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August 2, 2023 at 7:29 pm #152801
@esther-c @highscribeofaetherium @kyronthearcanin @whalekeeper @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @euodia-vision @janellebelovedpig @hannahn @smiley @hybridlore @everyone!!
Every book usually has romance in it. I personally love to read and write about it but… Am not very good at it
maybe because I have had zero experience kissing and stuff like that lol!This forum can be used to share all your romantic scenes, give advice and more! I might be a bit of a hopeless romantic, so what I write might be a little bit different than what might happen in real life, although it could! So I would love a bit of critiquing when I post!Ummm does this feel really weird to talk about or is it just me?🤣
Anyway, so that’s about it! I will have tons of questions about weddings for the end of my book which Ill post later! Hope you guys will like to participate!
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August 2, 2023 at 7:32 pm #152802This is going to be interesting! And fun! I have multiple ships in my WIP. 😏
(And a new ship that’s forming for a new WIP that I’m really excited about… But that’s to be revealed. 🤫)
I’ll have to hop on later to share some stuff! (Probably on Friday. 🙂 )
Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende
August 2, 2023 at 7:34 pm #152803I think we need to see some scenes about some certain ships *cough*Novella*cough*Lux*cough* on this forum…. 😏
Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende
August 2, 2023 at 8:13 pm #152805I am certainly in the same boat of not having personal romantic experience, but something I do is listen to couples around me. You can copy stories from real life people. My parents for sure, the couples at church, my siblings, and friends. Some things, some stories are really sweet or fun (like snowball fights on their wedding day with their bridal party or the boyfriend waking the non-early riser girlfriend up to watch the sunrise and propose). It’s fun to include variations of these events in my stories.
Also, sermons or devotionals on dating, relationships, and marriage are very helpful– either to choose principles you want in your own real life future or things you want to make important to your character.
And you don’t have to include every emotion about a kiss or look to make real the love that this couple feels. The best writing is writing what you know, which obviously, you and I and probably other writers on KP aren’t there yet. But there’s probably brotherly love and friendships that you know and have experienced. Wouldn’t you want your MC to be in a relationship or growing relationship with someone they are growing to be friends with? How do you hope your relationships will go?
I don’t know if that’s helpful at all, but I’m interested to see what else people say on here.
Happy writing!
August 3, 2023 at 1:46 am #152824I shall now preform the proper guy response to this post. 🎭
*Clear throat and nose* 🤧
*Crosses eyes* 🥴
Eeeewwwww!!!!!! 😩
Yuckkkkkkk!!!!! 🤢
Uuuugggggghhh!!!! 🤮
*Collapses upon the floor and starts retching and gagging.* 🤪
She just wants to steal your bubble gum!!!! 🍬
She just wants to give you cooties!!!! 😷
She just- Oooooo. . . CAKE!!! 🍰🎂🍮🧁
You will love what you spend time with.
August 3, 2023 at 8:27 am #152829August 3, 2023 at 8:34 am #152830Yes, I know about lots of brotherly love and friendships its so sweet. I think Shauna will be falling in love with my character Paxton as they go on a long journey together with friends.
I have a lot of experience having crushes on people, but never mind that, lol!How do I hope my relationships go? I really dont know what to expect. What you wrote is helpful, thank you!I also saw your comment on my blog, thanks for that also ! 🙂
"Would you kindly...?"
August 3, 2023 at 11:26 am #152839Ooo, finally, a romance forum! 🎉
I’m in the same no-romantic-experience boat. I actually read marriage and dating books and that helps somewhat. I guess I typically get the characters to the point where they’re friends and then one of them realizes they want to be more than friends.
Then I use the rest of the book to get them to kiss, because, well, let’s face the facts, that’s kind of the fun part of a romance book …I usually do light touches if they’re first dating, like holding hands and brief hugs. I also eschew all the cliches I can, though some are too good to resist.One book that’s been helpful for me is Romance-ology 101 by Julie Lessman. She a Christian historic romance writer and her books deals with the more passionate side of romance, but in a clean way.
Also has a huge section on kissing that you should check out. Also, I think there’s a couple articles on the KP blog talking about writing romance. Those might help.Hopefully that helps 🙂
This girl is armed with books, coffee, and writing accoutrements!
August 3, 2023 at 3:29 pm #152873Come Cupid fly fast
Come Cupid fly fine
Cupid’s your target
Lovers entwined
Or at least their fingers
twisted and tied
desiring together
but still trying to hid
Great Cupid shoot straight
Great Cupid shoot soon
That there old lady
is the romance goon
a blush she will bring
a bash to the heart
crusher of dreams
comments that smart
Oh dear Cupid flee
Oh dear Cupid faint
Cupid your arrow
with barb, how it sank
into the wrong victim
you skewered the goon
Run would-be lovers
Run quick from the room
Rash Cupid remorse
Rash Cupid red faced
Cupid your couple
they lost in that race
Now it is time
to put love to the test
will they both stand
against jib, against jest
Grim Cupid just watch
Grim Cupid just wait
Cupid your aim
perhaps wasn’t so great
but two hand still clasp
and two hearts still beat
fighting the flames
though cheeks they may heat
Come Cupid fly fast
Come Cupid fly fine
Cupid they stood
even as a punchline
Born out of fire
something has begun
Cupid I think
your job here is done
You will love what you spend time with.
