Active 7 months, 2 weeks ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 812
Felicity replied to the topic I've started my draft, would you guys keep reading this story? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Oh my goodness it’s been ages since I’ve been on here (yes you were right. been busy with college prep actually :0) and I randomly popped on today to find this!! Thanks for the tag! I love reading your writing! <3 My favorite part of this scene is Lesli treating Tauren like a kid and him calling her “mom” lol. 🙂 Keep up the…[Read more]
Felicity replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 2 months ago
Thx for the tag! Hehe yes I’m still alive, as you well know. 😉
That snippet tho…brutal. I like how you’re portraying their relationship realistically because it really is like that sometimes.
Felicity posted a new activity comment 1 year, 4 months ago
Oof yeah payments *insert mad face* 😉
I get that. It took me a year and a half to get mine because of…certain things…(me failing a couple times lol). But I’m sure you’ll do great! -
Felicity posted a new activity comment 1 year, 4 months ago
Oh that sounds really cool! And wow, that’s a lot of words. Good job!
Glad to hear it! I hope driving goes well for you. Are you excited or scared? -
Felicity posted a new activity comment 1 year, 4 months ago
Hi!!! Oof yes I know I haven’t been active since the spring I think (?). But I’m doing really good! Thanks for asking! That means a lot. <3 I had a job over the summer and joined the Young Writer's Workshop as well so that has kept me busy. I'm also doing NaNoWriMo this month which is pretty exciting. I'm working on a newer writing…[Read more]-
Hi! Oooh! A dystopian/thriller? That’s the exact genre I’m doing, (Mine takes place when an EMP happens and all the power goes out forever, and the government may be involved with the mysterious disappearances of people). I’m not doing NaNoWriMo, still working on my WIP, nearly 40k!!!
I’ve been pretty good, not doing to much besides school and…[Read more]-
Oh that sounds really cool! And wow, that’s a lot of words. Good job!
Glad to hear it! I hope driving goes well for you. Are you excited or scared?-
Thanks! I’m super excited to drive, it will be so fun to go places by myself. Paying for the car and insurance though…lol!I have been practicing a bit, I just have to take the classes and things like that. I was supposed to in Aug/Sept, but nothing worked out. Hopefully sometime this year!-
Oof yeah payments *insert mad face* 😉
I get that. It took me a year and a half to get mine because of…certain things…(me failing a couple times lol). But I’m sure you’ll do great!
Felicity replied to the topic Mood Boards/Aesthetics in the forum Characters 1 year, 5 months ago
@freedomwriter76 Thanks for the tag hehe! <3
Oh my goodness I love Ezra’s moodboard!!!! The momma quote is so good *cri*
Felicity replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 6 months ago
I am so happy for you!!!!!!!! That is amazing!! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for your book! <3
Felicity posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago
@sarafini You ok girl? I’m praying for you!
Felicity posted a new activity comment 1 year, 8 months ago
Oh wow! Thanks for educating me! I had no clue such a thing existed. Happy Guinea Pig day!
Felicity replied to the topic Hey everyone! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 9 months ago
Indeed research for Historical Fiction is tedious. It’s so worth it though. I’ve been reading the Zion Covenant series by Body Thoene and they are beautifully written and extremely accurate. I think some people use them as History books. 😉 I want to write like that.
(Thanks for the disclaimer 😄). That’s a good tip though! It’s hard…[Read more]
Felicity replied to the topic Hey everyone! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 9 months ago
Yes, misbehaving ovens are tough to deal with. Thankfully ours has been pretty good lately. *pats oven kindly* 🙂
I love writing and reading Historical Fiction!! It takes me a lot longer to write though because of all the research. I have yet to finish a Hisfic project but I have a couple started. My current project is YA contemporary…[Read more]
Felicity posted a new activity comment 1 year, 9 months ago
You’re in my prayers Min! I hope everything goes smoothly. Also, have a fun time at the writing camp!!
Thank you! <3
Felicity posted a new activity comment 1 year, 9 months ago
Yeah…watermelon. 😉
Felicity posted a new activity comment 1 year, 9 months ago
Felicity posted a new activity comment 1 year, 9 months ago
Light: I’m so happy to hear that! Yes, we need to chat again when I have more time! 🙂
Charityanne: Aw, thanks girl!
Felicity posted a new activity comment 1 year, 9 months ago
Thank you!! You as well!
Felicity replied to the topic Hey everyone! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 9 months ago
Hmm…I don’t remember a certain instance but it seems I always have trouble making sure things are cooked properly. Our oven is finicky. Stuff looks like it’s cooked and then when I cut it open it’s squishy. 🙁
What genres do you write?
Felicity replied to the topic A Place to share/write whatever we’re working on: Worldbuilding, plot, etc in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 9 months ago
Felicity posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @gwyndalf-the-wise @esther-c @godlyfantasy12 @acancello @lightoverdarkness6 @keilah-h @princesachronicle22 @loopylin @theloonyone @thearcaneaxiom @koshka @otherworldlyhistorian @folith-feolin @mineralizedwritings @sarahsmile @sarafini @euodia-vision @janellebelovedpig @booksbyjayna @whalekeeper @theloonyone @charityanne @s…[Read more]
I’m so glad that everybody here on KP was/is able to encourage and uplift you!! 😊
Keep on writing and have a great summer too!! ❤️ -
I hope you have a wonderful Summer, @felicity !! May our Lord bless your writing!
Aww we are so glad to have helped you! I’m so happy to know that kp has benefited you in this way, and you’ve been able to trust God more. have a great summer!
Have a good summer as well!
It’s wonderful to hear how much you’ve grown!😊 Both as a writer, and in your faith.❤️I hope your busy Summer is sun-kissed and stuffed with lots of sweet things!
Thank you!! You as well!
Have a great summer Felicity! Have fun writing and whatever exciting adventures come your way, and never forget how much the Lord loves you!
Aww I’m so glad to hear that girl!! You’ve helped me the same way! Thank YOU for being so kind and cheerful, and encouraging me with my writing. I’ll miss you so much, but can’t wait to chat with you again soon! Have a wonderful summer and God Bless!! ❤️❤️
I’m so glad that you’ve found a safe place for your creativity to be shown and grown.
God has placed you exactly where He wants you for the exact amount of time He wants you there.
I know we haven’t interacted much but you have inspired me in some of your writing and your comments.
Thanks for being friendly, it means a lot.😊
Have a gre…[
Light: I’m so happy to hear that! Yes, we need to chat again when I have more time! 🙂
Charityanne: Aw, thanks girl!
Thank you for sharing those thoughts! That’s very encouraging. ❤ I hope you have an amazing summer and God continues to grow your love for Him through this gift He has given you!
I hope you have a great summer too!! (And mmm, watermelon…..lol)
Yeah…watermelon. 😉
Felicity replied to the topic Break the Record!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 9 months ago
I’m in!
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Thanks! I’m super excited to drive, it will be so fun to go places by myself. Paying for the car and insurance though…lol!I have been practicing a bit, I just have to take the classes and things like that. I was supposed to in Aug/Sept, but nothing worked out. Hopefully sometime this year!
Oof yeah payments *insert mad face* 😉
I get that. It took me a year and a half to get mine because of…certain things…(me failing a couple times lol). But I’m sure you’ll do great!