2 years ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 173
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count me in. 🤩🤩🤩Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
@godlyfantasy12 @joy-calle @keilah-h
“Pete.” Margie looks over her shoulder but he’s not there. “Pedro!!! Where are you?”
“Right here, amiga. What’s wrong?”
She sighs. “Nothing’s wrong. They just want to know how we met.”
Pete studies the group, suddenly realizing everyone is starting at him. “Umm, it wasn’t that spectacular really. We just sort of ended up at the same table together at school.” He winks, hoping for a reaction from Margie, which he gets.
“Ugg, you don’t remember all the details!!! We first met in a random restaurant after I rescued your little brother!”
“Oh yes…” Pete grins sheepishly. “Then without knowing it, a few weeks later you moved to my town and started going to school. One day you noticed a random kid sitting by himself in the cafeteria and decided to sit with him. I’m glad you did.”
Margie smiles, glad he remembered that part.
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
Though, you were just supposed to do four questions.
Oh my goodness!! I’m so sorry! I just kept going…Whatever you think is best and fair. My bad!!!
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
*grins way too much* AHH I love the way they got to go back! It really seems like Middle Earth should be their home… *eagerly/slightly concernedly awaits the ending of the book now*
I’m going to work on some and try to post today!! Glad you are enjoying it. It’s going to probably be three stories, one for each LOTR book. 🙂
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
Hey. I might be repeating something someone already said, but when I re-read your post, I thought of a few little tips that help me for inspiration especially when it comes to any kind of writing. I honestly have no experience in the area of editing, but I do know what it is like to have a great idea, begin writing a story/book, and then become uninspired and just tired out.
I love going to coffee shops to write, somewhere out of the house, somewhere usually quiet for the most part and of course, with coffee or something you enjoy drinking/eating.
Also, on super nice days, I take my writing outside. The natural elements are refreshing. There’s a creek in my back yard and I love sitting by it on one of the big rocks as I write.
Or, and I think some people mentioned this already, just take a step back…take a break. When you feel rested, read your book with new eyes.
I think editing take some amazing skills when doing it for other people, never mind doing it on your OWN WRITING! You’ve got this, girl. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Sending encouragement, love, and inspiration your way. 🙂
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
SAME. I’m an INFP. How about you?
I’m ESTP-T. 😉
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
Sorry everyone….I’m really late on this but I’m going to squeeze in a little Q and A with my charries even if I’m disqualified from competing. Have fun!
———Quiet chattering could be heard from the stage.
Mike: “Hey, I didn’t ask any questions yet. What are you two whispering about? No conspiracies.”
Pete grins. “Estamos practicando espanol, Senor. Lo siento.”
Mike frowns. “I didn’t get that. Can you speak English please?”
Margie laughs. “Alrighty, sir. We’re ready for the questions.”
Mike: “So, Pete, if you would show up randomly at Margie’s house, what would she most likely be doing?”
No hesitation. “She’d be riding her horse, Shadowfax. Or doing homework. Or helping Uncle Jim in the barn. Or….”
“Okay, that’s enough!!!! All correct answers. Apparently you’ve been over to her house a lot.”
Pete winks at Margie, who smiles. “Yes, sir. Everyday after school and on the weekends. We’re neighbors.”
“Stop ‘sir’ing me.” Mike clears his throat. “Next question, Margie. What is Pete’s full given name?”
Margie suddenly puts a hand to her face nervously. “Ummm, Pedro….Lopez Gonzalez, but I don’t know if you have a middle name!!! How could I not remember?”
Mike grins triumphantly. “He does have a middle name. Marcos.”
“I’m so sorry, Pete. Now I can remember your mom calling you by your full name one time.” Margie elbows Pete in the ribs.
“Oww. Really? When?”
Mike: “Another time for stories, my dears. Next question. Pete, what is Margie’s favorite food?”
“Goodness.” Pete drums his fingers. “Boy. I don’t pay attention to food, I just eat.”
“I’ve seen Margie eat a lot of cookies and drink coffee.”
