities, and might help with the having personalities aspect of DID.

              Other than that, I don’t have much advice. I’ve never been someone to relate a whole lot to DID because it’s not something I have nor do I often imagine myself as a different person (much as I may wish to, at times). The closest I come is being addicted to reading as a way of escaping into other people. I can’t say much except to point in a hopefully helpful direction. 🙃

              "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

              in reply to: MAJOR WIP SPOILER FORUM!!!! #111914
                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 141


                sorry, been a busy and mostly only had time for reading, reading, and more reading.

                I don’t think I have any questions, but I do maybe have some advice for your question.

                Could you have Brenven be an energetic, fiery child and there’s some sort of prophecy or promise woven around him that she finds out, and due to those two things, she starts calling him something different. The parents could at the same time continue calling him Brennan, and this becomes a point of contention between Corvina and their parents and that’s how the eventually decide she and Brenven are too close. Maybe? It kinda came to mind when you mentioned not being sure about what to do, and wanting a reason for her to rename him that. 🙂

                "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                in reply to: MAJOR WIP SPOILER FORUM!!!! #111901
                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 141


                  I WANNA KNOW THE PLOT TWIST! 😁

                  "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                  in reply to: What do you love most about your current WIP? #111753
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 141


                    I honestly could say everything and anything, but often I prefer to use different ways of looking at the world as inspiration, though that’s not always the case. Once I worldbuilded simply from the desire to have magic in the story and there are four kids with it and the king’s family, and then I dove into why only they had magic. Another time, I worldbuilded from wanting to not have magic, and there’s a family of seven children training to be leaders; from there, I added some magical elements, but nothing specifically magical, especially in people.

                    In my current WIP, I’m not exactly sure where the idea came from, but it began as simply writing about the cliche where the mentor dies and then it built from there along: why is he a mentor? What can he do? What makes him special and the MC of the story? And then went from there until I had my world.

                    I think, my worlds often come from ideas about what could be fascinating for other people, what could be beautiful and terrible at once, and then it kind of just flows.

                    "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                    in reply to: THE WORLDBUILDING THREAD #111730
                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 141

                      No need to apologize! I understand that urge and need. Every writer has it at some point. 😉

                      "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                      in reply to: THE WORLDBUILDING THREAD #111674
                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 141


                        np! And I can’t wait to hear what you come up with, if you decide to share!

                        "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                        in reply to: What do you love most about your current WIP? #111671
                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 141

                          The worldbuilding and the characters.

                          I have found that one of my favorite things about writing is the worldbuilding (which explains why I enjoy writing fantasy so much). Plus, the worldbuilding of this particular project I’m especially proud of. It’s pretty simple, compared to many, but it’s still complex and developing. And I love it.

                          I am also very excited about the characters because they are some of the most difficult I’m attempting, and the extra-human aspects to them are very exciting to figure out and fit into the story. The characters are most of what drive my stories, so I’m particularly excited to have them playing a necessarily active role in my current WIP to keep the story moving forward.

                          "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                          in reply to: THE WORLDBUILDING THREAD #111670
                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 141


                            What sort of underwater things can you imagine? What is the government system for the fish and sharks? Do fish have to hide from their predators, like sharks, still? How do they manage that? Does that affect travel and commerce? Is there much trading between the different places and groups? Is there magic of some sort that protects certain areas or allows  corals and such to grow in places they normally wouldn’t? How are the different species handled when enforcing justice? Do different species have different moral laws? What customs are different from species to species? How does a fish see the horse as compared to a crab or shark viewing the horse? What are whales to the ocean? How does this all play into the story? Is the kingdom protected by magic that’s starting to wear off somehow or break and that’s allowing sharks or such to threaten the kingdom? What does this mean for other places, if there are different kingdoms etc. similarly protected?

                            Your story seems like it could be a very fascinating one! I wish you luck, and I hope these questions help! (And I hope you might answer a few because I’m really curious about what the answers might be.)

                            "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                            in reply to: How to make a side character more interesting? #111542
                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 141

                              Well, @joy-caroline, your side character is a human too.

                              What is something he wants? What is his desire in life? Will he be focusing on a having it while helping out his friend, or will helping his friend be his entire focus for the duration of the story, like Sam in The Lord of the Rings? Why are the two friends? What caused them to become friends? Why are they still friends? Have they ever fought? Gone their separate ways for a time?

                              Does the side character have commitments that will draw him away from his friend? What sort of commitments are they and why are they important? What is his family life like? What is important to him, besides his friend? Does he have other friends? Do these friends clash with the MC?

                              I don’t know specifics, but I hope these questions are helpful. 🙂

                              "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                              in reply to: Favorite Scenes In Our WIPs! #111499
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 141

                                This one’s not a complete scene, or a proper one, because it is all dialogue, but I still like it a lot (despite the fact that it is a less than perfect rewrite of the original that I lost due to shocking technology, and is but half the perfection compared to the absolutely satisfactory original).

                                [A little context: Hager is the antagonist of the story, the speaker’s uncle (by law), and wasn’t the most pleasant person to the speaker.]

                                “Hager once asked me where I get my strength when all others stumble, my hope when all others despair, my persistence when everyone else falters. I did not know then; now, I do. He is not alive to hear my answer, but I still say it.

                                “I draw strength from every person I have ever met, from every person who has ever loved or hated me, from every person I have ever loved or hated, from everything that hurt me or healed me, from Ayana’s light. My hope is from the FIRST LIGHT, from those I love, from those I desire to see again, from those I would give my life for. My hope persists because there is nothing else to do; despair is empty, and death during just dooms people to the fires of hell.

                                “I persist because if everyone else has faltered and fallen, who would be left to resist if I too fail? Everyone I have ever loved, hated, met, known; everything I have ever felt, known, thought, believed, and done; everything has become part of me, for better or worse, the evil and the good. I am Morna, Dearly Loved; I am Caero, Sorrow; I am Yanamarie, daughter of a pirate lord; but, I am also a child of Ayana, destined for His kingdom.

                                “Everything in my life is directed towards Him. Everything I am, I am because of Him. He is my strength; He is my hope; He is my father, my king, my God.

                                “I am who I am, who He made me, who I let the world shape me to be. My strength is in my life, and my life is His. My hope is in my life, and my life is His.

                                “Even Hager shaped me with what he did, making me stronger. He cursed me, and he loved me. He and I were more similar than we enjoyed to admit, but he chose his path and I chose mine. I chose hope and love.

                                “I will pray for him.”

                                (*cries* I wish I had the original still. shocking technology)

                                "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                                in reply to: I technically count as new #111438
                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 141


                                  What is your favorite book of the Bible and why?

                                  Probably the Gospel of St. John, because his is easy to read and I enjoy it, and it is read during important liturgical events, no matter what year it is. (The Mass includes readings from either of the other three Gospels (Matthew, Mark, or Luke) depending on whether the liturgical year is A, B, or C, but despite what year it is, certain days are John readings, no matter whether the year is A, B, or C. Does that make sense?)

                                  what are your favorite type of candy and ice cream?

                                  Probably JollyRanchers and (good) vanilla ice cream. 🙂

                                  What is your opinion on rusty sardine cans (one of my personal favorite questions)

                                  they are rusty sardine cans, and make me think of Hank the Cowdog. XD

                                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by EmilySF.

                                  "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

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