Active 1 year, 6 months ago- Rank: Charismatic Rebel
- Total Posts: 27
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im sorry that you’re going through so much stress.
1. It’s definitely okay to be worried and stressed especially after recovering from COVID. Make sure to do things that prioritize your mental and physical health above all else.
2. First of all don’t feel bad that you’re not writing right now. You seem to be juggling a lot of stuff. Also be flexible with what writing means. Instead of 500 words it could be brainstorming for your plot, revising, reading advice articles, reading books- anything that gets your creativity fired up. And it’s okay to let writing be on the back burner for a while. For example till after your basketball season is over. Forcing yourself to write can lead to burn out and hating writing for a long time. Because you have negative associations with it.
Also don’t try to wake up early to write. You need your rest! Do it during pockets of time here and there like during commute or even in the mornings while eating breakfast. Trust me it helps
3. As for school don’t be afraid to ask for extensions. They really help. And try to finish all your assignments at school. Working till midnight won’t help you. Brett Harris from the Young Writer had great advice about focusing on your work and stopping distractions like your phone so you can get done faster. You should set a max time of only 90 minutes of homework per day. Also try to make a weekly plan of all your schoolwork and then see if anything goes over your max limit. If it does get an extension. And don’t make any exceptions. (Like oh I can probably finish this essay or project in 2 hours extra) because it will probably be longer. Also make flash cards so you can study on your phone between games or during the commute. If you take online notes I really reccomend Remnote because it automatically makes flash cards out of your notes. Otherwise just use Quizlet.
4. Also don’t expect to write as much since you’re doing sports. Sports take up a lot of physical and mental energy. I know what is feels like to put writing to the back burner because I have so many extracurricular activities
5. Also make sure to prioritize your mental health. Journaling usually helps me to deal with my stress and helps me to be in tune with my feelings. Don’t pressure yourself to write everyday. You just need a little notebook and a pen.
well that’s all! Hope it helps you. Remember
6. Finally have a conversation with your parents abou your stress. I had a conversation with my parents about my stress in school and it really helped. Because we were able to figure out ways to make me less stressed.
I hope that helps. You can always tag me at precious-y if you need anything. Remember that you’re already doing a lot!
It’s really nice to meet you to
1. I’ve recently started reading fantasy and I love the magic systems. And I plan for there to be a magic system in my own story. But it’s disguised as a science competition so maybe there is a little sci-fi twist in there to!
2. I would like to write some short stories and other stuff (maybe novellas?) in literary fiction later on. So watch out for that!
3. My ideas do seem to encompass multiple genres and I think my work in progress is kind of a W.I.P
4. I dont know. It really depends. Sub genres are really important for categorizing your books especially when you’re trying to attract a specific niche of readers. But it’s harder to traditionally publish a book if it’s in a really small subgenre. So publishing houses usually put them under a larger genre. In self publishing thought sub genres usually work to your advantage. So what I’m saying is that they’re great for finding new books but not always for marketing.
Thanks. It’s alright. I’m also pretty late to most threads. Sorry for getting so meta answering the last question. It’s just something that I’m really interested in! See you soon
@devastate-lasting @gracie-j @scripter-of-kingdoms @faith-q and @godlyfantasy12 @mkfairygirl
Guys this is great. I can’t wait for the anthology to come out so we witness your hardwork!
I’m probably later at answering in this thread than Kaunon in returning home. But I love this scene so much! First Kaunon makes the rounds among his different family members. And him reuniting with his parents is really heartwarming. But the kiss that he shared with Alinna is literally the best! Hope you have more heartwarming moments like this between them! Also where is Kaunon coming back from?
Sorry for answering up so late. I’m recently been in a stint where I’ve been stressting…um studying for the SAT. Now I’ve decided to come out of my hole and hopefully my days will be more balanced.
I completely understand the fact that you’ve struggled with. I mean Paul is just a great messenger for God when it comes to spreading the Gospel so it’s hard to imagine him with flaws. However one of the comforts of the New Testament is that most of the apostles and missionaries who did great things for God started out as normal people and still made mistakes.
Thank you so much. I’m glad you looked past the terrible names. I still haven’t solidified a lot of these things yet. But I’m definitely sure about the lies and misbeliefs of my two main characters. I only hope that as I continue writing they become more nuanced!
You’re right. I’ve been doing extensive development for my characters. I just need to figure out how this fits into my plot outline. So expect to see the first few chapters of my book soon! Maybe by this weekend.
Hey. I’m glad you like my name. Precious is a great name for a character in your story and you could make it indicate a lot about their personality
That sounds great! I love the mischeivous character with a heart of gold
Oh that makes so much more sense. It is merciful for them to die when their spouses die. Because immortality isnt as great as it’s cut out to be. I’ve read enough of Circe and Tuck Everlasting to know about that. And it also shows the disadvantages most people don’t consider abojut being supernatural in general.
I think having the kiss later on in the story during a very emotionally fraught time makes is better. I’m sure that it will really establish the strength of their relationship to the reader because it hasn’t been cheapened by being used so many times. Trust me we all have selective memories. For me the issue is when I forget the flaws of protagonists in my favorite stories.
Sorry about answering for so long. I’ve been stressing over studying for my standardized exams that are coming up soon. I have a story that will be finished soon though! I’ll probably post it into the critique section this weekend.
Wishing you productive writing sessions,
This is such a great discussion topic. The truth is that I’ve never fallen out of love with writing because I haven’t written consistently enough. I think the reason why is that I put so much pressure on myself that I gave up before giving myself a good start. What’s your advice for this issue? So I think that now this summer that I’m trying to grow my writing muscle I look at that. And I’ll try to figure out if it’s because of writer’s block.