Margie face says, “Come on now”, but Pete just shrugs.
Mike: “Another incorrect answer. Her favorite food, at least right now, is Churros.”
Margie smiles at Pete. “But only his mom’s churros. They are the best!!!”
“Okay, quickly guys. We have few more. Margie, tell me where would Pete like to live if he could live anywhere?”
“Somewhere beautiful, but without mountains. Probably near a beach somewhere, but it has to be the Altantic Ocean, right, Pete?”
Pete raises his eyebrows. “Didn’t think you’d remember all that!”
Mike: “Corrrrrrect!!”
Margie and Pete fist-bump.
Mike: “No congratulatory actions yet….I have more for you.”
Margie runs her hand through her long brown hair.
Pete scratches his head, listening closely.
Mike: “Pete, what were Margie’s parent’s names?”
He looks at Margie, sadness filling his eyes. “George and Annie Carlson. I wish I could have met them. They have a very beautiful and special daughter.”
Margie smiles. “Thank you Pete. I appreciate you.”
They hug.
(Mike doesn’t reprimand them.)
“Next question…Margie, where in Guatemala is Pete from?”
“Pete!! You never told me….”
Mike: “NOOO consulting with your partner. Give it a go.”
“I have no idea. I’m going to say somewhere where there’s quetzal birds.”
Pete snorts. “Umm, Margie….”
Mike: “Incorrect, young lady. It’s a town called “La Libertad.”
Both Pete and Margie look at each other and burst into a fit of laughter.
Mike: “WHAT’S SO FUNNY???”
They keep laughing.
Mike gives up. “Okay, session done. NEXT!”
“You need to practice your Spanish accent, Senor.” Pete grabs Margie’s hand and they take off.
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
Here’s the link to the test!
I did that one on myself and it was the best test I ever did. 😅
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
All of y’all are making me rethink reading Dune…
In a positive or negative way??? 😅
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
Ooh, I love Dune! I started it before I watched the movie, but it’s kind of long.
Lol. Yeah. I went to a coffee shop this afternoon and finished it. Soooo good!!!
What is your book series about?
So my book series is about a girl named Maurine Carlson and her life in New Mexico…in the first book, she moves, goes to a new school, meets new friends, and starts a hawk club. Book two, she becomes a licensed falconer and her Uncle gets married. Book three, she makes her ranch into a dude ranch for city kids. Book four, she gets married, and book five is a summary of her family and extended family. I only have book one written and started on the second. 😆
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
If you are going to see Dune in theatres you have to watch it in an Imax theatre
Thanks for that cuz the closest movie theatre here isn’t an IMAX . 😢
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
Here goes! Yes! Story number 2!!!
For reference, it starts out with the kids quite a bit older. Hope you enjoy whenever you find time to read. I don’t have any more written so it might be awhile til the next post!!
Journey to the Past: Into Middle Earth; Story Two
Light rain sprinkled the windows of a small room, which was lighted by numerous odd looking lamps. Two young ladies could be seen busily engaged.
The older one, Eudora, was flipping through a stack of papers, looking for something. “Here it is,” she said aloud.
“When are you going to finish the cook book?” questioned her younger sister Rowena, who paused from her sewing.
“When are you going to finish the surprise cloak for Alfred?” Eudora asked, smiling. She studied the paper before her. It was a recipe she called “Bard’s Bread.” She had learned to make it some years ago far away from her homeland.
“I suppose I’ll finish Alfred’s cloak today in time for his arrival,” Rowena grinned. “I only need to finished hemming the bottom and then I’ll put the green broach at the top. I think he is going to like it very much.”
Eudora turned from her desk to examine the article. Rowena, at age twenty-four, now had a business sewing fancy clothing for the royalty of England. She hardly had time to spare these days because orders were so frequent. Sometimes Eudora, now aged twenty-six, would devote her willing hand to the work. Most times, she was found in the castle kitchen where she reigned as head cook. People from all over the country had heard of her ingenious recipes and just now she was engaged of compiling samples of them.
