Active 4 years, 1 month ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 270
WarrenLuther04 and
g_c_al are now friends 4 years, 1 month ago
WarrenLuther04's profile was updated 4 years, 1 month ago
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Time to share my story!!! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
I totally see what you mean:) the rats need to have a mention in one of the other stories, Because like you said we never hear of them again *gives you a gold medal* that is a great piece of feedback. Let me tell you the story of how this book started, I always wanted to write a children’s book since I was little but when I tried, nothing worked n…[Read more]
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Time to share my story!!! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
@michelle Sweet 😀
Do you think it’s publishable? Definitely!
Does it keep your interest? Yep! My only minor suggestion would be to make the rats pop up a little more in the story. They’re kind of just in there for the first chapter and then never mentioned again, which to me felt kinda awkward … but that might just be me being overly picky…[Read more]
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Time to share my story!!! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
@michelle Hey! I finished your book;Â it was really sweet! Quick question: where do you want me to answer the feedback questions? On here, or on the book doc itself in the comments or something?
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Time to share my story!!! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
@michelle That’s so awesome! I’d be happy to read it! 😀 (My email’s warrenluther04@gmail.com 🙂 )
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Hi, I guess? 😛 in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
@morwen Hm, that’s odd. I wonder why the tag didn’t work. Sorry I’m a tad late, then!
Hi! Yep XD
Yeah.. 😅I’m working on it, I promise 😀
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic I should probably do this… in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
@devastate-lasting Yep!
And yeah; in addition to my dog, I have a couple chickens and a fish.
@dekreel Yep, same here …Â especially with talking to friends. And my writing’s going pretty well; I’m bouncing back and forth between my WIP from last year (or year before..? I’ve lost track of time haha) about superheroes and a new dystopia that…[Read more]
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Hi, I guess? 😛 in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 8 months ago
@morwen Hi!
I’m Warren! I’ve technically been on KP for awhile now, but I was really inactive for awhile so this is basically a fresh start.
I’m not homeschooled (though I used to be!) or introverted, but I am geeky and love writing and reading. I also like photography, art, and languages fascinate me (..although whether or not I’m actually a…[Read more]
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic I should probably do this… in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 8 months ago
@devastate-lasting I haven’t really read or watched any manga or anime, at least not through a whole series. I mostly just like the art style; one of my friends taught it to me awhile back and I just kind of picked it up.
@michelle That’s awesome!
@leon-fleming Hey, I’m late too (o_0; )
Yeah, probably. I think they explained it on one of the SE…[Read more] -
Michelle Black and
WarrenLuther04 are now friends 4 years, 8 months ago
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Beware: Crazy Writer and Weird Nerd in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 8 months ago
@leon-fleming That’s a good point lol. Maguire’s Spider-Man was definitely awkward. (And he didn’t act like a teenager at all)
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Reintroduction of Yours Truly in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 8 months ago
@leon-fleming Nooooooo stahhp now I’m craving chocolate cake XD
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic I should probably do this… in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 8 months ago
@michelle Yeah, it’s pretty crowded XD
Ooh! Yes, I’d love to see them! Hope they turn out well! And yep, my mom’s the same way lolol.
Yes, I have watched ATLA! Pretty recently actually; I watched it for the first time a month or two ago? (I’m late, I know haha).
And it’s fun, but veeeeeeeerry time consuming and tiring. But I think it’s that way wi…[Read more] -
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Reintroduction of Yours Truly in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 8 months ago
@leon-fleming Oooooooooops somehow I missed the notification for this. Whups.
Yeah, a lot of people don’t always wear masks when they’re outside, like, at the parks or just walking their dogs (but they still have to wear them while indoor shopping and stuff like that). And yeah, a lot of businesses are either currently or on the verge of going…[Read more] -
Linyang Zhang and
WarrenLuther04 are now friends 4 years, 8 months ago
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic I should probably do this… in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 8 months ago
@kathleenramm Lol don’t worry about being late, I’m late to everything as well XD.
Heyyyyyy! You’re ahead of me on LoTR haha … I need to figure out where the other two books are heh.
I really like the worldbuilding in Inheritance, Paolini does a really good job of writing the rules of his world and how the different races interact with each…[Read more] -
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Beware: Crazy Writer and Weird Nerd in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 8 months ago
@leon-fleming Yep! In my opinion I think Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man (partly just because he looks like he’s literally fifteen years old, especially in Homecoming), buuuuuut Garfield was really good too. I feel like Garfield captured the nerdy/techy side of Peter more than Holland did, especially because his Spider-Man built his own…[Read more]
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic I should probably do this… in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 8 months ago
@michelle Yea! I won’t say exaaaaaaaaaaactly what city I live in (y’know, cybersafety and all that jazz ((though KP is generally real safe, just as a precaution tho))), but I live near/in the LA area. I’m glad you like it!
Hey, but it’s good that you stick with it! And yeah, it’s really fun 🙂 Ooooooh I haven’t personally made rice crispy treats b…[Read more] -
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Reintroduction of Yours Truly in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 8 months ago
@leon-fleming Yeah, my city doesn’t take lockdown suuuuuuuuuuuper seriously, but we still have to, like, wear masks when shopping and stuff. (And there’s no indoor seating in restaurants yet)
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