ryry replied to the topic I Have So Much Writing Material But Can't Actually Write It All: A Lament 🙂 in the forum Fantasy 11 months, 3 weeks ago
@pixie, @scripter-of-kingdoms, @thearcaneaxiom, @euodia-vision, @princesachronicle22, @lightoverdarkness6, @esther-c, @loopylin, @theducktator, and anybody else 🙂
Hey guys I’m back. I’m mildly recovering from a cold, so bear with me here.
So I just thought I would write down some of the connections that the characters have with each other, but…[Read more]
ryry started the topic I Have So Much Writing Material But Can't Actually Write It All: A Lament 🙂 in the forum Fantasy 12 months ago
@pixie, @scripter-of-kingdoms, @thearcaneaxiom, @euodia-vision, @princesachronicle22, @lightoverdarkness6, @esther-c, @loopylin, and anybody else 🙂
Ok this is just a writing dump, feel free to come and go as you please.
Some of you may know that I am currently writing a book with one of my best friends from school, and it comes with a LOT of…[Read more]
Allison posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago
Hi! I haven’t seen you active in a while, how are you doing? -
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
Thanks! I would be happy to answer any questions about it, or even to just discuss those different concepts!
Yeah, that makes sense, so they follow the classic fallen angel arch type, they are cast out, disembodied beings that can possess other bodies. I really like that you put emphasis on the idea that having a body is a responsibility…[Read more]
Light Warrior Pen replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
I have so many places I want to visit it’s not even funny. Mostly European countries. But if I had to choose, it’d be England.
An amazing ice cream flavor is caramel macchiato. Coffee ice cream with caramel chunks. 🤤 If you even get the chance to try it, do so. You’re life will never be the same again.
Esther replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
Wow. Especially in light of God’s Word, I take great delight in all three elements of Story, seeing that God does too! But when it comes down to it, I might say characters. I think God pours the most love into his characters, and the way characters drive plot and their webs interweave with each other, is just mindboggling. Each character h…
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
We’re discussing the concept of 4 dimensions? I’m tracing your conversation back to understand what lead to it, and your getting me excited. So you want to make a Interstellar inspired story with more Christian themes mixed in, and now you’ve mentioned bring up the 4th dimension.
To clarify Keilah, extra spatial dimensions in…[Read more]
Mackenzie replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
Favorite writing music: definitely soundtracks. But whatever I’m listening to, I always do it with an ear to finding songs for my WIP Spotify playlists– and the song titles have to be appropriate to my story 🙂 You?
A personalized soundtrack for your WIP is an awesome idea! Does it help as you craft the characters and environment of you…[Read more]
Keilah H. replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
@pixie I get what you thought about making Interstellar more hopeful in its outcome!
Also, I have a feeling @thearcaneaxiom could probably be a bit better at explaining the whole four dimensions thing than I could, considering he even has animals in his story which follow those rules, but I found a video I saw once which might explain some (and…[Read more]
Allison replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
We lived in CA for a long time. My whole life. Sadly the town we lived in became unsafe and not a good place to raise a family. Our friends from the neighborhood moved to NC two years before and we decided to visit them one summer. It was beautiful! We have always been interested in farming and when we found our property it was perfect!…[Read more]
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
That’s very true, how much do we really know? I think one of the few things we can know is that for now there is a lot we don’t. There is so much in all creation, and it really is foolish to believe we have any idea how it all really works, unless it is revealed unto us by the Father. But it is very fun to entertain different ideas and…[Read more]
hybridlore replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
Thanks! ☺️
Yeah, we were surprised when the summer was as hot as the south xD. The fall is amazing, tho. It is really pretty!
Light Warrior Pen replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
Hey! I’m Light Warrior Pen, romantic suspense writer and all around artsy person. I know you’ve been peppered with questions already, but I’m gonna add a few more.
~ Favorite character in your WIP?
~ Favorite ice cream flavor?
~ If you could go anywhere in the world and not have to worry about time, money, or safety, where would you…[Read more]
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
Probably hard; I enjoy whimsical storytelling, and have indulged in it. Off-the-cuff, in the moment stories. But when it’s something I really care about, I have to organize the ideas, compare them to my fundamental beliefs, figure out how they correspond to God’s way of thinking… I admire Tolkien quite a bit, even if I don’t plan to worldbu…
hybridlore replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
Nope haha, it’s just art I found on the internet, I don’t draw that good lol.Ooh, awesome! Yeah, that’s true, probably not much of a market for that in a small town anyway xD I still like recommending people to watch her tho, just to be amazed 😅
Side note, I used to live in Minnesota too! We were only there for a few years, but I liked…[Read more]
Allison replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
I don’t see why square dancing wouldn’t count, I personally dont play any sports I just like to run! 🙂 You own a farm?! Oh wow! We have a ton in common! Our family just moved cross country and bought some land to start a farm (We moved from CA to NC) It does keep you active 😀 We only have 13 chickens and 3 ducks and 6 guinea hens, but…[Read more]
Esther replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
Welcome to Kingdom Pen, @pixie!!
I’m Esther: a volleyball-playing, volleyball-squeaking, dog-obsessed, homeschooled, fiction-writing, God-loving, teen girl!
Yesss, Adorning the Dark is so good!! I really loved it the first time I read it. And speaking of, I should probably read it again. 😛
You do cake decorating?? That’s awesome. 😎 I love edibl…[Read more]
Keilah H. replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
@pixie Hello!
I’m Keilah. I get that snakes are controversial, but I like them if they’re not the big venomous kinds.
-So you’ve seen Interstellar, and that’s what inspired you to write a “Christian perspective version”? Are you going to add the fourth-dimension aspect? Because that’s actually a real scientific concept (and thus a part of God’s…[Read more]
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
Hi Ariana, welcome to KP!
I’m the Arcane Axiom, I love math, finding fundamental divine truth, and exploring that in my writing. I read/write sci-fi/fantasy, and I’m currently working on a multiverse with my sister called the Septrum.
Your faith in the Lord is so beautiful! Your sister is in our prayers; God really is…[Read more]
hybridlore replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 7 months ago
Hi! I’m hybridlore, a Christian teenage homeschooled girl, writer (haha obviously), and lover of books, apple pie, and dogs!
Your WIPs sound cool! I don’t think I’ve ever read any of those books lol, but I might check them out! I loved the Wingfeather Saga, though, so I might read Andrew Peterson’s other stuff.
Wow, lots of art xD I love…[Read more]
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