Active 3 days, 9 hours ago- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1318
PrincesaChronicle22 replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 11 months, 1 week ago
Yeah, Azula is my all time favorite villain. Ozai though… he is a good example of the “pure evil” and I do like those villain types. But he also doesn’t do much, and we know what he wanted but did we really know why he wanted it?
But dear Azula, it was part of her very personality. She manipulated people, she was amazing at it,…[Read more]
Keilah H. replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 11 months, 1 week ago
@thearcaneaxiom ooh u might like what I just posted up there too
Stepheroni and Cheese replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 11 months, 1 week ago
That was deep. I’m definitely going to be praying about that and seeing what the bible says.
Stepheroni and Cheese replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 11 months, 1 week ago
So I’m not sure what exactly your getting at here. Are you asking if Good as a concept existed prior to God’s first use of it in Genesis? If so, I’d say yes.
What I was trying to get at is that God was the first one to use the word “good.” That means that He invented the word. However, it’s debatable whether God invented the conce…[Read more]
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 11 months, 1 week ago
I think your post was eaten. It says you posted, but I don’t see it.
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ posted an update 11 months, 2 weeks ago
@esther-c @beth-torres @highscribeofaetherium @jonas @allison @whalekeeper @trailblazer @freed_and_redeemed @stephie @thearcaneaxiom @mineralizedwritings @rae @anyone-else-my-brain-is-dead
Okay….I am so sorry I keep disappearing…but I have just been SOOOOOOO busy!
I have a play that is next weekend (it’s Beauty and the Beast) and I’m trying…[Read more] -
PrincesaChronicle22 started the topic Romantic Subplot help? in the forum General Writing Discussions 11 months, 2 weeks ago
@lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @magicalstories0611 @loopylin @freedomwriter76 @esther-c @thearcaneaxiom @rae @anyone else who might possibly be interested?
Soooooo I have this plot idea, right? I’ve written a lil’ sample and have lots of general ideas for the main character. But I’ve mainly focused on setting.
Buuuuttt, I want to get more…[Read more]
ryry started the topic I Have So Much Writing Material But Can't Actually Write It All: A Lament 🙂 in the forum Fantasy 11 months, 2 weeks ago
@pixie, @scripter-of-kingdoms, @thearcaneaxiom, @euodia-vision, @princesachronicle22, @lightoverdarkness6, @esther-c, @loopylin, and anybody else 🙂
Ok this is just a writing dump, feel free to come and go as you please.
Some of you may know that I am currently writing a book with one of my best friends from school, and it comes with a LOT of…[Read more]
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Hmm, maybe I should tag people. Please ignore if you are not interested. I just tagged pretty much everyone I’ve met…and I’m sleep deprived and slightly insane right now, so hopefully this is a good idea.
@esther-c @highscribeofaetherium @hybridlore @whalekeeper @rae @jonas @thearcaneaxiom @freed_and_redeemed @trailblazer @beth-torres @grcr [Read more]
Cloaked Mystery replied to the topic Cosmere/Brandon Sanderson in the forum Book Discussions 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Go watch the video for the WoR kickstarter.
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Sorry if you get this more than once, but it’s not showing I posted.
It’s a Nickelodeon kid’s show, but that is very misleading as to what it actually is. It’s enjoyable for all ages, and when I say enjoyable, I mean all ages will genuinely love this show. Kids will appreciate the bright fun adventure, and adults will appre…
Cloaked Mystery replied to the topic Cosmere/Brandon Sanderson in the forum Book Discussions 11 months, 3 weeks ago
@thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22
Did you hear the a fifth secret project was announced?
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Awesome! I’ve read all of those except Stormlight 4, which I’m in the middle of. Are you about to read Yumi then, since your in the middle of the secret projects?
I will probably read The Sunlit Man first, since that one is available at my library. I had Yumi, but alas, it was returned before I read it. ☹️
Yeah, I’m not sure, lol!…
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Wow. That…was unexpected. I will try to send the picture again later.
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Yep, Grandpa Smedry is the best! So you’ve read Alcatraz, and you mentioned Kaladin earlier, what other Sanderson books have you read?
I’ve read Skyward, Tress of the Emerald Sea, A Frugal Wizard’s Guide to Surviving Medieval England, and all of the Stormlight Archive except Dawnshard, which I think I have from the library, but i…[Read more]
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
 I’m much more of a hard worldbuilder myself, but I have strong respect for soft worldbuilding when done right. (If you need help with ideas for hard stuff, I’d love to help if such help is wanted!)
Thanks! A few tips would be nice, but I’m mostly focusing on my other WIPs right now.
I love Alcatraz! Have you read the full seri…
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
PrincesaChronicle22 replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 11 months, 4 weeks ago
Yes, I’m good with both of those!
Here I’mma do a lil’ short one in response to Snake’s
Suddenly, the dragon moved towards a stream, cutting through the castle wall by a grated arch. She watched anxiously as Snake leaned closer. Against her better judgment, Nazyra inched forward as well. Looking down…[Read more]
Cloaked Mystery replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 11 months, 4 weeks ago
@thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22 @highscribeofaetherium
Do you want Ellis, Rina, Zahlin, and Szabrin to meet up with Synian and Umen?
@rae @princesachronicle22 @keilah-h @beth-torres
Do you want to have Nahim, Nazyra, Kate, Snake, and Carrie go ahead and enter the palace, even though the other characters are still on their way?
Keilah H. replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 12 months ago
@thearcaneaxiom awesome
The river reminded him of the one by the old complex, flowing by lazily. Now that he heard the water, he realized he was rather thirsty.
He came closer, and just as he was about to bend down and drink, he realized there was a large shape in the river.
Was it just a huge stone? Or was it a creature?
It…[Read more]
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You guys can just tag any people i forgot…I guess….XD
Oh, no worries! I’ve been really busy too, and I’ve only been posting once a week or so.
I totally understand! 😊 Life’s getting busy for us too. Praying for you! <3
Thats ok (Im basically doing the same thing now too, lol!) If you ever need to chat too, I’m usually always available 😊
That’s ok, girl! You do what you need to do <3
Totally understand, girl, I haven’t really been active much lately either.