August 3, 2023 at 4:09 pm #152876@power BAHAHAH!!! I love ur writings!! So unique and refreshing!!
@acancello AHHHH ROMANCE I HEAR?! *sits self down as quickly as possible.* I have arrived!!! Despite not writing in the romance genre, I do LOOOOOVE shipping. Oh so, so, soooo much.
@esther-c *bats a fan in front of face* 👀#IfMarcelDiesIRiot
#ProtectSebAugust 3, 2023 at 4:31 pm #152883Yeah, I don’t write my books entirely about romance, but there are a few scenes with romance and stuff. I also want to end my book on a happy note (Like a wedding!) So when I have the questions Ill post them (I don’t want to do it to soon or I will want to write it right now) 😀
"Would you kindly...?"
August 3, 2023 at 4:41 pm #152889@godlyfantasy12 @power (if you want. You dont have to 🙂 ) @esther-c @light-warrior-pen @janellebelovedpig
Here is a little sheet I made to fill out if you want to, about your charcters! You can alter it and add as much as you want!
What is the boy’s name?
What is the girl’s name?
How did they meet?
Do they have nicknames?
Their families?
Are they married or dating or friends?
Tell us a bit about them.
Anything else?
Heres mine all filled out !
What is the boy’s name? Samuel Seaborn Smith
What is the girl’s name? Jean Jane Walton
How did they meet? When the Smiths moved into the neighborhood when Sam was 6 and Jean was 4
Do they have nicknames? Nope! Just Sam (Not really a nickname)
Their families? Sam has a little sister (Shauna my main charter) and older brother Scott, along with his mom and dad. Jean has an older brother Hugo and her parents.
Are they married or dating or just friends? Well… They were great friends until when they got older Sam asked her out on a date.
Tell us a bit about them. Jean has silvery white hair. Sam dreams of having a pet monkey. Thats all I can think of right now!
Secrets? They are going to get married at the end of my book!
Anything else? Nope, thats it!
"Would you kindly...?"
August 4, 2023 at 2:26 pm #152961I think taking examples and stories from real life is one of the best ways to make things seem more realistic. And it adds a personal touch or maybe an inside joke for the author and maybe some of their close friends or family members. 😉
For example, I really want to either write a romance or incorporate it into a story, using the story of when my parents first met. They were in college and on the bus traveling somewhere because they were in the same singing group. My mom was practicing her speech for her class sort of out loud, so my dad turned around in his seat and said, “If you keep talking to yourself people will think you’re crazy.”
When I heard that, I was like: PERFECT STORY MATERIAL!!! 😂
So yeah… XD I’ve also found the Christy Miller series by Robin Jones Gunn to be extremely helpful. It’s Christian fiction that I could rant about forever. XD And while it deals with other topics like family, friends, and balancing responsibilities, it does have a lot of romance. And she just writes it so well! 😆
Anyway… that’s my random two cents for now. 😉 😁
Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende
August 4, 2023 at 4:07 pm #152977Hiiii…..
*Materializes from the shadows*
(Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here officially.)
This looks like a lot of fun. I probably will be lurking around here to check up on my favorites. (Like usual)
I don’t write romances, but as romance is a part of life, it happens in my books. It even gets to be a subplot! *Gasp*
Anyway, I think I want to share about one of my other, less mentioned couples. While not my favorite (that goes to Alwin+Wini or Amicai+Edria), they are the first whose romance got recognized as an important part of the plot. They belong to my Green Ember fanfic.
Which I really need to update. I’ve written several chapters more.
What is the boy’s name?
Fleck (no last name yet… He might not have one.)
What is the girl’s name?
Lillian Rolsen
How did they meet?
Uh…. She kinda avoided him for years. The first time he noticed her was when she was eavesdropping on a conversation between some of his friends.
Do they have nicknames?
She actually has an alias/nickname: Lilith.
Their families?
Oh the tragedy! The heartbreak! XD Unfortunately, their stories have rather tragic backgrounds.
They are both orphans. However, she was raised by an aunt, and he was raised by a foster system in the secret resistance group (the Seventh District)
Are they married or dating or friends?
Well, they’re friends for the first part of the book, courting for a tiny space in the middle, and married for the last part.
Tell us a bit about them.
They are both Akolan rabbits. She was brought in as a baby, and he comes from a long line going back to Aymen Lake.
Also, if you know your Ember Falls, he was Melody’s betrothed. *Sniff*
She is the niece of the dead king!!!
Anything else?
I’m not sure?
I am trying to write their relationship as natural as possible. (Which sounds ludicrous after such an introduction to them. XD) It’s been a kind of practice for my actual WIPs, which are in turn inspired by real life stories.
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
August 4, 2023 at 5:15 pm #153025Hi! I’m Acancello! I love your characters also a Green ember fanfic? How cool! I also don’t write romances either, just put pieces of it in my book😊
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