“I declare it is the handsomest cloak I have seen yet,” Eudora praised.
“You didn’t answer my question. When will you be finish your cookbook? Are you going to share our secret recipe of lembus? ” Rowena looked up at her sister.
Eudora frowned. “I’m beginning to wonder if I should even publish the book. I don’t like the idea of people taking those precious recipes that have taken me a long time to develop. They will become common place and I don’t believe I will appreciate that at all. I am going to make a cook book for my self and my descendants but nothing more. As for the lembus, I shall never breath a word to any soul as long as I live.”
“Why, Eudora!” exclaimed her sister. “You could make a fortune! People are raving about the recipes.”
Eudora shrugged. “Let them rave. I will not be persuaded.”
Rowena had learned that once her sister had decided something, persuading her would be like trying to dig up Mount Everest. She quietly turned back to her sewing.
By the evening, the cloak was completed. Eudora scurried about setting a beautiful table and putting on a delicious meal and Rowena kept the servants and maids at bay. The four children were going to have a reunion by themselves.
Perhaps the reader does not understand why a reunion was to be had. Since the time of the last story, the Montgomery children had grown a great deal. Eugene, now aged twenty-seven, was a seasoned soldier in the British Army. He had fought in great battles and was knighted by the Queen for showing bravery and defying all odds to save seven of his comrades. Sir Eugene’s time in the army had expired, but he was always employing himself in matters concerning the safety of his country.
Alfred, at the time of this story, was about to turn twenty-two. He had been busy traveling to various countries studying the customs of the vikings. After a year of absence, he decided to return to his castle home. Eudora and Rowena invited Sir Eugene to join them and Alfred in a reunion feast. It had been sometime since all four children had spent time together in the castle to which they had been born. Their parents were away in France meeting with the leaders there. It would be just the four of them in charge of the castle and that felt good to Eudora and Rowena, who were quite tired of servants. After the preliminary cleaning was finished, they had announced three day holiday to the inhabitants of the castle, except the guards. The reunion was prepared by the sisters and the brothers were to be received by them with great joy.
Finally, the clock struck five. “Alfred and Sir Eugene should be here any minute,” Rowena said, drawing aside the sash from the window. Candle light spilled passed her and two young men looked up and saluted. “Oh, they are here now!”She exclaimed letting the sash fall back into place. Eudora surveyed the dining area once more, making sure that everything was in the proper places. Then, the two young ladies left the hall and went to the door. Eudora took a key from her pocket, unlocked the oaken door, and opened it. Alfred and Eugene were standing there, looking very merry.
“Greetings, Eudora and Rowena,” Eugene said with a low bow.
“Greetings, sisters.” Alfred kissed their hands.
“Do not linger on the door step,” admonished Eudora gaily. “Come, we must go into the dining hall at once. Everything is ready.”
The four children walked up the red carpeted hallway and followed the glow of the candles. “This reminds me of the hall that I used to dine in when I lived with the dwarfs at Lonely Mountain,” commented Alfred as he surveyed the changes that had taken place.
“I haven’t been in a place as beautiful and heartwarming as this in so long,” shared Eugene.
“Sir Eugene and Prince Alfred, please be seated,” said Rowena in a magniloquent manner.
Eugene and Alfred obliged and after a prayer, they all began to eat. They talked late into the night about Alfred’s adventures, Eugene’s knight-ship, Eudora’s masterful cooking, and Rowena’s inspiring sewing. Alfred was not too surprised with the welcome home gift he received from Rowena and Eudora. The cloak fit perfectly.
“Once again it puts me in mind of the days we spent with the elves,” he said, his face taking on a look of longing. “I do wish we could see our good friends again. Thought it has been ten long years, I have not forgotten the goodwill that the Middle Earth folks have bestowed upon us.”
Eugene sipped a bit of tea and set down his mug a bit forcefully. “I will never ever put that incident out of my mind. I still wonder why it happened and if we will ever be given an opportunity so great as that again. Which reminds me, Uncle Raymond gave me another of Tolkien’s books.”
