SeekJustice replied to the topic Writing Physical DisabilitiesAbnormalitiesHandicaps of Characters in the forum Characters 1 year, 8 months ago
love the idea! I also have physical disabilities and a lot (read pretty much all lol) of my friends do too!
because it’s such a huge part of my life it shows up in my writing all the time as well!
SeekJustice replied to the topic Writing Neurodivergent/The Psychological Issues of Characters in the forum Characters 1 year, 8 months ago
I think its also important to remember there’s a difference between mental illness and neurodivergence. Neurodivergence is just part of the wonderful diversity of humanity, it’s not good or bad, just as any other physical aspect isn’t good or bad. Mental illness is obviously an illness. There can be a lot of overlap of course though!
SeekJustice replied to the topic Writing Neurodivergent/The Psychological Issues of Characters in the forum Characters 1 year, 8 months ago
This is a topic super close to my heart too!
I have anxiety, depression, and 99.99% sure I have ADHD too (I’ve had a preassessment which was “concerning” but not a full assessment yet). I also have really awful intrusive thoughts as a lovely side effect to anxiety/depression, so I completely get you there. They used to bother me…[Read more]
SeekJustice replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 9 months ago
I’m rudely butting in because now we’re talking about science and that’s one of my Topics of Passion. I’m more on the side of old earth creationism though, fair warning 😆.
The problem with the argument that nothing can be added to dna is that both YEC and evolutionists rely on rapid additions to dna. If we accept that all our cur…[Read more]
SeekJustice replied to the topic Writers' Corner #1 in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 9 months ago
HEELLLLOOOO! I’ve missed you too! I’ve been hanging around here a lot lately but not commenting on anything, because everyone seems to be so young talking about things I do not understand (#OldLady).
How are you doing? Working on anything lately?
SeekJustice replied to the topic Psst! Avast there. in the forum Historical 1 year, 11 months ago
Avast! I’m also writing a pirate story!
SeekJustice replied to the topic Well…hello… in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
@otherworldlyhistorian I love your username! I also love history, my favourite period at the moment is Ancient Egypt and I’m sort of plotting a book set in Egypt (not sure when I write it though, it definitely won’t be any time soon).
Your WIP sounds similar to mine! Technology isn’t quite up to WW1 in my novel, it’s sort of hovering around…[Read more]
SeekJustice replied to the topic Well…hello… in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Hello, so nice to meet you!
1. I have a few favourite characters to write—one is Chessy, the main character of my dystopian YA novel. She’s spunky, funny and brave, pretty much complete opposite, so it’s fun to think about how she’d respond to different things and flesh out her personality. I also love writing Ilio, the main charact…[Read more]
SeekJustice replied to the topic Well…hello… in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
@felicity Hey, lovely to meet you!
I’m currently learning Hawaiian (though I finished my course, so I’m not actively learning anymore, just practising every now and then), Australian Sign Language, Scottish Gaelic and Romanian (I also love Eastern European languages!). I’d love to learn Welsh next.
SeekJustice replied to the topic Well…hello… in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Hey! Lovely to meet you! I love Venus flytraps too, but I think my favourite carnivorous plants are pitcher plants, they’re so cool and come in such diverse colours and shapes!
Alright, your questions!
1. You can’t make me choose between my children! But I think my favourite is my Celtic fantasy.
2. This WIP is about a you…[Read more]
SeekJustice replied to the topic Well…hello… in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Huskies are so pretty! So are Aussie Shepherds 😍
That’s so cool you’re writing a dystopian novel too! I haven’t seen many YA dystopians written lately and there’s so much potential in that genre.
My novel is a trilogy set in a futuristic Australia, where it is so hot that people can no longer live on the surface of the earth. Wealthy…[Read more]
SeekJustice replied to the topic Well…hello… in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Hey! Lovely to meet you 😊
I’m learning quite a few languages! I’ve finished a course and I’m conversational in Hawaiian, I’m proficient in Australian Sign Language and I’m currently learning Scottish Gaelic and Romanian. In the future I’d love to learn Welsh and Māori. And no I haven’t done any of my own languages! I usually use real languages…[Read more]
SeekJustice started the topic Well…hello… in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Hello! I’m definitely not new here (a veteran, lol), but it’s been quite a while since I’ve been active. I’ve decided to drag my butt back here and get some accountability to finish off my current projects!
A little bit about me, I’m almost 23 (which I feel makes me basically ancient on here) and I live in Rural Australia. I’m a dog trainer and…[Read more]
SeekJustice changed their profile picture 2 years ago
SeekJustice replied to the topic Its been a while in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Hello! It’s been a while hasn’t it! I couldn’t even remember my log in details!
I also haven’t written anything in ages and I’m desperate to get back into it. Hopefully I’ll be more active on here again.
SeekJustice replied to the topic Harry Potter? in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
I wasn’t allowed to read them until I was in my mid teens, because my mum felt the last few books were too adult for me as a kid. I liked them, but honestly don’t feel any connection to them. I feel there are a lot of better series, personally I prefer Percy Jackson and Rick Riordan’s other works!
I’m a Ravenclaw 😀
SeekJustice replied to the topic Does this sound remotly interesting to anyone? in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 2 years, 8 months ago
Sounds like a fascinating story idea! I just don’t know that you can fit all that in one short story!
SeekJustice replied to the topic Merch much? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 8 months ago
I’m a bit late to the party, but if I buy merch its always a hoodie, mug or notebook! Love the minimalist look, with maybe a sketch and a quote, or something like that.
I won’t be able to buy any merch, because shipping to over here is wildly expensive, so I’m sad about that. Good luck with it though!
SeekJustice replied to the topic Putting a Character where you live? XD in the forum Characters 2 years, 8 months ago
Only one! A dystopian novel I wrote is set in a futeristic version of the town where I live. I mean I really kind of destroyed my hometown and it was really quite fun.
SeekJustice replied to the topic Blogging Buddies Wanted in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
Hello @gracie-j !!! It’s been a while! I actually don’t think I follow your blog so I’ll have to quickly remedy that!
what projects have you been up to lately?
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