LRC and
Kathleen are now friends 4 years, 9 months ago
LRC replied to the topic Let's talk theme, y'all in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
Oooh I’m glad you had an idea!! Theme is so fun to talk about, lol. 😁 Really gets the mind imaging.
I have about 10 main characters in the first book of my series, as well as a host of side characters. A few of thoses become important later in the series too, lol. Of course, it helps when some are killed off, then you have more…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic Let's talk theme, y'all in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
@jenwriter17 Lol same, I have two WIPs and they never leave me alone so I have to try to write both of them at once 😂
<p style=”text-align: center;”>Oooh, any story that touches on racism has my interest piqued already…my medieval story has some set up of nation vs nation and false things believed on both sides, so thats kind of there as…[Read more] -
LRC replied to the topic Let's talk theme, y'all in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
Oh, me too. A good theme makes the story, because a good theme is so deeply rooted in to the character’s arc that it almost ceases to become a theme and is just part of the character’s struggle. It adds such a depth, doesn’t it?! I love theme so much. Honestly, when I want to just throw up my hands and give up, the story themes is…[Read more]
LRC started the topic Let's talk theme, y'all in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
(I’m not southern, I’m a midlander, but southern speak is far too fun and convenient sometimes.)
So, I am here to do what I do best…start a topic, say my piece, and then disappear into the night to watch/stalk from the distance. I’m kinda an introvert online and more of an extrovert in person, lol. Anyway.
So. Theme. What is the main theme…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic Introducing Me – LRC in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
@kathleenramm Also you’re going to see my real name, which I’m fine with, just keep it on that down low would ya 😉
LRC replied to the topic Introducing Me – LRC in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
@kathleenramm Eeeeeek how did I just now see this?! Well I guess I have been kinda on a internet break for the past three days (my family does those every once in awhile.) I’ll send you something asap!! 😁
LRC replied to the topic Writers' Corner 01 in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
*also whispers* Oh it’s so certainly like a library but I have a feeling this is where writers gather in small groups, huddled together to share secrets and spoilers and their latest research or discoveries. Occasionally you may here a few random shouts that echo out and disrupt everyone…after all, a writer’s life is both filled…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic Writers' Corner 01 in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
@leon-fleming Ha, well think of it this way—I am savoring the effect of alertness that the coffe bean so readily gives, only taking part of the energy when I desperately need it. And unlike SOME people ’round here, I am not yet addicted to needing it everyday and would like to keep it that way 😜 (My dad drinks it black so I can snag some if I…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic The Kingdom Has Been Resurrected in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
@seekjustice Lol! Never thought I’d find another person in the dog business like me on a writing forum, but here we are! I’m sure it does make it a lot easier, I can imagine getting a 8 week pup that is already operate is sooooo much more satisfying to work it, lol. How many pups do you work with a day? Right now I’ve been working with seventeen…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic The Kingdom Has Been Resurrected in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
@seekjustice Well, some extended family of mine raise and sell golden retrievers, and they always need extra help to love on and train (and clean up after) the puppies, so I work for them. We mainly just do a bunch of little things that help the puppy develop good habits/manners and a lack of fear 🙂 Of course, there’s only so much you can do in 8…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic Introducing Me – LRC in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
*freaks out because a real PART WELSHMEN is standing right there*
Sir Leon, my dear sir, you continue to entertain us here in the Royal Kingdom of Writerly Writers. When I finally finish my story I shall be sure to pass it along to you because there will be some spoken welsh in there and your little bit of knowledge may help in…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic Introducing Me – LRC in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
@kathleenramm That’s exactly what I LOVE in a writing pal/beta reader, lol. You wanna read a bit of my writing? I pass it out to writing friends so they can get a sense of what I write/how I write. I’d love all your thoughts and am perfectly open to critics 😀
(do you have an email I could share a google document with? Not sure how we normally do…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic Introducing Me – LRC in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
I know, I’m crazy. 😀 But it looks so beautiful in my head…!
If I am able to scrape up all the time to write them, I will publish them, yes—gotta have some way to pay for my valuable time, lol. Probably self publish, but who knows.
I’ll keep you in mind for beta reader and/or writer pal if you don’t mind then. 😀 I always need…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic The Kingdom Has Been Resurrected in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
@seekjustice A dog trainer! Well what do you know. I am sort of one myself, I train young golden retriever puppies in socialization and very basic manners/obedience before they go to their forever homes. I’m still new to it but learning all the time. Got any general tips, lol? 😉
@selah-chelyah I have TRIED to read Les Mis but I…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic Writers' Corner 01 in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
@leon-fleming @jenwriter17 Hopefully tea. Tea all the way. I only sip a tiny bit of coffee on rare days.
LRC replied to the topic A Language for Kingdom Pen in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
*is flustered and frustrated but still hoards the chocolate* *makes face*
Alright I am leaving this topic until Encouraging is needed. Tis my job after all.
*salutes medievaly and leaves*
LRC replied to the topic Introducing Me – LRC in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
@leon-fleming Oh do indeed go on a Wales rant! We shall see if I can out-Wales you, I’ve become quite the student of Welsh culture at this point. 😉 It’s just so beautiful, despite some obvious disagreements with it, lol.
@shannoncv True story, that 😉 Thankfully we had a mutual friend or else neither of our parents would have allowed us to b…[Read more]
LRC replied to the topic JUSTICE FOR THE BUMBLING HENCHMEN! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
@leon-fleming @selah-chelyah Ha, yes, I have give my Wars of the Roses series/saga a shorter name. No I am not dreaming of future readers using it as a nickname or making up theories for the plot…not realllllllly. But it does make it easier to type out, lol.
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