“Did he really?” Eudora exclaimed.
“Yes, it is a continuation of the story. I’ve read some of it.” Eugene reached into his leather bag and pulled the book out. He read them some of the pages and they all listened in interest.
“Tolkien can write,” Rowena observed after a pause in the reading. “He makes me feel like I was there.”
“Wouldn’t it be something if we could return and see Bilbo and meet Frodo?” Eudora mused. “I do believe something life changing is in store for all of us. Remember the words that we saw on the cover of the Hobbit?” She took the work out of her pocket and put it on the table. “A few days ago, I saw the words on the cover again “Return Shortly” when the moon light was shining through my bedroom window. I flipped through the book and then I noticed a small piece of paper tucked inside the end cover. I pulled it out and held it up to the moon so I could see it. Words that were written in an unknown tongue appeared on the paper. They were outlined in a reddish-orange color like fire. Then, the unfamiliar script vanished and I read words in English that sounded almost evil.”
Rowena drew in her breath. “You never told me that! Oh, what did they say?”
“I brought the paper with me.” She fumbled in her pocket for a few seconds before pulling out the paper. After a few silent minutes, Eudora said hopelessly, “I can’t see them anymore. I’m afraid we will only be able to see it in the moonlight.”
Alfred stood to his feet. “Come, girls, and Sir Eugene. We must figure out this mystery.” He took the paper carefully from Eudora’s hand and led the way down the hall. Rowena and Eudora took two candles. Eugene put a hand on his sword. They followed Alfred until he came to the huge door of the library. Alfred stepped in first. Then Eugene. Eudora blew out her candle and stepped over the thresh hold. Finally, Rowena entered, and her candle extinguished all on its own. They looked at one another in fear and amazement.
“Let us go to the window,” whispered Eugene. The window he was speaking of was the center window of the library where Alfred had first sat with The Hobbit ten years earlier. The rain had stopped and clouds vanished, letting the moon shine brightly. All the corners of the library were illuminated. Eudora and Eugene advanced, but Alfred stayed motionless. Rowena touched his arm.
“Aren’t you going to go to the window and read it?”
Slowly, Alfred began to move again. Rowena joined him. Drenched in the full moon’s illumination, they all paused directly in front of the window. Hesitantly, Alfred began to reveal the message in a trembling voice:
Three Rings for the Elvin kings under the sky
Seven for the Dwarf lords in their halls of stone
Nine for Mortal men doomed to die
One for the DARK LORD on his dark throne
In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie
One Ring to rule them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie
This is what Alfred read aloud. This is what they all saw light up on the paper. In their imagination (or was it reality?) they could feel an ominous darkness like they never had before. Rowena and Eudora shuddered noticeably and Alfred tried to throw the paper away. But it wouldn’t leave him.
Eugene unsheathed his sword. His voice shook the room. “These words are found in the Lord of The Rings book.” He flipped open the front cover and the words shone dimly. “I feel something mysterious is going to happen. We will conquer the evil no matter what it takes. Now, Alfred, hold your hand so I can slip my blade between it and the paper.”
Alfred held out his hand but no matter what Eugene did, the paper didn’t budge. “Eugene, I’ve traveled to great lands and seen many horrible things. But I do not like the feel of this magic. It is as if we are doomed to die, just like it says.” And he repeated the words.
At that moment, a gust of wind blew the glass from the window and it turned into a screaming black beast much larger than half of the castle. The blackness screamed through the night towards the moon and then vanished. Eudora clung to Eugene and Rowena to Alfred.
“What are we getting ourselves into?” Eudora said faintly.
“Girls, we have fought before and we will fight again.” Eugene handed his sword to Alfred. “I’ll be back.”
He indeed returned, but it seemed like forever that the others sat in fear. Eugene presented them with three swords. “These are mine but I give them to you for you will need them. Strap them to your sides quickly.”
