Ellie Wingfeather started the topic How many stories/books have you written? in the forum General Writing Discussions 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Like the title says, how many books (or stories, long and short) have you written?
What genre do you lean to when writing?
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Hello! I actually know you on some other sites (I’m Multi-fandom Writer on one site and Author_of_many_fandoms on another)
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic Hello, Humans! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Hello! Welcome! I only just joined a few days ago myself, lol!
Your WIP sounds very interesting!
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Sara and Ellie Wingfeather are now friends 11 months, 3 weeks ago
hybridlore and Ellie Wingfeather are now friends 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic I’m new here! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
My WIP is about a boy who finds out he’s heir to the throne, and must take it back. I’m planning on writing a prequel in how the throne was stolen in the first place too!
Ellie Wingfeather's profile was updated 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic I’m new here! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Hi @trailblazer!!
Yes! Fantasy is DEFINITELY my favorite genre to read!!!
Hmm……… God really helped me get more patience this past year.
A highlight? I’m thinking, probably when my relatives came for a visit. Because of where I live, it’s really expensive to fly to and fro.
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic I’m new here! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Thalia is REALLY cool! I actually really like Luke too, xD.
Oh, that’s fine! Personally I like Heroes of Olympus a lot, because it goes more into depth in the Riordanverse but the original PJO books are the best.
Zoe is really cool too!
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic I’m new here! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Hi @savannah_grace2009!!!
Hey, I’m a freshman too!! I’m homeschooled though, lol!
Favorite color? Dark green!
Hmmm…… favorite movie……… I think maybe either Harry Potter (a very controversial topic among Christians!), Lord of the Rings, or the Chronicles of Narnia!
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic I’m new here! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Ooh, that’s cool! I really like Nico, personally. Have you only read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians or have you read Heroes of Olympus too?
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic I’m new here! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 4 weeks ago
Hi @HighScribe!!
To answer your question, no, I was not. Though, that does sound like a username I would use lol!
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic I’m new here! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 4 weeks ago
Hi! I lean towards hard building, probably from reading too much Tolkien lol!
Yes, I am working on a story! I hust started it too! I’m not going to give too much away, but it’s about a boy who finds out he’s heir to the throne and must work on reclaiming it!
Hmmm…… that’s a hard one. First I would take a car and drive it by the trolley, th…[Read more]
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic I’m new here! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 4 weeks ago
Hi @grcr!
I like to play classical songs, though I also make my own songs too!!
My favorite color is dark green!
I don’t know how many characters off the top of my head but I’m guessing around 10?
I enjoy reading and writing in third person!
I would create the world first, because it can shape the personality of the characters.
Hmm… proba…[Read more]
Ellie Wingfeather replied to the topic I’m new here! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 4 weeks ago
Hi Allison!
To answer your questions, if I could take any three books I would take the Wingfeather Saga, Percy Jackson, and the Unwanteds!
For sports, I play Basketball!
I write maybe once a week? I try to write often but right now I’m in Writer’s Block, so that’s making it hard lol.
Hmm, favorite character I’ve written. Probably the main ch…[Read more]
Ellie Wingfeather started the topic I’m new here! in the forum Start HERE 11 months, 4 weeks ago
Hello! I’m Ellie Wingfeather, and I’m new here! I like reading, writing, art, and playing piano, as well as some other stuff.
I tend to write either fanfics or fantasy stories, though I haven’t progressed at writing as much as I would have liked too.I hope to have fun here and learn a lot!