Active 4 years ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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I totally see what you mean:) the rats need to have a mention in one of the other stories, Because like you said we never hear of them again *gives you a gold medal* that is a great piece of feedback. Let me tell you the story of how this book started, I always wanted to write a children’s book since I was little but when I tried, nothing worked not even the characters. So when I was to write a story for homeschooling, I thought, I should make the characters animals, And right then and there I thought why not use my stuffed animals for the story (Friend, Eddy, Al, and Hilda, are my stuffed animals whom I love… Yes I am turning 19 on the 25th, but I still can’t get enough of them) Freddy is my top favorite stuffed animal because I had him when I was a toddler:) So he absolutely had to be the main character AKA leader of the pack.
As for Al, he is a lot like me lol. (this is about to take a dark turn lol) but when I was little I felt excluded a lot when I was at church, all the other kids wouldn’t really talk to me, I would usually have to push myself to talk because they wouldn’t. They would be playing a game and I would be standing by them trying to open my mouth to talk to them and ask to join, but every time I did, I KID YOU NOT lol, nothing would come out. They acted like a wasn’t even there, we would change churches a lot because it made me sad every Sunday to be ignored. But things changed when I was 11, I got involved in Christian groups at other churches:) (this is funny but I always say, “I can make friends at club groups and online, but I can’t at church or youth group lol XD I know I am weird. When I make friends at groups I get scared when a new person comes into the group because I am worried they would like them more than me and I would be replaced. My biggest fear is being abandoned. But hey that has never happened:) So yeah I pulled from some experiences. *Puts hands on face and screams* Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I just told you all that XD
@michelle Hehe thanks, glad I could help! 😀 Also that’s a really neat way to get inspiration for a story!Oh man, I can totally relate to that. I love my main church, but I never really fit in with the youth groups there. But once I got into high school (well, sophomore year actually) some of my friends convinced me to go to their youth group at one of the other churches in my city and it’s amazing there.
I think it’s really good that you’re able to draw from personal experiences when you’re writing a story. It makes it more realistic, and I also think it helps get stuff off your chest. Sooooooo … yea lolol.And of course! I’m happy to read and look over stories … provided I have free time haha!
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@michelle Sweet 😀
Do you think it’s publishable? Definitely!
Does it keep your interest? Yep! My only minor suggestion would be to make the rats pop up a little more in the story. They’re kind of just in there for the first chapter and then never mentioned again, which to me felt kinda awkward … but that might just be me being overly picky lol. Maybe just throw in a mention of them somewhere later, like maybe at the fair? Like I said, though, it might just being too picky and it’s probably not necessary 😅
Who is the most relatable character? I think I’m gonna have to go with Freddy on this one … partially because of him accidentally sending Hilda sliding along the floor during the dance. Some of my friends and I learned how to swing dance awhile back and I wasn’t the most coordinated lolol. Other than that, I think I’m going to go with Al, especially with his chapter. I feel like you captured the worry of being replaced by a new friend really well.
All in all, I think it’s a really cute story! Nice job!
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@michelle Hey! I finished your book; it was really sweet! Quick question: where do you want me to answer the feedback questions? On here, or on the book doc itself in the comments or something?
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@michelle That’s so awesome! I’d be happy to read it! 😀 (My email’s warrenluther04@gmail.com 🙂 )
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@morwen Hm, that’s odd. I wonder why the tag didn’t work. Sorry I’m a tad late, then!
Hi! Yep XD
Yeah.. 😅I’m working on it, I promise 😀
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@devastate-lasting Yep!
And yeah; in addition to my dog, I have a couple chickens and a fish.
@dekreel Yep, same here … especially with talking to friends. And my writing’s going pretty well; I’m bouncing back and forth between my WIP from last year (or year before..? I’ve lost track of time haha) about superheroes and a new dystopia that I started a couple months ago. How about you?Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@morwen Hi!
I’m Warren! I’ve technically been on KP for awhile now, but I was really inactive for awhile so this is basically a fresh start.
I’m not homeschooled (though I used to be!) or introverted, but I am geeky and love writing and reading. I also like photography, art, and languages fascinate me (..although whether or not I’m actually able to pick them up and become fluent is another story altogether). And I also like Celtic music!
LOTR is amazing … although I need to finish reading the books (seriously, I need to find the last two books). I’ve seen all of the Hobbit and LOTR movies, though, and love them.
I hope you like it here!
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@devastate-lasting I haven’t really read or watched any manga or anime, at least not through a whole series. I mostly just like the art style; one of my friends taught it to me awhile back and I just kind of picked it up.
@michelle That’s awesome!@leon-fleming Hey, I’m late too (o_0; )
Yeah, probably. I think they explained it on one of the SE forums, but I don’t know for sure.
@merieshenanigans XD
Well, I hope so. But either way it’s been fun, so I count that as a win!
@kathleenramm It is!
And that is so true.
*Shudders at my own horrible sketch failures that also haunt my dreams*
I’ll try to sketch realistically, on occasion, but it generally ends up looking bad so I revert back to anime/manga XD
And generally I like to photograph my dog (as seen in my profile picture) or flowers. Some of my friends are dancers and let me photograph them, too, so I can get some cool shots from that too.
And it is! I definitely appreciate professional photographers more now 😉
@dekreel EYYYYYY! Hi!! It’s great to se you too!! 😀 😀 😀 I’ve been doing fine; lockdown can get kind of boring sometimes but I have a lot more writing time so that is a definite bonus. And hey, I’m getting back active again on KP! 😀 How ’bout you?Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@leon-fleming That’s a good point lol. Maguire’s Spider-Man was definitely awkward. (And he didn’t act like a teenager at all)
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@leon-fleming Nooooooo stahhp now I’m craving chocolate cake XD
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@michelle Yeah, it’s pretty crowded XD
Ooh! Yes, I’d love to see them! Hope they turn out well! And yep, my mom’s the same way lolol.
Yes, I have watched ATLA! Pretty recently actually; I watched it for the first time a month or two ago? (I’m late, I know haha).
And it’s fun, but veeeeeeeerry time consuming and tiring. But I think it’s that way with any sport lol XD
@devastate-lasting If you’re asking what style I draw, it’s anime/manga. I’ve tried to go realistic, but it never looks right to me lol. If you’re asking what I draw digitally, it’s drawings of my characters or fanart or stuff like that. I’ll sketch out the lineart on paper and then scan it and upload it into Photoshop to do the final lineart and details … or at least I did, until my Photoshop account got cancelled because my photography account ended lol.
@merieshenanigans They’re pretty great, and pretty cheap online, too. The only problem is that they tint everything yellow (at least mine do) to block the blue light, but I got used to it pretty quickly.
Yep, photography’s pretty cool, especially with all the different techniques (though it can be a lot to remember lol). And yeah, I attempt to sound like I know what I’m talking about, but in reality I just kinda do whatever and hope it works haha.
Oof to Divergent XD. I actually read that recently too (geez I’m behind on a lot of things lolol); I’m kind of concerned that my dystopia is going to be too similar to Divergent, but I mean hey that’s what editing’s for. And I’m honestly not sure about the subgenres; this is my first honest-to-goodness attempt at a dystopia, so I’m not all that knowledgeable about the different subgenres.Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@leon-fleming Oooooooooops somehow I missed the notification for this. Whups.
Yeah, a lot of people don’t always wear masks when they’re outside, like, at the parks or just walking their dogs (but they still have to wear them while indoor shopping and stuff like that). And yeah, a lot of businesses are either currently or on the verge of going out of business, which is really sad.Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@kathleenramm Lol don’t worry about being late, I’m late to everything as well XD.
Heyyyyyy! You’re ahead of me on LoTR haha … I need to figure out where the other two books are heh.
I really like the worldbuilding in Inheritance, Paolini does a really good job of writing the rules of his world and how the different races interact with each other. I also really like how he built his magic system. (Plus it has magic and dragons, which are some of my favorite parts of fantasy lollll)
Ooh yes, we should definitely bring the Art forum thread back, it was really fun to do character art exchanges and stuff 😀
And I (mostly) write Star Wars or Harry Potter fanfictions (though I almost never finish them because I’ll see something that gives me an idea so I’ll start a new one eheh). I’ve also written some MCU ones.
@devastate-lasting Hii!
– Haha yeah, ages are hard to figure out online.
– Yes, I am! Though I’ve been stuck in writer’s block with it recently (-_-” )
– Mostly Star Wars and Harry Potter, plus a few MCU fanfics. And yeah, I’ve only finished two … either I get an idea for a new fanfiction or I get a new idea for a story and I switch to work on that lol.
– Me too! (Which you already knew, since you read my first post, but oh well haha) I haven’t entirely caught up on the MCU, but I’m working my way through it.
– Yeah I remember that too! Too bad I wasn’t really active, I really liked the guilds.
@merieshenanigans Yep, I feel ya. Sci-fi’s soooo great!
Yeah, the screentime involved in digital art is kinda a pain. I actually bought blue-light blocking glasses because I was getting headaches from all of the time on my computer for online school when lockdown started, so I started using those when I would do the lineart (I can’t use them if I’m coloring anything because it turns everything yellowy though lol) Photography is soooooooo much fun, and the way my teacher taught the class it was really easy to pick up the different techniques, so that made it even better. And I’m in there with you recovering from my paint messes lolol. I’m still learning painting, so I usually only paint, like, reaaaaaallly simple landscapes with watercolours, or designs with acrylics. (I’m actually painting some rebel graffiti-esque art from Star Wars Rebels currently, which is pretty fun) As for drawing, I usually draw people (generally my characters) or random landscapes.
And yeah, the dystopia’s been so much fun to write 🙂 It’s definitely more worldbuilding than I’ve usually done before (since I usually write in modern-day Earth so it’s not like I’m creating a totally new world with it’s own class systems or anything like that), but it’s been a lot of fun 😀Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@leon-fleming Yep! In my opinion I think Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man (partly just because he looks like he’s literally fifteen years old, especially in Homecoming), buuuuuut Garfield was really good too. I feel like Garfield captured the nerdy/techy side of Peter more than Holland did, especially because his Spider-Man built his own webshooters and stuff, but Holland was slightly better at the awkwardness of high school (at least that’s my opinion, o’course ;D)
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)@michelle Yea! I won’t say exaaaaaaaaaaactly what city I live in (y’know, cybersafety and all that jazz ((though KP is generally real safe, just as a precaution tho))), but I live near/in the LA area. I’m glad you like it!
Hey, but it’s good that you stick with it! And yeah, it’s really fun 🙂 Ooooooh I haven’t personally made rice crispy treats before, but some of my friends have and they’re awesome. Hope they turn out well! I like pretty much anything with chocolate and/or copious amounts of sugar lollll.
It really is 😀 I do, actually; this year (a couple of weeks ago actually) I made a friend of mine a replica of the waterbending scroll from Avatar the Last Airbender for her birthday ’cause Avatar’s her favorite show ever and it was soooo much fun to make 🙂 How ’bout you?
And thank you! She’s such a dork sometimes lololol XD
Aaaaaaaaand yeahp. I was actually on the swim team at my school, before everything shut down.@leon-fleming Yesssssssssss sooooo true XD XD XD
Yep. And also I feel like it’s more fun to create my own characters; I get to connect to them more, but can still have fun in, say, the world of Harry Potter or something.
And I feel you on Rogue One. Lightsaber fights are pretty dope haha.
My dad prefers to watch the Cubs, because his side of the family has been Cubs fans for what seems like ever. If they’re not on, we generally watch the Dodgers.
Yep, same here. The guilds really interested me on SE, do you know why they got rid of them? (It happened during my school-induced-hiatus, so I missed it)
Ooh! That looks really cool! I like the poem too, nice job!
And I’m sorry to hear about your bloodhound 🙁Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile) -