freedom posted an update 9 months, 2 weeks ago
@rae @savannah_grace2009 @esther-c @keilah-h @whalekeeper @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 @koshka @mineralizedwritings @acancello @theducktator @grcr @highscribeofaetherium @smiley @scoutfinch180
A bit of a I guess life update?? idk😂Just wanted to pop on here and let everyone know how everything is kinda looking. Writing is going fairly well…[Read more]
freedom posted an update 9 months, 3 weeks ago
@mineralizedwritings @koshka @smiley @savannah_grace2009 @rae @keilah-h @grcr @scoutfinch180 @elishavet-pidyon @esther-c @highscribeofaetherium @lightoverdarkness6 @loopylin @whalekeeper @godlyfantasy12 @acancello @anyone-elseI have another update on Freedom’s Fire!!
The formatting for Freedom’s Fire is officially finished!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
I…[Read more]-
Congratulations! I can’t wait to read your book!
Tysm!!! I can’t wait for all of y’all to read it💖
YAY Freedom!!! That’s so so so exciting! I can’t wait to read it! <3
Tysm!!!!!!! Eeee, I can’t wait until I get to hear what everyone thinks about it💖 I’m ready for all of the happiness, sadness, and maybe the outrage😂
AHHH yesssssss!!! I’m sure there will be many tears and laughs (and possibly screaming for your treatmeant of the poor bois…. possibly XD)
Ayyy that’s awesome!! 😃😆😆
Tysm!! 💖💖
OMG!!! That is AMAZING!!! Congrats!!!! I can’t wait till it goes live!!
TYSM!!!!! 💖💖
That is so exciting! Congrats!!!
So happy for you Freedom!! This is super exciting and I’m so glad to have seen you get so far with this 🥰 Good luck!
Also I’m so disappointed the same time you joined Instagram is the time I’ll no longer be posting my art there!
Ps. Just finished the fellowship 🙂
Tysm, girlie💖
Yeah, it is disappointing, but at least we still have KP <3EEEEEEEE *happy dance* what did you think????
and perhaps more importantly….what did you think of Legolas?😏
and most important, what did you think of Aragorn??😍😎
The Two Towers is so good it’s ridiculous. I can’t believe I was so unwilling to try LOTR for so long. Idk what I was waiting for???? 😂
I loved it so much!! I love how there is still hope in the group despite the circumstances. I watched the first movie with my family yesterday and I’ll just say… it was a lot. I know you haven’t seen it yet so I’ll leave it at that unless you want more lol.
Legalos might be my favorite character like honestly. I mean he is…[Read more]
EEEEE, yesssssssssss, it’s AMAZING😍😍😍 ahhhh, I wanna watch the movies so bad but I’m waiting for my BFF to get back from Europe😂 I realllyyyyy wanna watch them so bad tho. Hopefully I can maybe get all 3 books read before she gets back so we can watch all 3 movies together XXD
EEEEEE, I knew you would love him😂😂 (he really is…[Read more]-
XDXD yes!! Let’s see some fanart!
Wow, really? I need to catchup! I don’t like it as much but I’m probably not at the good part yet.
XD yep it’s great! I’m so glad we’re getting to do this! Oh, and you should totally read all the books before the movie, I noticed they rearranged the plot a little so I got spoilers from…[Read more]
Yesssss, fanart may come in the future 👀
Yeah, I get that. Alsooooo, I only have two chapters of The Two Towers left🫣XXD and I am PUMPED for book 3. Literally cannot wait.For sure!! <3 Yessss, well, I'll probably have all 3 books read before my BFF comes back in August, so😂
Yessssssssss, just like an anime character!!! 🤣…[Read more]-
but no spoilers from me on who Faramir is. You’ll have to find out yourself *crosses arms*
Yay!! So exciting!
Congrats Freedom! That’s so exciting!
Oh yeah!!! I can’t wait!
Eeeee!! So excited!!! 😆 I will buy it as soon as I can after it comes out and I’ll be sure to leave an Amazon review as well!!