It makes sense that you’re writing inspiration increases in difficult situations. I mean I feel more motivated to journal and reflect on my day when I’m sad or things aren’t going well. It’s nice you pointed this out because most people think that inspiration only comes when you’re happy or more stable. Writing can either be an escape during difficult times or the opposite. If it’s the opposite i think the best advice would be not to panic and understand that you’re in a phase that will pass away.
This gave me a lot to think about so thank you. I’ll definitely use these tips when I get into a writing rut 🙂
Hey @joy-caroline
First of all, can I say that I love all of your discussion topics. Looking through this thread and reading other people’s responses has given me so much inspiration!
I think that Peter’s misbelief makes so much sense because he was once a persecutor of followers of Christ. And after being saved he feels so overwhelmed by Christ’s love but also has guilt and deep regret. The show A.D: The Bible Continues definitely shows that initial negative reaction after his conversion that would make him feel that way. It’s definitely great to have such a strong sense of your characters misbelief while writing. I’m still having trouble creating mine but here it goes
Lebechi needs to be accepted into the science lab group at her school. The friend to twso girls that shine for their intellectual and social prowess, she knows what it feels like to be outshone. Admission into the lab group would cement her worthiness within her friend group and give her a leading role in defending her tribe, the Ficamle, from the Cidfla. She enjoys the intellectual freedom and opportunity at the lab but winning means that she must become just as ruthless as her opponent and take part in actions she knows isn’t right. When she discovers an important secret that must be revealed she must decide on which to prioritize.
Still smarting from being abandoned by his mentor Omar doubts his ability to survive and make his way in the land of ______.Therefore he is forever grateful and loyal to the Cidfla tribe who take him in, effectively saving him from becoming a T-subject. He eagerly leaps on their request that he compete for a coveted lab position in the Academy. Soon though Omar becomes obsessed with success at the detriment of his newly found friends and his opponent. By the time he wakes up from his fever dream of competition he realizes that things are irrevocably broken? Can he fix it in time?
So yeah this is pretty much it. I know I gave more of a summary of the whole book and please ignore the terrible names that I have different stuff. It’s all very unpolished but please tell me what you think.
1.That sounds great. It’s so cool that you’re taking initiative with your writing and trying to get more work out.
2. I’m currently still outlining and discovery writing for my novel idea; I haven’t officially began my first draft yet. I think your short story project will give you more of an opportunity to develop and learn more about your characters
3. Yeah I read about Dickens serial format too and I think he was one of the first people to write out their major works in this format. I definitely think that it helps with productivity because look at all the works he published (the pressure of starvation and eviction during that time if your works don’t sell probably also helped). I’m still in the research stage for my novel but I would love to do this too. Maybe I can start now but maybe with fun facts from my research during the day? What do you think?
4.I don’t have time to give feedback now because I’m super busy :(, but hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to critique in the future. I read it though and it seems pretty interesting. I like the fact that the mentor character is a girl and I enjoyed your descriptions of the snowy forest and village.
Overall I think this is a great method for accountability. It shows that you’re really serious about you’re writing.
Wishing you unlimited writing streaks and pretty notebooks,
Ooh! That sounds great. Is your story told from the perspective of your villain? Or is your villain more of a antagonist? My work in progress involves main characters who are morally ambiguous because of their worldviews. But I haven’t gotten beyond “stereotypically evil and wants to destroy the world and hurt people” for my villains character development. Any tips?
Thank you so much for that excerpt. I really enjoyed it because you got to learn more about Kaunon. In the last one you only understood that Alinna is a brave and selfless person. But here Kaunon was also great and you could really feel his bravery as he fought the dragons and panic about how Alinna was doing.
It totally makes sense that his grief is so extreme because he’s been going through so much emotional and physical turmoil. It’s cool that his people die when the people they love die and shows a lot about his culture. But how do you keep that from having a weird spiralling effect with everyone dying in the end?
Yeah I understand that completely. There probably is a lot of context that was developed in past scenes. But I could guess a lot of stuff about the Death Rams and Aurd. Like the Death Rams are super strong and powerful but villains like Aurd can control them and organize them into armies?
Haha. That’s good especially if they are teen. And also they are more ways to show that a couple are happy and relieved to see each other than kissing.
Great work! If you ever have any stuff posted for critique please tell me because I love your work!
Wishing you creative inspiration and frenzied writing sessions,
your welcome. ooh thanks, I definitely want to know what happened to Alinna!
Your scene is really interesting. And I could feel the tension between them as Kaunon tried to make Alinna leave without him. And you could also clearly see the love between them. And I love how in this scene girl saves boy. I hope you put out more:)
I think that your scene is super heartbreaking. It makes me feel the same way I feel about historical retellings of the Holocaust. Or if it’s not I’m guessing you’re writing about war.
My favorite quote in your entire scene is
“It’s okay to cry.” The old woman’s voice was soft. “I just thought that bad people didn’t cry.”
Keep up the great work! Also would you mind telling me what your story is about?
Hey Ben! I’m Precious and I’m also kind of new here. I’m also interested in writing science fiction and fantasy and I’ve read some cool adventure fiction. I think that Brandon Sanderson brings the best of these worlds together. I’d recommend The Reckoners series (I read the first one and it’s great). I’ve also heard that Mistborn is a heist based fantasy which seems cool. So you might want to check that out.
What are you favorite adventure and science ficiton books. Or books in general? Can’t wait to hear from you!