TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
Hello!!! 😁 Glad to be back!
Errr, probably my first novel XD It’s currently in the publishing process, so yes, I have to say it probably has to be my fav🥰😆
Aaah! That’s so exciting!!! 💕 How far along in the publishing process are you?
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne, The Sea Before Us by Sarah Sundin, The Bib…
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
other than the amazing thing that is australian accents eheheheh
Oh yeah, I love an Australian accent 😏 😁
I still haven’t technically “written” anything for it beside scraps of scenes, but I’ve got a lot of dragon worldbuilding down.
That’s awesome! And yeah, it takes a while to get to that actual writing
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
I just recently watched the movie Unsung Herowith my family, and it was so good!
Oh yeah, I’ve heard of that! I was a little weirded out about it being a movie about the director, starring the director, but I’ll definitely watch it eventually, I’ve heard its good.
I used to do mostly nature, too, but I’ve recently been more inter…
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
I have seen both. I’ve seen the Broadway version 3 times because I keep having friends in it. 😆
That’s so fun! I’ve only seen it live once, but I’ve seen the broadway version on Disney+ many times 😅 Do you know if you like the movie or broadway musical better?
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
@mineralizedwritings (I accidentally refreshed and lost everything I wrote which is incredibly heartbreaking)
But hiii!!! It’s been so long! And I always love the berets and baguettes 😏
I’m not online very often at all, we moved and I’m busy and I’m trying to work on my drawing skills before I go to uni this year… It’s a lot. And I don’t know…
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Ultimate KP Novel in the forum General Writing Discussions 10 months, 1 week ago
I’ll join in if you’re still doing it, but I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to contribute. For the genre, though, definitely fantasy 😉
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
Oh yeah, KP is a pain on a phone. But don’t worry, it reads just fine! Do you do any dance other than ballet? I’m doing some beginner tap and jazz right now
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
Oooh those are all so good! I think my favorite of those is Newsies. Have you seen both the movie and the broadway version? I’ve actually been in The Sound of Music and in The Music Man and hopefully next year I’ll be able to be in Newsies since my theater group is doing it.
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
Hey Bridget! Maybe we did, maybe we didn’t, but it was so long ago that I don’t remember 😅 Anyway, its nice to meet you!
Mmm… can’t say cause I never complete things 😂😭
Oooh I feel that. Unfortunately. 😭 There are very few things I have finished
So much good music, too! I love the Arcadian wild and weird al, and I’ve he…[Read more]
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
@highscribeofaetherium Thank you!! I thought I was going to have to dig through that entire topic 😭
And @theducktator that (your short story with a title longer than it) was hilarious!! 🤣 😭 And incredibly relatable! I’m very curious about Mrs. Tammany and the grandmother with a black belt in karate
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
a number of songs from For King and Country, but I don’t know if I could give a solid top five.
Ooh, I love for King and Country! I actually got to see them in concert, which was incredible, but I left with my ears ringing. I know I can’t give one, but I love Priceless, Burn the Ships, Fight on Fighter, It’s Not Over Yet, and The P…[Read more]
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
Hello! How long is that title? Or how short is that story 😭 😅 Do you have any idea where in the place to share topic it is? I don’t think I’ll be able to find it. And what musicals do you like?
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
oh yeah, timelines make writing fanfics so hard 😭
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
hiii!! I’ve been good! Schools out finally, so yaaay ✌️
I haven’t seen it yet 😭 I need to rewatch season two first, and then definitely. I surprisingly haven’t spoiled it for myself though. (I remember I spoiled Luke showing up in the mandalorian for myself 😭 that hurt) I think I just heard something about Tech, and so now I’m scared.…[Read more]
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
Oh and for anyone new that I haven’t already talked to, an introduction:
I’m a Christian, teen homeschooler who likes to write, surprise surprise. I have a lot of different hobbies and am not too great at any of them; writing, art (mostly just pencil drawing, although I’m starting to get into digital art too), music, photography, watching way t…[Read more]
TheLoonyOne started the topic Hi… I’m back! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
@loopylin @keilah-h @ava-blue @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6 @freedom @euodia @folith-feolin and everyone else…
Um… hi 👋
It’s been like a solid year since I’ve been on here regularly, but I’m back!! 👉👈😬😅 I just had a wonderful mix of school, life, regular busyness, and of course the ever terrible writers block. But I’m starting to…[Read more]
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic My Introduction in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
Hey, welcome to KP! This is really late, but I haven’t been on here for a while so I’ll just introduce myself so I can get to know you. I’m theloonyone or just loony. A little bit about me, I’m a Christian, teen homeschooler who likes to write, surprise surprise. I have a lot of different hobbies and am not too great at any of them; w…[Read more]
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hi! From Eilish! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
Ooooh, adventures in odyssey, that brings back memories. Writing for them sounds really fun!
Anyway… welcome to Kingdom Pen! Sorry about the really late welcome, it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here 😅. I’m theloonyone or just loony. I am also Star Wars obsessed, and especially clone wars since I’ve been watching it since…[Read more]
TheLoonyOne replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 10 months, 1 week ago
Greetings Ducktator, Abigail, Abby, ruler of the ducks, welcome to Kingdom Pen! *Que the sound of trumpets* I am terribly sorry about the late welcome to our land, for I have been traveling and have only recently gotten back. I am TheLoonyOne, or you may call my loony and I will make sure that the rubber ducks in my bathroom know…[Read more]
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