5 months ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 691
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Welcome jasmine-godby!!! in the forum Start HERE 3 years ago
@jasmine-godby YESYESYES I loveee Laurie and Jo XD I also get why they didn’t, but stilllll. There was room for some amazing character development Y_Y
We bought the library a new copy of the book and they were totally fine with it thankfully XD I was so nervous though bahaha
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Calling all storytellers… in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
Ooo I love humorous stories!!
One way I embarrassed myself? Once, I was playing with a little girl. We climbed up the slide and she raced down it, so I followed. However, I was going down slowly so I pushed myself forward and–
–tumbled head-over-heels down the slide, where I promptly landed at my crush’s feet.
I was mortified.
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Fairytale Retellings in the forum Genre-Writing 3 years ago
@madelyn Ahhh this is such a great idea!!! And tying it in with PETER PAN???? SIGN me UP!!! I will absolutely read this if you ever publish it XD Good luck!!!
Advice for retellings? Let your imagination run wild! What if the smallest, most meaningless detail in a fairytale had an ulterior motive, a magical purpose, or was the start of an epic…[Read more]
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Free Christian Dystopian Book in the forum Publishing & Platform 3 years ago
@e-k-seaver Eek I’m glad you’re getting it published!!! Congrats!!!
Would you like to write a guest post on my blog? I don’t have a super large following or anything, but I’d absolutely love to have you on if you’re willing! You could promote your book(s) if you’d like!
Daisy Torres replied to the topic What's the most recent piece of writing advice you’ve been given? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
Ohhh that’s a great piece of advice!! I’ll have to try that!
I’m not sure this is really counted as ‘advice’ or not, but once I was talking to my dear friend Elfwing. Now, she’s great at sticking with her world and exploring it in different books, kind of like Tolkien does. I, however, am the exact opposite. For me, there are just so many worlds…[Read more]
Daisy Torres replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@annabelle Yay awesome!! Here’s the link: https://authordaisytorres.wixsite.com/writingdaisies/my-blog
You’re welcome!! I had a lot of fun taking it! I need to make a quiz for Smoke and Mirrors 😛
Daisy Torres replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@joy-caroline Absolutely!!
It’s set in a south Texas rural community of farmers, about a girl and her brothers and the mischief they get into haha. The main character is a prankster, so there’s a lot of humor involved, but mostly it’s a coming-of-age, with a small dash of romance XD
Daisy Torres replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@annabelle I got Ocean Mermaid!! That was such a cool quizzz I loved it!
Daisy Torres replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@elfwing Haha relatablee. That’s pretty much what happens with most my historical-fic stuff too haha. But if you ever finish it, that sounds really unique and interesting!! I’d love to read it!!!
@annabelle I absolutely will!!! I’d love to have you read it XD
Aghh struggles XD There are sooo many books I want to write and so little timeee…[Read more]
Daisy Torres replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@joy-caroline Ahhh I loveee that idea for your WIP!! I’m plotting a story set in the 70s myself. I feel like there aren’t enough young adult novels set in the not-to-far-away past XD
@elfwing hehe you would be absolutely right to tag me XD
Daisy Torres replied to the topic I'm giving you permission to rant about your WIP in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@annabelle EEK girl YESS XD You are absolutely not alone XD I’m actually plotting a mermaid story atm, though I’m not writing it yet XD It’s set in a small fishing town, and the main character is a normal college graduate who visits his hometown. However, when he goes home to his town, he begins to find himself in a mystery involving a strange man…[Read more]
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Smoke and Mirrors is now a free serial on my blog!!!! in the forum Publishing & Platform 3 years ago
@godlyfantasy12 Awee awesome! Hope you like it!! It’s set in modern days, about a girl who was kidnapped from another world and brought to earth. She grows up unaware of her real destiny, but things change when the king she’s betrothed to breaks into her apartment and tries to kill her ;D Suddenly, she’s thrust into a world of prophecies,…[Read more]
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Put Your Topic of the Week Ideas HERE! in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
@kathleenramm Ha! I was actually just wondering if you would ever ask us for ideas just yesterday XD
What was the oddest world/setting you’ve ever read about? What was the most boring?
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Smoke and Mirrors is now a free serial on my blog!!!! in the forum Publishing & Platform 3 years ago
@koshka Awee, thank you so much!!! That put a grin on my face XD I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Smoke and Mirrors is now a free serial on my blog!!!! in the forum Publishing & Platform 3 years ago
@abigail-m Aweee!!!! Thank you!!!! I’m literally so happy to hear that!!! I hope you enjoy it!!
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Smoke and Mirrors is now a free serial on my blog!!!! in the forum Publishing & Platform 3 years ago
@gracie-j AHH that makes me feel so happyyyy!!! THANK YOU for making my week!!!! XDD God bless YOU!!!!
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Smoke and Mirrors is now a free serial on my blog!!!! in the forum Publishing & Platform 3 years ago
@nova21 Awee, that means so much to me!! Thank youuu <33 I’m not sure what days I’ll share chapters yet, but I’ll definitely be posting two a week! At the moment, I’m thinking Fri Sat or Sat Fri, but we’ll see XD
Daisy Torres replied to the topic Smoke and Mirrors is now a free serial on my blog!!!! in the forum Publishing & Platform 3 years ago
@devastate-lasting Thank youuu!!!
Daisy Torres started the topic Smoke and Mirrors is now a free serial on my blog!!!! in the forum Publishing & Platform 3 years ago
Hey everyone!! Some of you may remember, but a year ago now I started Smoke and Mirrors and asked for a critique. Surprisingly, some of you seemed to really like it (which still blows my mind honestly, but thank you!!) and asked for more. Sadly, I was in the middle of working on The Art of Deception at the time, so I had to put it on the back…[Read more]
Daisy Torres replied to the topic End of Year Book Party! in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
Aww don’t feel bad XD I haven’t gotten much read either this year, sadly. I think I’ve read… maybe 9. I feel like this could be more, but that is all I can think of at the moment haha.
The Christy Miller Series–6 books, Robin Jones Gunn
Mark of the Thief–Jennifer A. Nielson
The Lost Island of Tamarind books 1 and 2–Nadia…[Read more]
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