Ava Blue

  • Ava Blue posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago

    I’m not gonna be on tomorrow so I will say it now: 🎄MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU GUYS!!!!🎄 I hope you’re all able to enjoy lots of yummy food and time with loved ones! God bless 😀

  • Ava Blue posted a new activity comment 1 year, 9 months ago

    Yeees I’m doing online school and it’s so great for that exact reason. Socializing in person is scary 🙀 not a fan. And it’s so much easier to make friends too lol. Online college would be awesome! I’m only 15 so it’s still a while off though. Unfortunately the college I want to go to is in-person only 😛

    And yes I do that as well XD I actually…[Read more]

    • @ava-blue
      Lol the in person college classes care me XD
      I started college at 16 this year, we have this thing in Washington called running start, you can take college classes for highschool credit and college credit at once, and the classes are free except for fees and books. So you graduate hs with a AA degree, if everything is done right. It is…[Read more]

      • Really?? I’m in Washington (state) and I haven’t heard about that, I’ll look into it! Do you know if you can take summer classes? If there are any art/music related classes I’m for sure gonna ask my mom about that.

  • Ava Blue posted a new activity comment 1 year, 9 months ago

    @mineralizedwritings ooo I want my stories to be graphic novels too!! Especially Bronwen and Ilwyn’s stories. And I like that dialogue, I can completely relate to that for the majority of the school week lol
    I always write my best emotional scenes when I’m actually feeling the emotion, so if I don’t have a notebook handy I try to describe what I’…[Read more]

    • Yeah…school. I do online, and it’s sooo much less stressful (If you can stay ontop of work by yourself) because socializing is just not a big deal. It’s like internet culture, but in school XD. I do online college now, and it’s not as fun, but I still don’t have to see people. I might take some in person classes this spring 😬 the thought…[Read more]

      • Yeees I’m doing online school and it’s so great for that exact reason. Socializing in person is scary 🙀 not a fan. And it’s so much easier to make friends too lol. Online college would be awesome! I’m only 15 so it’s still a while off though. Unfortunately the college I want to go to is in-person only 😛

        And yes I do that as well XD I actually…[Read more]

        • @ava-blue
          Lol the in person college classes care me XD
          I started college at 16 this year, we have this thing in Washington called running start, you can take college classes for highschool credit and college credit at once, and the classes are free except for fees and books. So you graduate hs with a AA degree, if everything is done right. It is…[Read more]

          • Really?? I’m in Washington (state) and I haven’t heard about that, I’ll look into it! Do you know if you can take summer classes? If there are any art/music related classes I’m for sure gonna ask my mom about that.

  • Ava Blue posted a new activity comment 1 year, 9 months ago

    le petit chat, oui oui

  • Ava Blue posted a new activity comment 1 year, 9 months ago

    Oh it absolutely helps, and I appreciate the suggestion! I’ve been trying to keep a journal but it’s difficult to fight the temptation to just fill it with cartoon scribbles XD
    This is kinda weird but whenever I’m mad/sad/stressed it helps me out to make whatever I’m dealing with into a comic. Comedy is my coping strategy for literally everything…[Read more]

    • Oh i get that! My book is hopefully going to be in comic form one day. I’ve got a scene where theres these two boys laying around (one has depression, the other feels guilty about something awhile ago) and one of them starts talking about how he would like to sleep forever (like that guy in the voyage of the dawn treader who falls into an…[Read more]

  • Ava Blue posted a new activity comment 1 year, 9 months ago

    @mineralizedwritings Sorry for the late reply, but I really appreciate that! I’m feeling so much better now though I still have my moments. I think I just needed to talk to someone about it 🙂

    • Glad you are feeling better! Talking to people really helps. Idk if you are at a place to do this, sometimes it only works for me after the fact, but I like to write about the stuff that stresses me out. I’ve never had it as bad as you, but I’ve had some depression before, and I have a character like that. It just feels really good to write…[Read more]

      • Oh it absolutely helps, and I appreciate the suggestion! I’ve been trying to keep a journal but it’s difficult to fight the temptation to just fill it with cartoon scribbles XD
        This is kinda weird but whenever I’m mad/sad/stressed it helps me out to make whatever I’m dealing with into a comic. Comedy is my coping strategy for literally everything…[Read more]

        • Oh i get that! My book is hopefully going to be in comic form one day. I’ve got a scene where theres these two boys laying around (one has depression, the other feels guilty about something awhile ago) and one of them starts talking about how he would like to sleep forever (like that guy in the voyage of the dawn treader who falls into an…[Read more]

  • Ava Blue changed their profile picture 1 year, 9 months ago

  • Ava Blue posted an update 1 year, 10 months ago

    Hey all, no worries if you don’t see this but I’d really appreciate any prayers 🙂
    I hate to complain but I’ve kind of been having anxiety every waking moment of my life for the past 2 months and lately it’s gotten super fun, like I wake up at 3-5 every morning because I’m having an anxiety attack and then I have another one before I fall asleep…[Read more]

    • I will definitely pray for you! That sounds really unpleasant! 💙💙💙

      • @mineralizedwritings Sorry for the late reply, but I really appreciate that! I’m feeling so much better now though I still have my moments. I think I just needed to talk to someone about it 🙂

        • Glad you are feeling better! Talking to people really helps. Idk if you are at a place to do this, sometimes it only works for me after the fact, but I like to write about the stuff that stresses me out. I’ve never had it as bad as you, but I’ve had some depression before, and I have a character like that. It just feels really good to write…[Read more]