They obeyed immediately. Eugene climbed onto the window sill and looked out. He nearly fainted himself, but being a soldier and a knight, he could do no such thing. The landscape outside the window had changed dramatically. No longer did the streets hum with wagons and horses and people. Eugene was looking at mountains, valleys, streams, rivers, marshes, black rocks, gates, and many shapes slowly shuffling about. “Alfred, Eudora, Rowena. Come and see where we are,” he said when he could speak.
Eudora covered her mouth to keep from shrieking. Alfred stuck his head over and was instantly pulled out. Rowena, without thinking, grabbed his leg and was taken too. Eugene reached for him and Eudora recklessly grasped for Eugene. They found themselves flying over unfamiliar lands. The paper was taking them somewhere, through the sky. Eire noises sounded all around them. Black arrows whizzed by them dangerously close. Up a large river, passed a water fall, over beautiful gardens and delightful music, passed spooky grounds, above an extravagant castle, by a forest that seemed quite alive, and finally over a neat little town of small, round houses.
“Hobbiton!” cried Rowena. “I see Bilbo Baggins house! We are landing.”
Suddenly, a streak of light shot towards them and nearly blew them up. The paper was burnt instantly, and they began to fall recklessly to the ground. Just before they crashed into the ground, and invisible force gently stood them up in the middle of a grassy lawn. Surrounding them were hobbits covered in astonished faces.
“I didn’t know that Gandalf could bring men from the sky!” exclaimed someone behind them.
“He never did that before!” agreed someone else. They came up to Eugene, Eudora, Rowena, and Alfred and looked them up and down. “Well, I never,” said one. “What are your names?”
Just as they were about to answer, Bilbo himself came to them. “Ahhh, friends! You have returned in time to celebrate my eleventy-first birthday! What a suprise! Rowena, Alfred, Eugene, Eudora, good to see you all.”
The two hobbits, who had fist come to investigate, stepped aside. “Must be folks that he met when he was on his mysterious journeys years and years ago,” one speculated suspiciously.
“Tonight we are also celebrating my nephew’s coming into manhood. He is thirty-three tonight.” Bilbo looked away from the four newcomers and studied a group of hobbits. “There he is. Come meet Frodo.”
Eudora almost laughed. Indeed, they were going to be able to meet Frodo! She and Rowena followed Bilbo with their brothers bringing up the rear. Alfred was startled by a voice. “What is your name?”
He turned to find a fine looking hobbit at his side. “My name is Alfred Montgomery.”
The hobbit grinned. “I am Merriodoc, but most call me Merry. My fellow hobbit here is Peregrine Tuck. We all call him Pippin.”
“Very nice to meet you both,” said Alfred, quite amused. Eugene introduced himself and before long, Eudora and Rowena learned the hobbits’ names too.
“Frodo, son of Drogo, here are four friends of mine that arrived a little later for the party. This young man is named Eugene. The two maidens are Eudora and Rowena. Alfred is the youngest, though by now he has grown much. He’s taller than me, that’s for sure.” Bilbo looked up into Alfred’s face and smiled.
“I’m afraid they are all taller than us, Uncle,” Frodo said with a laugh. He studied them all with his brown eyes. “It is very good to meet you all. Uncle Bilbo has told me much about you and all. I’m glad you were able to come.”
“Thank you for being so welcoming,” Eudora said politely.
Rowena felt a hand on her shoulder and glanced up into to face of Gandalf. “How does it fair with my little maid?” he asked.
“Very well, Gandalf the gray. I am glad to see you.”
“Find places to sit and we will resume our show.” He strode away, though not very quickly. Rowena noticed that he seemed to be carrying some weight on his shoulders.
Alfred found himself beside another jolly hobbit, who was full of talking. “I’m pleased to meet you, Alfred. My name is Sam Gamgee. I work for Bilbo Baggins in his gardens. ‘Tis a pleasant task, I tell you. Roses, trees, daisies…if you take my meaning.”