@trailblazer @thearcaneaxiom @keilah-h @esther-c Thank y’all so much💖💖 (and yesssss, reviews are so helpful, Esther!! Thank you so much, that means a lot more than you know✨🫶💖)
YESSSSSSSSS FREEDOMMMM!! I am sooo proud of you <333
TYSM girlie!!! 💖💖
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic My Work In Progress in the forum Novel Critique Requests 10 months ago
Heyyyy….so I remember that you were helping me with writing at one point (and I’ll admit I wasn’t the most open to criticism, so I apologize…I was going through a hard time of doubting myself, and getting frustrated that it wasn’t good enough)
I was wondering if you’d like to take a look at it again, since I’m kind of…[Read more]
freedom posted an update 10 months, 2 weeks ago
@rae @smiley @savannah_grace2009 @mineralizedwritings @whalekeeper @esther-c @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h @highscribeofaetherium @grcr @acancello @theducktator @trailblazer @lightoverdarkness6 @scoutfinch180 @godlyfantasy12 @anyone-I-missedSooo, y’all know I’ve been a little more inactive on KP. The hiatus has been good,…[Read more]
(and I have also missed y’all’s characters. Lemme know how they’re doing…I’m ready to give lots of hugs 🥰😂)
EEEE! *Mad screams of joy and congratulations* I’m so excited for you! Do you have a projected publishing date yet (if characters and editors and the general book people are cooperating)?
Characters…they’re all still alive, so I guess I haven’t gotten too fed up with them. XD Daíthí did recently take an arc twist on me in the middle of church, a…[Read more]-
Thank you soooo much!!!! <3 Sadly, no 😭 With Amazon, it's a little complicated to get an official publishing date rn😅 Sometime this month or June tho, I'm sure. (just in time for summer reading😜)
Characters…they must always decide to die on us😭
*hugs his brother, whoever he is*Same to you! I always love…[Read more]
Understandable. Still, sometime before mid-summer is thrilling enough.
Ah, poor charies. I never wanted to be the author that kills them off,but I suppose I didn’t understand how much they do to themselves. *Pats nameless brother’s head affectionately*-
Yes, it’s exciting either way for sure🥰💖
Yesss, the poor babies.
Y’all may or may not want to know the new story idea for Broken Shackles. No one will die, but someone is going to come close, hehe
Um, excuse me?! *Glaring* What are you plotting to do now? Who is coming within a hair’s breadth of their life? (Oooh, another plot twisty thingy. How intriguing…)
shhhhhhhhh….it was my Mom’s fabulous idea, and not only will it be emotionally amazing (maybe more emotional turmoil for Leon, but alas😂), but the way it changes the story fixed some plot holes and I just…*rubs hands togethr* I love it even more now👀😏
Hi Freedom!!💛💛
Oh my goodness, that’s great!! How exciting!!! 😆😆😆I’m doing great. Haven’t been writing as much lately and my books are kinda on halt, so nothing new has really happened to/with my character gang. My focus is kinda on world building, drawing, and animating rn.
It’s nice to see you on again though!!
(p.s. is Katelyn your real…[Read more]-
Hiiiiiiii!! 💜💜💜
Tysm!! Yesssss, I’m so excited!!!
I’m happy to hear you’re doing well. I feel that; sometimes writing needs to be set aside, and that’s ok! <3 Ooh, that's fun!!!Ty! I'm happy to be back on a bit 💜💖🥰
(aww, that's so sweet. <3 And yes, it is 💖💖)
oooh that’s your real name? It’s pretty! It’s also the name of a character in a series I like.
Awwww, you are so sweet💖💖🥰 Yes, it’s my name <3
That’s cool!!
