Active 8 years, 6 months ago- Rank: Wise Jester
- Total Posts: 79
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic Why do you write? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
Love the combination of goofy v.s. serious answers. 😛
I’m not sure if it’s still active on Twitter or not. I read about it second-hand.
And if y’all want my goofy answer: For backwards-facing passengers on subway things who need something to distract themselves from motion sickness.
Amanda Fischer started the topic Why do you write? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
So, in response to the #WhyIWrite on Twitter yesterday: I wanted to ask y’all for your answer to that question. Here’s mine:
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
And Kate…I’m cracking up. My first default response to any unexpected situation, especially embarrassing or dangerous, is to laugh. The second is to think, “Oh, cool. Brain, let’s take notes.”
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
Ha! Love it, Daeus.
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic Reconciliation in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
Oooh, good question. I’d like to know others’ opinions, too. 🙂
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic These Critiques; I like them. Another! *slams down proverbial coffee cup* in the forum Poetry Critiques 9 years, 5 months ago
“The pen is mightier than the sword…” “…But I really like swords.” RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER.
Okay. You’re officially awesome.
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic These Critiques; I like them. Another! *slams down proverbial coffee cup* in the forum Poetry Critiques 9 years, 5 months ago
Yes, yes we should.
And I had to go look in the “followers” tab since I have notifications turned off for people I don’t follow. 😛 Found you! I kind of quote everyone and everything on Pinterest these days…sometimes I forget to ask first. Whoops. Hehe, glad you don’t mind!
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic These Critiques; I like them. Another! *slams down proverbial coffee cup* in the forum Poetry Critiques 9 years, 5 months ago
Ugh, it always gets rid of the link. Let’s modify it a bit then: http://www.pinterest(dot)com/pin/492229434252014260/
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic These Critiques; I like them. Another! *slams down proverbial coffee cup* in the forum Poetry Critiques 9 years, 5 months ago
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic These Critiques; I like them. Another! *slams down proverbial coffee cup* in the forum Poetry Critiques 9 years, 5 months ago
This is my favorite part: “a people who will watch quietly/as the world, in all its glory and depravity/spins out of control/and still believe/it’s worth saving.”
I’m kind of terrible at critiquing poetry, since I don’t really know what I’m doing there. But yeah, the line breaks feel a little choppy at times. Could just be me though.
Love the message. 🙂
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic Introducing The Scratching Quill in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
Seconding what the others said about a little color or something, as it is somewhat of a plain design.
And I like the “A Poem” poem! 🙂
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic 1st person or 3rd person? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
Ezra, you’ve got some interesting points, there.
I used to only write in first person until a couple months ago. Now I tend to prefer third for short stories (I’m not sure why, it just always seems to happen that way) and first for novels. However, my WIP has changed a lot since I wrote the first draft years ago with my two MCs and their POVs…[Read more]
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
Also, when you have a cloak that you made for a movie and you really want to wear it to church sometime (though I don’t know how much that longing actually has to do with being a writer).
Hehe…I’ve done that. But the cloak wasn’t for a movie, it was just…for no reason. Granted, I wore it to church during VBS week (medieval theme) so it d…[Read more]
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
Also, when you have a cloak that you made for a movie and you really want to wear it to church sometime (though I don’t know how much that longing actually has to do with being a writer).
Hehe…I’ve done that. But the cloak wasn’t for a movie, it was just…for no reason. Granted, I wore it to church during VBS week (medieval theme) so it d…[Read more]
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
Also, when you have a cloak that you made for a movie and you really want to wear it to church sometime (though I don’t know how much that longing actually has to do with being a writer).
Hehe…I’ve done that. But the cloak wasn’t for a movie, it was just…for no reason. Granted, I wore it to church during VBS week (medieval theme) so it d…[Read more]
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
You know you’re a writer when your mom asks you if there is anything fun you want to do tonight and you decide it would be best to read your book like you have been doing every night, and then when she asks you if there is anything else, you suggest she help you with your editing.
YES. Yes, yes, yes…I should absolutely do that sometime.
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 5 months ago
You know you’re a writer if you would give even a moment’s serious consideration to dressing up in full costume and going out just to see how many people looked at you funny.
I’ve considered wearing my colonial dress to church, if that counts. 😛 (Haven’t done it though.)
My 10 year old brother seems to be my agent. He’s constantly sayin…
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic Backup in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 6 months ago
Agreed that thumb drives are annoying and hard to remember to use.
I write on Google Docs, which saves automatically every few seconds and is stored “in the cloud,” so that’s basically all I do as far as back up goes. It’s free, and I can access it anywhere, so that works for me! (I actually started using it when our family got a couple of old…[Read more]
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic Glad to be here! in the forum Start HERE 9 years, 6 months ago
Hi Ivy! Nice to meet you. 🙂 Your book sounds interesting!
And Hope, indie publishing means publishing by yourself–“indie” is kind of short for “independent” (self publishing).
Amanda Fischer replied to the topic Not editing-writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 6 months ago
Jada, I know how you feel. I think in the past year I hit a place where I’ve learned so much about writing without practicing it as I go that my writing feels woefully inadequate compared with my knowledge. And so I’ve had a hard time pressing on and writing a rough draft (or even my complete rewrite of a story, which isn’t quite the same as a…[Read more]
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