Merry and Pippin were busy talking with Eugene and Eudora. “We live over the river and came just for this special party. Bilbo’s mother was a Tuck, so I am related, you see,” informed Pippin.
“Look at all this food!” exclaimed Eudora to Merry, who was busily drinking the last of his beer.
“Yes, indeed. We hobbits won’t go hungry for anything,” he said gaily.
Rowena found a seat beside a pretty hobbit, who she found out was named Rosie. “I live with my mother, father, and brothers in a little house down the road,” Rosie said. “We are all here tonight. Look! Gandalf is about to start again!!”
The fireworks blasted off, spilling beautiful colors into the air. Then, a huge dragon came flying out of the sky, making everyone yell and duck. Alfred grinned and elbowed Bilbo a little. “That was almost too real.”
Bilbo didn’t hear him. Or if he did, he didn’t respond. He was busy fumbling with something in his pocket that Alfred couldn’t make out. When the last of the fireworks died away, Bilbo whispered, “I’m going to go make a speech. Go find Frodo and stay with him.”
Wondering not a little, Alfred obeyed. Frodo was sitting on a log in deep thought. “What is it like to become a man in the Shire?” questioned Alfred.
Frodo looked up at him. “It’s a very special occasion. I am now recognized among the leaders of our town.” He didn’t offer much more than that and Alfred was disappointed. He was still mulling over the fact that Bilbo had changed very much. He seemed restless and bound for somewhere.
“What’s up with your uncle? It seems like something is eating him.” Alfred studied Frodo’s face.
“I don’t know,” Frodo said thoughtfully. “He’s always searching for something. I think he has some kind of worry weighing down on him. I hope this party will help to relieve him.”
Alfred settled down on the grass and watched Bilbo stride to where Gandalf was standing.
“My dear people,” the little hobbit began.
So many cheers responded to his introduction and entire speech that it seemed he would never finish.
“Thirdly and finally,” he said, “I wish to make an ANNOUNCEMENT. I regret to announce that–though, as I said, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to spend among you–this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE!!”*
At that second, a tremendous boom sounded and flashing lights exploded. Bilbo was gone. Hobbits began murmuring to one another.
“What is this? Playing tricks on us?”
“Goodness! I never saw the likes!”
“This is the queerest thing ever.”
Frodo touched Alfred’s shoulder. “Come with me quietly.”
Alfred obeyed. Frodo wove himself among the merrymakers, his appetite gone. All he felt like doing was going to Uncle Bilbo’s house…..
That’s it!! So far. 🙂 🙂
* indicates quote from The Fellowship of the Ring. (page 30)
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
This is a super fun topic…no regrets please! So, I’m a little tentative to put a couple in here because my life is crazy and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep up with y’all but I’ll do my best.
You guys haven’t met Maurine Carlson and Pedro Gonzalez but now is a good time! (They both live in New Mexico. Pete comes from Guatemala and lives with his mom and little brother. Margie lives with her Uncle Jim. She is, tragically, an orphan. Mom passed away from cancer and Dad died in the war far away.) I’ve written book one in a series of five I have planned which introduces both characters and their families, the drama, etc. One day I will share bits and pieces on KP but haven’t summed up the courage yet.
All that to say, right now in their lives, Margie and Pete are just friends. But very good friends.
***Grins*** I have wonderful plans for their future.
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
I just write one than see if anymore can be written off of it.
Thats a good way to do it. 👍🏻
Has anyone read all 3 of the little women series?
I have all three books and I’m pretty sure I read through the whole second one and parts of the third one. Definitely should refresh my memory on all three. They are all really good. 😀
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo
I loved Dune it was a great read
Awesome!!! It’s really the first book in that genre of space/ futuristic science fiction that I have actually enjoyed reading. Definitely keeping me hooked.
(I will say though It gets really weird in the 4th one)
I thought about buying the whole set but maybe I’ll just get them from the library. 😉
The movie was really well done
That is exactly to the T what my brother said. I can’t wait. And we might go see the second one together when it comes out…I think November?
Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo