Larchness replied to the topic Subgenres–Helpful or a Hindrance? in the forum Fantasy 4 years, 1 month ago
@devastate-lasting Wow that’s amazing! Kudos to you for keeping at such a huge project like that!
Larchness replied to the topic Subgenres–Helpful or a Hindrance? in the forum Fantasy 4 years, 1 month ago
@devastate-lasting That’s interesting about series fantasy, because just from reading the description I wouldn’t really call it a “genre,” more like a…structure? Like any genre can have the same structure as a series fantasy, right? What about your story makes it so?
I’m the same way for coming up with the ideas. I remember at one point years…[Read more]
Larchness replied to the topic Subgenres–Helpful or a Hindrance? in the forum Fantasy 4 years, 1 month ago
@epicaddie2 You know I can’t say I’ve ever read any historical fantasy, at least not that I remember. But that’s really cool, especially because at the moment the medieval aesthetic is so heavily drawn upon. I’d love to read something that’s based more on a victorian-era style. What specifically makes your setting victorian, like is it the…[Read more]
Larchness started the topic Subgenres–Helpful or a Hindrance? in the forum Fantasy 4 years, 1 month ago
Hey all! I want your opinion on subgenres.
I recently found an article that lists a ton of subgenres for fantasy. Some are obvious, like the difference between portal fantasy vs fairytale is pretty clear. But when it comes to the smaller niches, I’m not so sure I either understand the difference between them, or the use of labelling stories under…[Read more]
Larchness replied to the topic What Makes a Mystery? in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@lewilliams Oh yeah the mind palace, that was something else I thought was a little far-fetched, even though it does have roots in actual memory processes some people use. I’ve seen the whole thing, I definitely think the first season was the best, and then it kind of devolved into a larger, crazier plot. I was pretty happy with how they adapted…[Read more]
Larchness replied to the topic What Makes a Mystery? in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@lewilliams You’re right about Sherlock. I did love it but as the show went on, it’s like the writers got tired of explaining his thought process. Episode one, he’s making deductions and it’s clever because he explains why he came to that conclusion, but then later episodes it’s just “I know this and this and this because I’m smart, trust me.” A…[Read more]
Larchness replied to the topic What Makes a Mystery? in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@gracie-j Absolutely on the red herrings. I love reading them and I love writing them. The way I see it, especially with the Nancy Drew books, mysteries are like a staircase of rising tension. With a lot of mysteries, each chapter climaxes at some sort of cliffhanger (“Bess turned the corner and screamed!” End Chapter 1.) What can annoy me is when…[Read more]
Larchness replied to the topic Favorite Character in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@ugroza Ooh one of my favourite things is talking about characters. There’s no way I can limit it to one, mostly because each character is influenced so much by the others. So the top two at the moment (though I love them all) is the protagonist of my WIP and his twin brother, Camrien. Camrien’s always been the funnier of the two in the sense that…[Read more]
Larchness replied to the topic Playlists in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
There we go! I was trying to post a reply but it wouldn’t go through. It looks like I work if I don’t activate the link, so I have to do the two playlists separately:
Larchness replied to the topic Playlists in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
Larchness replied to the topic Hey Everyone! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 1 month ago
@writerlexi1216 I grew up with the Chronicles of Narnia, those books are the best 😀 If you love dragons, you’ve probably already read Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle (if not, definitely check it out!) Otherwise, you might also like Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett. It’s like a fantasy cop thriller, if you could put it in a genre. It’s been a few…[Read more]
Larchness replied to the topic Hey Everyone! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 1 month ago
@writerlexi1216 Ah yes coffee fuels my soul 🙂 Thanks for the welcome! I’ll probably echo a lot of people here if I say my favourite fantasy book is the Silmarillion by Tolkien. Definitely no other book has touched me in the way that one has. Oh yes, I have always loved dragons, still do. My old sketchbooks are filled with drawings of different…[Read more]
Larchness replied to the topic Playlists in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
Hey, I love this idea! I love making playlists and finding new music. I have tons of different playlists based on different scenarios/aesthetics within my WIP, so I’m trying to find a one-size-fits-all playlist that’s good to share. If anyone’s looking for a type of music in particular I might also be able to give you recommendations!
Larchness replied to the topic Hey Everyone! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 1 month ago
@lewilliams Hey Elizabeth, thank you for the welcome and the recs! I haven’t heard of ND Wilson so I’ll be sure to check him out. It’s a shame my local bookstore is closed for browsing otherwise I’d love to go in with a huge list and come out with a stack of new books.
Kudos to you for taking English! I’ve always been amazed by the amount of…[Read more]
Larchness replied to the topic Hey Everyone! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 1 month ago
@seekjustice Wow thank you for all the recommendations!! I definitely love Harry Potter and the Night Circus, and I’ve heard of a couple others on your list but I’d love to read them! You’re right, that era is so fantastic and diverse, no wonder so much fantasy is influenced by it.
Larchness replied to the topic WIP Chat! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@gracie-j Thanks! I can’t wait to finish up the script and start on the art 😀
Larchness replied to the topic WIP Chat! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@gracie-j Thanks! I plan on doing the illustrations if I can, it will be a lot of work but there’s others who have been able to do it! Right now for me that means practicing and getting better at my art and learning all the ins and outs of comic designing (there’s so much involved it’s crazy.)
@joy-caroline thank you! Haha it seems more polished…[Read more]
Larchness replied to the topic WIP Chat! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@gracie-j I’ll do my best!
My WIP is a script for a graphic novel. I’m working through Act 2 and have done several re-writes of Act 1:
Title: The Harvestman’s Wake
In the March, the written word can have power to shape the present, and people cling to relics of the past to ensure they will be remembered after death. However, since the Dark…[Read more]
Larchness changed their profile picture 4 years, 1 month ago
Larchness replied to the topic WIP Chat! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
Hi @millennium! Thank you to @gracie-j for the invite to post here. I just joined KP, but I’d love to offer some perspective on your questions, though the others have already pretty much covered everything important.
I’m exactly in your shoes right now. I’ve got some ideas for things that *need* to happen at certain points, like the hook, turning…[Read more]
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