Joy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 11 months ago
OOH! OOH! I just realized I can post my new meme now! 😀 😀
I hope this is the right one. . . @aratrea @the-real-kapeefer @epicaddie2 @catwing @ariel-ashira @jenwriter17 @kapeefers
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 1 month ago
@aratrea Yup, I look like that too XD To be honest there have been moments on Ydubs when I really wanted to use some of these memes but I’m not entirely sure you’d want them on there XD And besides, the KP memes are special to KP. 😉
@jenwriter17 Yesssss XD I’ll try to make more at some point!
Ariel Ashira replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 1 month ago
@aratrea Wowee, the frog Prince himself turned up!
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
Joy replied to the topic Long Years Ago…… in the forum Start HERE 6 years, 4 months ago
BLUUUUUEE JAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! You’re back!!!! *hugs tightly* I’M SO GLAD TO SEE–
Oh, wait, we haven’t been introduced, haven’t we? Apologies haha. . . I’m Dekreel. I’ve always wondered where you’ve been! It’s great to see you back! Sadly, at this point, most of the Kapeefers have vanished. Deserted this place for Story Embers. Tragic times.…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 9 months ago
@epicaddie2 @aratrea @the-real-kapeefer @Anna @rochellaine @ariella-newheart @anyone-else-who-likes-these
Ariel Ashira replied to the topic Truly Lost our Minds in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@catwing Thanks!!!
@filewriterbase13x Oh, goodness! Daeus and Josiah arguing? Notta taking over? I cannot imagine that! 😀 Everyone has truly lost thier minds! @daeus is king, @aratrea is the Wiser! 😉
Oh, @the-real-kapeefer this is your time to usurp the throne!
Catwing replied to the topic Truly Lost our Minds in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
filewriter@base13x wrote:
A Kingdom Pen Adventure: Truly Lost our Minds
The File Writer of Base13x (@filewriterbase13x)
Part Five: King Who?
I ran with the dog, who said her name was Skredder, and the purple giraffe, Kaya, at my side. B-bot and Catwing flew above us. I was of course not sure of where we were going, but the dog seemed to…[Read more]
Ariel Ashira replied to the topic Hi fellow KaPeeFers!!! in the forum Start HERE 6 years, 11 months ago
@the-real-kapeefer So, I am wondering who is older, you or Josiah?
And have no fear, @aratrea , we are all much more devoted to you. There is no chance of him ever taking over the Kingdom! *laughs at Daniels useless attempt*
BTW, how can you call yourself a real kapeefer? I have been on the forum only a month and I have many times over the a…[Read more]
Catwing replied to the topic A Catwing Christmas in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
Unfortunately my character has stolen my next part. Thanks Kay.
Part Six
In Deep Waters (Hello, reader people :P)/I could’ve done better./ I stared at the old bearded man lying motionless on the ground. His friends watched where the Catwing and narrator had vanished. /The doctor was a nice touch. But this death is too dull and failable./ A…[Read more]
Ariel Ashira started the topic Lots of Crazy Keapeefers in the forum Poetry 6 years, 11 months ago
Hiya, everybody!
Okay, so I find myself making up these little poems about various ones of you. Thought you guys might like to read them.
@daeus here’s one for you
Crowned for his superlative nose,
Twenty two turtles wherever he goes,
Wise, funny, and inspiring,
Is our noble raspberry king!
@dragon-snapper here’s one about you
Ariel Ashira replied to the topic Character Development Methods in the forum Characters 6 years, 11 months ago
@aratrea Where can I find that sheet on Story Embers?
Grace H. started the topic Character Development Methods in the forum Characters 6 years, 11 months ago
Hi everyone,
A confession I have is that I’m not very good at connecting to my characters and getting excited about them, and being able to develop even the side characters pretty well seems really daunting.
So how do you guys all get excited about your characters? Are there certain methods you use to do character development? And are you able…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@anne-of-lothlorien @epicaddie2 @aratrea @rochellaine @clairec @ariella-newheart @others-who-liked-this-topic
Why isn’t this updated more often?!
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
I am proud to present:
A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen
Part 1: Into the Kingdom of Pen
Warren Luther blinked, staring at the computer screen. He tapped a few keys, and the computer flashed as pixels were transformed into the words “WarrenLuther04.” His password and “tag” soon appeared on the “Account Information” page of kingdompen.org. Warren slid…[Read more]
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@dragon-snapper Thanks! The Wiser’s name is Josiah DeGrande, right?
@kina-lamb @daeus @emma-flournoy @kate-flournoy @aratrea Are you guys okay if I make you characters in my KaPeeFer lit series A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen? You’d be in Castle Regnis and Eskrey, of course.
Daeus replied to the topic Favorite Movies in the forum Film 7 years ago
Hi friends,
I just came back from The Christian Worldview Film Festival, if any of you have heard of that. Basically, all I did was watch Christian films for three days, so I thought I’d share my opinions on what I watched.
Feature films:
Altar Egos. This film has a tacked on theme and is not very moving, but it is super hilarious!
Like Arrows.…[
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
The GIF-Hiders: An Easter Story
Part Eight: Up a Tree
Having just hidden a Star Trek GIF, Skredder suddenly lifted her head. “Earthquake,” she simply said.
Everyone looked at her. “What?” said Valentine.
“Earthquake! An earthquake’s coming!” Skredder repeated.
“She’s right! I feel it, too!” called Catwing from a tree branch.
“But earth…[Read more]
Aislinn Mollisong started the topic A Girl Writing from a Guy's POV in the forum Characters 7 years ago
Hey, guys!
So…the title basically says it all. One of my two POV characters is a boy. I am a girl. Hence, the question.
Guy writers. Tell me how your brains work, please. Or just some tips. Or examples of what NOT to do. Like, if you read a book by a girl author with a boy POV and they failed miserably, how did they do it?
Also, just for…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
*let’s do this*
There once was a man Degrande,
With a wooden can in his hand,
A frog on his head,
Heavy as lead,
And from the Kapeefer land.
There once was a man Degrande,
The brother of the frog man.
With towering hair,
A banter fair,
Daniel, the man firsthand.
There once was a man Degrande,
Wiser, he was…[Read more]
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