          • Oh it absolutely helps, and I appreciate the suggestion! I’ve been trying to keep a journal but it’s difficult to fight the temptation to just fill it with cartoon scribbles XD
            This is kinda weird but whenever I’m mad/sad/stressed it helps me out to make whatever I’m dealing with into a comic. Comedy is my coping strategy for literally everything…[Read more]

            • Oh i get that! My book is hopefully going to be in comic form one day. I’ve got a scene where theres these two boys laying around (one has depression, the other feels guilty about something awhile ago) and one of them starts talking about how he would like to sleep forever (like that guy in the voyage of the dawn treader who falls into an…[Read more]

    • @mineralizedwritings ooo I want my stories to be graphic novels too!! Especially Bronwen and Ilwyn’s stories. And I like that dialogue, I can completely relate to that for the majority of the school week lol
      I always write my best emotional scenes when I’m actually feeling the emotion, so if I don’t have a notebook handy I try to describe what I’…[Read more]

      • Yeah…school. I do online, and it’s sooo much less stressful (If you can stay ontop of work by yourself) because socializing is just not a big deal. It’s like internet culture, but in school XD. I do online college now, and it’s not as fun, but I still don’t have to see people. I might take some in person classes this spring 😬 the thought…[Read more]

        • Yeees I’m doing online school and it’s so great for that exact reason. Socializing in person is scary 🙀 not a fan. And it’s so much easier to make friends too lol. Online college would be awesome! I’m only 15 so it’s still a while off though. Unfortunately the college I want to go to is in-person only 😛

          And yes I do that as well XD I actually…[Read more]

          • @ava-blue
            Lol the in person college classes care me XD
            I started college at 16 this year, we have this thing in Washington called running start, you can take college classes for highschool credit and college credit at once, and the classes are free except for fees and books. So you graduate hs with a AA degree, if everything is done right. It is…[Read more]

            • Really?? I’m in Washington (state) and I haven’t heard about that, I’ll look into it! Do you know if you can take summer classes? If there are any art/music related classes I’m for sure gonna ask my mom about that.

    • Ty fren :3 I appreciate it!

    • @ava-blue

      No way! Your in Washington too?!
      yeah! A couple things about it:
      I believe it only works through community colleges
      You can only take classes over 100 (art 101 is over 100)
      You need to make 15 credits a quarter, and still meet hs requirements. 5 college credits=1 hs credit. So generally you will take 3 5 credit classes a quarter. At my…[Read more]

      • Don’t apologize, I appreciate it! That’s all very helpful. I gtg for dinner but I’ll read through that when I get a chance 😀
        ttyl! (sorry for cutting it short 😛 )

  • That’s so horrible, I’m sorry to hear it 😞 And right before Christmas too :'( I’ll absolutely be praying for that family. Her grandfather seems like such a strong person, I hope he’ll be able to comfort the girl’s parents with that wisdom.

  • Ava Blue posted a new activity comment 1 year, 10 months ago

    I’m glad you like it! (but mainly I’m just very excited you know where it’s from hehe)

  • Ava Blue posted an update 1 year, 10 months ago

    Guys 😏 Tomorrow (or today, for you more chronologically advanced folks) it is officially legal to start celebrating Christmas. What are you guys’ favorite Christmas movies? Personally, I’m a fan of the (original) Grinch and Polar Express.

    • @freedomwriter76 @ava-blue

      Oh I love Elf too!! Me and my dad both love it. It’s hilarious!! The Chosen is so good too!! The Grinch is really funny. We usually watch the live action one; but The animated is really good too!
      Some of my other favorites are: A Timeless Christmas, It’s A Wonderful Life, Christmas Jars, Christmas Oranges, and…[Read more]

    • I don’t exactly watch Christmas movies, it never became a tradition for us! However, I really like home alone.

  • Ava Blue's profile was updated 1 year, 10 months ago

      I’m glad you like it! (but mainly I’m just very excited you know where it’s from hehe)


    I really like the colors you chose, and the eyes are so great! And @Freedomwriter76, I LUV your character design!

  • @freedomwriter76 I definitely do this! My 2 favorite charries (Bronwen and Ilwyn) are almost like my alter egos. Ilwyn is a lot more similar to what I’m actually like, he’s a complete softie and he’s got ADHD so he can be really hyper and lazy at the same time. He’s also the same personality type (INFP-T) and he’s my favorite color…[Read more]

  • @starofthenorth Hi Erica, good to meet you! I’ve been awful about introducing myself to people on here 🤦‍♀️ Well, I’m Ava, I’m 15 and I love writing survival stories :3 I’ve been listening to a lot of louder stuff lately (it’s the only thing that can keep me awake hehe) Right now I really like God’s Gonna Cut You Down – Johnny Cash, Aerials – S…[Read more]

  • @starofthenorth First of all, I’m so glad to hear that you’re okay! I’ve never been to the hospital, that sounds scary.

    Personally, I’m very thankful for @loopylin for keeping me alive through the school year 😅 She helped me actually finish a big fat boring paper (and I almost got it in on time lol) and she’s the best friend I could ever ask for…[Read more]

  • Ava Blue posted a new activity comment 1 year, 10 months ago

    (late, as usual lol) Aghh, I know how you feel. I haven’t had a post that had to be moderated yet but I’ve had very very long posts that have been eaten… *sob*
    I’ve learned to write my very long comments on a word doc, save it and THEN paste it onto KP and change the formatting. It can be a bit of a hassle but it’s a lot less pain then rewriting…[Read more]

  • Ava Blue posted a new activity comment 1 year, 11 months ago


  • @keilah-h Thank you =D

    @loopylin ooooh that’s a good idea, and Donavan would be even spookier if he was a medieval villain 🙀 I’m already imagining his outfit lol (lots of black leather ofc)

  • Ava Blue changed their profile picture 1 year, 11 months ago

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