Ahh!! So exciting!! When it comes out, I am totally requesting it at my library! 💖
My charries are doing well! Progress on my trilogy has been slow though. I thought it was writer’s block, but I discovered it was just a mix of procrastination/laziness and perfectionism. So once I got past that, it was so much easier to write! Still haven’t tou…[Read more]-
Tysm!! 💜💜 Awww, that’s so sweet <3 I'd be so delighted if libraries started ordering Freedom's Fire🥰
I'm so glad the progress is going for your trilogy! And it's absolutely fine for it to be slow💜
EEEEE, i cannot WAIT to hear more about it!!! 🥰🥰-
Yes, that would be so amazing!!
I can info dump about the MCs on the Chat Chat if you’re interested… 👀-
Ooh, yessss, pls info dump😃
(casually butts into the conversation…sorry…hehe) YESSSS please info dump…hehe I love hearing about your charries…you always have the best character arcs and plot ideas!
Then I will gladly do so 😁
(Aww, thanks Sara! You’re so sweet!! 😊)-
yw!!!! (:
You’re back! Congratulations on your books! 🩷I’m not allowed to have social media yet, but I’ll follow you someday. (That sounded creepier than I meant it to, XD). It’s so weird to think that your real name isn’t Freedom though.😂
Tysm!! 💜💜 Understandable <3 (ahh, I know what you mean😂) LOL, well, it's not haha😆 I can see how it'd be a little weird tho, lol. And yes, I'm happy to be back <3
AHHHH Freedom!!!! *tackle hugs*
Oh my goodness girl that is WONDERFUL news!!!! I am sooooo excited for youuu😆🥰
I legit CANNOT wait to hold a copy of Freedom’s Fire in my hands <33
Keep us updated!! 💖I'm doing great!! Writing is slow rn…there's just so much going on, I can barely get a few moments to write, and when I do, I don't have the…[Read more]
Whoa that was so long🙈😭😅
*tackle hugs you back*
I will keep everyone updated, of course!!💖💖Understandable! I have to make time for writing, lolll😆
*hugs Dylan and Matthew*Ooohhh, I hope to hear more about this idea at some point👀
aww,…[Read more]
OFCCC GIRL🥰💖Haha aww yes I will definitely keep you updated on it🤭😉 (I’ll tell you all about it as soon as I get the gist of the storyline figured out :)))
I legit cannot wait to be able to read Freedom’s Fire!! EEEEEE!!! you have to tag me as soon as it’s out!!!
I’ve been doing pretty good! I just got out of writer’s block…and I’m so motivated now, xD!-
EEEEE, TYSM!!! I will be sure to tag youuuuu!!!! and yesss, I cannot wait either, even though I've read it over and over again on my computer XD
Yayyy, I'm so happy to hear it!!! oooh, yesssss, motivation always feels so good!! I'm so happy for you, girl, so, so…[Read more]-
Lol I know…I always read my stuff over and over again just for funzies XD
Tysm!!!! Ikr???? I’m trying to write as much as I can now before the writer’s block comes back, XDAND I CAME UP WITH SO MANY PLOT TWISTS….BWAHAHA!
Yesss, sameeee. But I’ve also had to reread it to edit it, so😂
Yw!!💖🥰 Haha, I feel that. XXD*GASPETH*
uh oh-
Yeah…turns out that Lilitu’s kind of part Pythonos….and his father is Jraldath…
ahhh, WHATTTTTT!????
what the heckkkkkkkk!?!?!? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
*maniacal laughter* *rubs hands together deviously*
You’ll see….just wait until I actually get my life together to write a bit…which could be anywhere from tomorrow to six months…XD
Awesome!! I can’t wait to read your book tbh. I’ll have to get it on Amazon or something, will you have it there?
Tysm!!! Yes, it will be on Amazon!
Very cool!!
Freedom, hi!! 👋
That is cool about your books! So so exciting!
I’ve been doing really well lately. I’ve gotten past a lot of stuff that was stressing me out, which tends to sap my energy, so yeah, I’ve been doing well! I kinda put writing on break with all the stuff I had going on, but I’m hoping to get back into it soon 🙂-
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii 💖💖
Ty!! Yesssss, I cannot wait!!!!
I’m so happy to hear you’re doing well <3
Congratulations! I’m doing well, and I’ve been largely inactive here, too lol. Mostly because I’ve been focusing a lot more on art as opposed to writing, and have received several commissions from friends, so yay for that!
Ooh, that sounds like so much fun!!! Happy for you!!💖💖
PrincesaChronicle22 replied to the topic Romantic Subplot help? in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year ago
Maybe there’s some form of serfdom? Like the very rich who can afford the Vital subjugate the poor populations by creating superstructures out of it and forcing those who seek it’s shelter to work for them, threatened by being tossed to the elements if they disobey?
*Stokes chin thoughtfully*
Hmmm, yes, yes. That does make sen…[Read more]
PrincesaChronicle22 replied to the topic Romantic Subplot help? in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year ago
Yes, yes, yes!! Those are all wonderful questions that I definitely need to be thinking about! Thanks so much!!
I think it would be interesting if he was fighting as a Gladiator not because he wants to, but because it was his only option in some way — maybe his social class was too low for any other high-paying job? I also think i…
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 1 month ago
@scoutfinch180 Yessss, I’d heard of them before but finally listened a couple days ago LOL
ahhh, I’m sure you learn a lot that way! 😂 my first novel is WW2, and it’s just my favorite thing to learn about honestly, other than God, of course🥰
(it feels good to know y’all know other WW2 nerds out there XD)
Loopy replied to the topic Character Interviews in the forum Characters 1 year, 1 month ago
Here’s some questions :]
Angus and Lenora, have you always been immortal, or were you born as a common mortal and then were somehow magically given immortality?
And also, Angus, what’s your dog’s name and can I pet him?
Loopy replied to the topic Character Interviews in the forum Characters 1 year, 1 month ago
Here’s Lois’ explanation from earlier “In our realm, there are two kinds of magic users: spell weavers and spell casters. Weavers naturally generate magical energy, but aren’t able to use it themselves. We have to give our magical energy to casters instead, by making a spell. Spells are just symbols drawn on a caster’s skin that…[Read more]
Ruth replied to the topic Guardian Angels, a space story in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 year, 1 month ago
@scoutfinch180 @jonas @whalekeeper @loopylin @highscribeofaetherium @savannah_grace2009 @godlyfantasy12
This is a section of chapter two i’m finally happy with, so now I’m posting it here so you all ca read it/critique it. enjoy!
“Nahim. Nahim!”
Mandin waved his large hand in front of his 19-year-old friend’s hidden face. Nahim brushed Mandi…
Koshka replied to the topic How To Write Christian Fantasy-Putting God In The Mix in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 1 month ago
I suppose I refer to death, eternal life, ect. in the trilogy more than actually happens. My characters get in some tight circumstances (like pretty much every other character out there).
There are only two deaths which actually happen to important characters (no MCs die in this series, although one is getting pretty close to it.…[Read more]
Loopy replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 1 year, 1 month ago
the one on the far right really reads as sci-fi,
Oo yay the strappy thing worked
You’ll ruin my mysterious flAir.
Ehehehehehehe my evil plan is working >:D
ok but really you’re so sweet thanks -
Loopy replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 1 year, 1 month ago
(Stole all the poses for this one from Pinterest)
What do you guys think? Any favorites or suggestions?
Ruth replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 2 months ago
@jonas @freedomwriter76 @highscribeofaetherum @trailblazer @whalekeeper @savannah_grace2009 @princesachronicle22 @grcr @smiley @lightoverdarkness6 @keilah-h @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @power @thearcaneaxiom @esther-c @scoutfinch180 @livingwoodchronicles @beth-torres @hybridlore @evelyn-collins I know we haven’t met, but I’m tagging you anyways…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Writing Neurodivergent/The Psychological Issues of Characters in the forum Characters 1 year, 2 months ago
Should probably tag newer people 😜 @rae @jonas @savannah_grace2009 @scoutfinch180 @trailblazer
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic My Work In Progress in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 year, 2 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @hybridlore @acancello @esther-c @scoutfinch180
Okay…part TWO of the sad scene…
Lilitu walked briskly down the dimly lit streets, Sef’s emaciated form in his arms.
Though his foot pained him, he could barely feel it now.
His body thrummed with adrenaline.
She was so weightless….his stomach turned. He could feel every bon…
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic My Work In Progress in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 year, 2 months ago
@freedomwriter76 (you might have to call the protection squad on this one….) @hybridlore @acancello @esther-c @scoutfinch180
Here’s a chapter I just wrote…I’m pretty happy with it but it’s SO SAD!!!
She heard the door crash open upstairs, and her heart plummeted to the soles of her feet.
It was late.
Very late.
The odds that Ive…
Evelyn collins replied to the topic hi it's meeeeeeee in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 2 months ago
I Love both of those movies!
my current WIP is a Star Wars Fanfic.
I LOVE graphic novels, and I’m working on one on the side!!! I love that concept!!
Scoutillus Finch replied to the topic hi it's meeeeeeee in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 2 months ago
Hi! I’m @scoutfinch180! Nice to meet you!
Interesting to hear you write fanfics about Ghibli and Star wars, I sometimes listen to What if videos on Youtube. What kind of fanfics do you like to write? And I can totally see a Ghibli fanfic working, I’ve sometimes wondered how a sequel to Spirited Away would go. My favorite Ghibli…[Read more]
Loopy replied to the topic hi it's meeeeeeee in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 2 months ago
Oh and tags I guess
@keilah-h @whalekeeper @lydibug @savannah_grace2009 @acancello @freedomwriter76 @rae @jonas @calyhuge @princesachronicle22 @scoutfinch180 @highscribeofaetherium @smiley @theotherpeeps
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I am also possibly going to be beta reading for one of my fav authors, so there’s that too 😂
That’s great! Hey, it’s good to be busy sometimes. It feels good to get those kinds of things done XD
I’ve had some really bad days recently but I’m learning how to cope with my issues and I’m actually taking it into my own hands instead of waiting for things to change, which feels good. My relationships all feel like they are changing, and it is…[Read more]
Sorry this is kinda late—I’ve been in and am in Colorado and the connection is TERRIBLE.
43k, eh? That’s nice!
Ooof… medical appointments are no fun! I have a wisdom teeth removal appointment soon and I’m definitely not looking forward to that, lol… 😅
I’m doing good. Just trying to draw closer to God, because the world is ge…[Read more]
Omc I’m so excited for you!!!
About how I’m doing….I posted a status update the other day that explains everything! xD
Have a great day (:
I think Wyoh ate my notification about this. 😅
Sorry about the braces. 😬 Those hurt. Beta reading for one of your favorite authors sounds so cool! I’m going to get a learner’s permit soon too, which would be a lot more exciting if our car weren’t a 12 seater van. 😅 My writing isn’t going so great, because I have 4 main projects, and I can’t decide…[Read more]
Oh yeah, totally understand the life busyness. 😉
Oooh, beta reading for one of your favorite authors?? That sounds so cool!! Who is it?
😬 Yikes, braces. I just got mine off this February. Tbh, they really weren’t as bad as most people make them sound. Granted I took care of them and managed to only have them on for as long as scheduled, so s…[Read more]
It’ll be Jayna Baas, a Christian Historical Fiction author who writes stories set during the time of the American Revolution! It’s her second book, and I’ll be one of the ones helping beta read it 💖
Thanks. I feel a little less nervous now haha. <3
YES, super nervous about the car things🫠
So glad life and writing is going well!!!!! And doing VBS…[Read more]
Oh cool!! That’s awesome!
Good. 😊
Oh yeah, totally understandable. 😉
Yes I’m excited!!
Oh fun! I took a course similar to that where I learned the Heimlech maneuver. (I wonder if I spelled that right… lol)