Active 3 days ago- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1318
PrincesaChronicle22 started the topic Couple RP! in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 months ago
@godlyfantasy12 @savannah_grace2009 @keilah-h @smiley @lightoverdarkness6 @esther-c @thearcaneaxiom @jonas @highscribeofaetherium @rae @acancello @mineralizedwritings @beth-torres @trailblazer @lydibug @whalekeeper @everyone
Hi y’all! So I’m pretty sure things like this have been attempted before, but I thought it would be cool to have an RP…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Hello, there! in the forum Start HERE 9 months ago
Hello, and thank you for the greeting!
I’ll have to read that book you’ve mentioned.
Your story sounds really cool! What’s some of your world like? Magic systems, creatures, cultures, ect?
Thank you, I can let you know when I have something to share.
For inspiration, I did not want to go to medieval England, so I am diggi…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 9 months ago
Ultimately to me, when it comes down to what defines a Christian, I think the only one who has any right to define it is God. That being said, I personally believe a Christian to be exactly what the name etymologically implies: a follower of Christ. Christ said that the world will know us as His disciples if we love one another as…
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Book Review: Tress of the Emerald Sea in the forum Book Discussions 9 months ago
I have read Skyward, but only the first two books. Stormlight, I am a little intimidated by. I’ve heard Sanderson himself describing the opening as a wall you have to climb with your fingernails to understand, and when you reach the top, then you will be able to enjoy it. On the other hand, I have read Wheel of Time. Perhaps I…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 9 months, 1 week ago
@thearcaneaxiom @linus-smallprint (if you have thoughts)
Shifting this discussion is best, so we don’t flood the book review XD
Indeed we do have very different theological and cosmological prospectives. It just bugs me that that needs to be where the identity of us as Christians must be. Yes, theology is important, but what did Christ constantly…
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Book Review: Tress of the Emerald Sea in the forum Book Discussions 9 months, 1 week ago
Alcatraz is my favourite Sanderson work as well. Despite having read through the series several times, I can still pick it up and get hooked on the first chapter. Tress is probably the most similar to Alcatraz of Sanderson’s works in style.
By the way, (@theducktator, and @thearcaneaxiom as well), what books would you recommend to a…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Book Review: Tress of the Emerald Sea in the forum Book Discussions 9 months, 1 week ago
A couple of things. Firstly, I did not realize the term ‘Mormon’, is offensive, I am sorry for using it and will be more careful in the future. Secondly, I did not realize that you are a member of The Church of the Latter-Day Saints. Your question from earlier makes so much more sense now.
Now in response to your question as to…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Book Review: Tress of the Emerald Sea in the forum Book Discussions 9 months, 1 week ago
Why deny our relationship with Christ😥
I don’t mean to start a discussion on this thread, and we can move it if it goes any further 🙃 I do believe at least from a reformed perspective – and other people probably agree with me – that the Church of the Latter-Day Saints is not what we define as Christianity.
Those in the L…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Book Review: Tress of the Emerald Sea in the forum Book Discussions 9 months, 1 week ago
Please let me know when you read Yumi and the Nightmare Painter!
Sorry, right now I have no plans to read Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. After seeing some of the artwork in the book, it seems there may be some scenes I would not be comfortable reading. I also found out that the plot involves Yumi and Panter switching bodies, which…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic The Age of AI in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 months, 1 week ago
I’ve done social media fasts before, too, and they’ve been very beneficial for me, as well. I also agree with what you said about children and screens- I can look out the window and see my six-year-old neighbor sitting on her swing but eyes glued to a phone, and that makes my heart ache. For me personally, I’ve tried to make a…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic The Age of AI in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 months, 1 week ago
I love what you just said! That aligns perfectly with how I’ve been feeling about the internet/AI. You’re right, this is part of our lives now, whether we want it or not, and to ignore it would be to our detriment.
We must learn how to use these tools in a healthy way, so that we won’t be placed in disadvantage. We must learn to d…
TheShadow replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 10 months ago
We’ve all been there, lol, just tag us by typing the name with the @ symbol, then quoting is just the quotation marks at the top, and it should show an indented box for the quote.
Thank you so much for the help!!
Same, hard all the way! I appreciate soft worldbuilding when done right, but I’m much more of a hard worldbuilder. Lot…
Trailblazer replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 10 months ago
@thearcaneaxiom @theducktator @whalekeeper @freed_and_redeemed
Sorry I’ve been MIA, I had family from out of state staying with us because my great-grandfather passed away and the funeral was yesterday… but I’m back for a little bit before I leave for work!
On the topic of Baptists/non-demoninationals: Maybe I’m just stereotyping Baptists, but…[Read more]
freedom replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 10 months ago
It is more normal to me, yes. (although I haven’t necessarily been “raised” in this church…only been going to it about 6-7 years now, haha) I believe in such experiences, but I can’t explain how it feels to be in that moment, honestly…words just can’t describe it. Idk.
We all have things we are or aren’t comfortable with, and…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 10 months ago
Thanks y’all! I’m feeling okayish enough to read these posts, at least.
I’ve seen mostly non-denoms and Pentecostals… but I haven’t asked a lot of people. I know @godlyfantasy12 has some interesting Pentecostal views but I don’t think she would want a conversation about it.
we’re independent, and that means our beliefs are p…
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 10 months ago
We believe baptism is not necessary for salvation and life in heaven, though obviously you should be baptized if at all possible. Some infants, such as those miscarried before birth, will not be able to be baptized. They will still go to heaven. I will need to ask my dad for the rest of his reasons and we have a book in our church…[Read more]
freedom replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 10 months ago
@thearcaneaxiom Ty for understanding and for your kindness <3
I’m still here to kindly discuss things if anyone would like, just not for debate 😊
@theducktator Youth Group can be fun for sure! I have also gone to a more local church’s youth group (my actual church is 1 hour away from us, and we tend to have to be there at 9 AM on Sundays for…[Read more]
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 10 months ago
☹️ Hope you feel better! I tend to stay up way too late when I’m sick too, but I’ve never stayed up all night before. I am both horrified and impressed.
we sing a mean acapella.
Lol. We were acapella for years, but now we have a flutist.
@trailblazer @freed_and_redeemed
Youth group sounds fun. Our church only has three teens, two…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 10 months ago
@thearcaneaxiom @theducktator @freed_and_redeemed @trailblazer
I am interested in this and I was ready to talk. Alas, I caught a nasty bug ten minutes after my last comment – no joke, I felt it wash over me super quickly – and I have a tendency to stay up all night whenever I’ve caught something.
Sooo I’ve been up for more than twenty-four hours…[Read more]
freedom replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 10 months ago
After some prayer and some reflection, I kindly request that we leave this debate where it stands.
I’ve been thinking on it too much, and truthfully gives me an ounce of stress I don’t need right now.
It’s also obvious that neither of us are going to change our stance, and KP isn’t the place to debate theology (in my opinion)…[Read more]
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