Faith Q. started the topic Calling all storytellers… in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
Okay, y’all, so I recently finished my YA fantasy novel.
*cues the high-pitched screams*
But my next project is a middle-grade novel featuring a 12-year-old MC who gets herself into all sorts of scrapes.
The problem is, I’m not naturally a humorous writer. It’s something I’m trying to work on in this story, true, but a very not funny writer…[Read more]
Elanor started the topic How do I make a non-cliche escape scene? in the forum Plotting 3 years, 3 months ago
So a person escapes the bad guys. This is a characteristic of most every book I’ve read. I’m writing a prison escape in my current WIP and am wondering how to make it something that’s not just the same old thing.
Any tips and or advice would be gladly appreciated.
I’ll tag a bunch of people.
@kathleenramm @joy-caroline@elanor @abigail-m @precio…[Read more]
Faith Q. started the topic When is it okay to defy the government? in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 3 years, 3 months ago
Okay, y’all, I’ve got a dilemma on my hands.
To give you a bit of background information, my main character (Emeric Dertok) has recently come back into society after eight years of living the life of a hermit. He’s working for the King (Jornan), who charged him with the task of tracking down spies trying to sabotage the government. But as enters…[Read more]
Mary G replied to the topic The Wait is OVER! My Blog Is published! in the forum Publishing & Platform 3 years, 3 months ago
@kathleenramm @joy-caroline@elanor@abigail-m @precious-y @not-so-secret-secret-assassin @morgan@precious-y @sparksaraabbott11@e-k-seaver@writerlexi1216 @lydia-s@nanisnook @lewilliams @relia@hallie-jean @anatra23@iluvhim18 @jenwriter17@keilah-h @nova21 @ariel-f @not-so-secret-secret-assassin @beth-darlene @buildsbygideon @daisy-torres @jodi-maile @w…[Read more]
Lydia S. started the topic Characteristic Lines in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 4 months ago
So, I thought it’d be fun to share three of a character’s lines (or however many characters you want to do) that are distinctive to their personalities and could, by themselves, be used to describe your character. Here’s mine:
Character: Catherine Miranda Davis
“The day you come to court me, Rudy Newark, is the day I learn how to use Uncle J…
Elfwing started the topic Blog!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
hi peoples!! I made a website and blog, it was only done today, so there’s very little on it right now, but I wanna put it out there because I have big plans!
For subscribers, there’ll be sneak peeks of my books, which I am looking to publish soon, and more!
@kathleenramm @elanor @abigail-m @precious-y @not-so-secret-s…[Read more]
Elfwing replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
@akbaer haha yeah I agree seeing as there is no fine print XD
Katherine replied to the topic Imagine Anthology in the forum Book Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
@morgan @precious-y @sparksaraabbott11 @elfwing @kathleenramm @maryg3 @e-k-seaver @writerlexi1216 @lydia-s @nanisnook @lewilliams @relia @hallie-jean @anatra23 @iluvhim18 @jenwriter17 @keilah-h @nova21 @ariel-f @not-so-secret-secret-assassin @beth-darlene @buildsbygideon @daisy-torres @jodi-malie @when-i-see-the-kingdom @akbaer @zatara @elanor @see…[Read more]
Lydia S. replied to the topic Good morning, afternoon, or evening in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
Yeah, we’ll see how it goes… 🙂
Elfwing replied to the topic Some of my art 🙂 in the forum Art 3 years, 6 months ago
@akbaer @keilah-h Wow! Great artwork, both of you!
Also, may I say….
I LOVE dinos and Jurassic Park & World!! If you ever wanna see an epic dino museum with a massive selection of fossils and even better stuff, go to the Drumheller Valley Royal Tyrell Dinosaur Museum, Alberta, Canada. They have a HUGE selection and are famous for having the…[Read more]
Elfwing replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
@calidris haha yeah Tolkien did a great job of giving the Valar their own personalities. It’s hard to compare them all because they’re so different. XD Yeah, Galadriel is so epic! Hot-headed and then you have Celeborn, who’s almost her opposite and yet they love each other and have been able to put up with each other for over a thousand years.…[Read more]
Kathleen replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
Your friend has great taste. Erased was so good I watched it in two days.
Visuals in writing is so fun. It’s a challenge because you can only use words instead of actual imagery, but that somehow makes it all the better because you have to get creative with it.
My favorite part about writing is exploring different characters. Their…[Read more]
Elfwing replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
@calidris oh cool! yeah that makes sense. WHAT?! You’re from Seattle?!! I was born and lived the first few years of my life near there!! Well, in Mukilteo, then Sultan, but still!
Hehe my favorite character in my WIP is hard… the bratty prince Keithen Dainighon, and the quiet mysterious heroic Sathor Wolfbane would tie XD in my sci fi it would…[Read more]
calidris replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
@akbaer the name sounds really familiar, but I’ve never read it before. It sounds really interesting though!
calidris replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
@akbaer what book is it? I have a ton of history recommendations if you want 🙂
The 1900s is interesting because there was just so much that hapoened in those 100 years. Two world wars, nuclear technology, a depression, the internet…there’s also a lot of lesser known aspects of history within the big events. I really like to read books ab…[Read more]
calidris replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
@akbaer words to live by lol. Although I don’t think I would get smeagol merch for myself lol
I don’t really know that much about medieval history, but that’s really cool that you know a lot about it! I really like 1900s history 🙂
calidris replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
@akbaer you should! I want to get some character merch but I’m kind of embarrassed lol
What kind of history do you like?
calidris replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
@devastate-lasting tbh i would be friends with misu too. A lot of characters get really irritated with him, though 🙁. I think its because he has a lot of adhd tendencies, but also he’s just kind of odd ngl
Thanks for the recs! I’ll have to look into them 🙂
@akbaer he’s definitely a very interesting character. Honestly, I think that Sau…[Read more]
calidris replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
@akbaer I thought your profile picture was funny, but i can see why you would want a different one lol
You should absolutely read it! It reads like an old mythology or history book, so be warned, but in some aspects i like it better than lotr. The characters are very flawes, which i really appreciate. Its also where my tag comes from 🙂
calidris replied to the topic Hey guys! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 6 months ago
@akbaer ok but that’s seriously impressive lol. I would want to do a smeagol impression but i share a room and i don’t want my family to hear it lol. Idk his voice is irritating, the way he talks is irritating, also he’s really nasty. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a fantastic character, and Andy serkis did a great job with the voice lol. I tho…[Read more]
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