Active 7 years, 8 months ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 467
Corissa Maiden of Praise replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Aww, thanks so much @kate-flournoy. You’re awesome too! 😀 <3
…and now I’m in the same boat as @daeus. Can’t I just tag everyone? 😛
Well, since I can’t, let’s see… maybe I’ll try for some folks who haven’t been on in awhile, just to let them know we’re still thinking about them and missing them.
I tag…
@joy-schmidt for being a fun…[Read more]
Jackson Graham started the topic I don't know what I'm asking… in the forum Book Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton, @aratrea
Any book recommendations? I’m looking for fantasy or historical fiction (or even historical nonfiction) with political intrigue, or just intrigue in general. Or maybe just some clean reads……[Read more]
Jackson Graham started the topic Cliche? in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 2 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton, @aratrea
The moment in some movies where one of the characters finds a secret message wrapped around an arrow (which is shot into the room)… Is it cliche?
Jackson E.…[Read more]
Jackson Graham started the topic Fantasy Medicinal Plant Names? in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 2 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton, @aratrea
Any names for a fake medicinal plant/root/herb?
Jackson Graham started the topic The Elements of Elemental Cliche… in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 2 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton, @aratrea
Do you guys think elemental powers (i.e. fire and ice powers) are cliche? And if they are, what are some reasonable alternatives?
Jackson E. Graham
Jackson Graham started the topic Stay out! in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 5 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton, @aratrea
What are some ways to separate two enemy countries at the border, yet have someone accidentally cross it (or go to war)? I thought about a wall, but that’s not really original.
Jackson E. Graham
DelightInLife replied to the topic Inspirational Songs and Music Videos in the forum Music 7 years, 5 months ago
@anne-of-lothlorienYes! We listen to the Piano Guys as well! I really like “This is my Fight Song” and the video! Btw, have you watched the video where it tells how they made the video for “Fight Song”? It’s pretty fascinating all the things that kept happening. They had quite an adventure to make that video! 😀
Jackson Graham started the topic *Stereotype Alert* in the forum Characters 7 years, 5 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton, @aratrea
Alright. In one of my future story ideas, there is…
A strong female character.
She belonged to a group of outcasts, and was exiled for her violent behavior and extreme independence…[Read more]
Jackson Graham started the topic Political Intrigue in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 6 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton, @aratrea
Fun Question—
What are you guys’ opinions on political intrigue in fantasy? Is it riveting? Is it cliche? What do you guys think? How many of you have used it in your writing?Jackson E. Graham
Jackson Graham started the topic Female in Sword Fight? in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 6 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton
Alright. Female character goes up against strong, evil male angel character in sword fight. She’s skilled in sword fighting, but is not nearly as strong as the villain. How would she fight him without…[Read more]
Daeus started the topic For all who love speculative fiction in the forum Announcements 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi friends,
I’m excited to announce that on October 2nd KP will hosting a panel discussion dedicated to the topic of speculative fiction!
Yes, fantasy, sci-fi, the stuff we love. I hope you’ll be there. 😀 😀 😀
Here’s the link.…[Read more]
Josiah DeGraaf started the topic New Website Party! in the forum Announcements 7 years, 6 months ago
Hey all!
It is my pleasure to introduce you all to the new Kingdom Pen site–now faster /and/ mobile-friendly. 😀
As you may notice, it looks quite different. And while I think I’ve caught all the bugs, there may still be some that have evaded my eagle-eye. So if you find something, drop us a note here or email us at kingdompenmag@gmail.com.…[Read more]
Jackson Graham started the topic Article Question in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 6 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton
I just read the article “How to Resist Writing Sterotypical Fantasy Races”. In my book (which is set to be available for sale by Christmas), I have elves and an orcish race. Does this make it too…[Read more]
Jackson Graham started the topic Invisibility in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 7 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton
In a battle, how would you reveal someone who can turn invisible at will? Has to be something that not everyone can do.
Jackson E. Graham
http://jacksonegraham.wixsite.com/jackson-e-graham -
Jackson Graham started the topic Tree in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 7 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton
I’ve been thinking of including the Tree of Life in my story (named differently, but basically the same as the one in Genesis). However, I was wondering if non-Christians who read my book would think I…[Read more]
Jackson Graham started the topic Possible Book Title in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 7 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton
I have another book series that I’m going to write in the future, but I am having difficulties with the title. Pick the one you like:
1. The Heathen’s Sword
2. The Heathen Sword (without ‘s)
3. The…[
Daeus replied to the topic Way too many cliches in one place in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
Hi guys,
I made another one. Btw, I don’t plan to keep posting these here, so if you want more of them, subscribe directly to the channel.
I’ll tag a few people I don’t think have seen these.
@aratrea @josiahdeboer @spradlin @michael-stanton @Shannon @mark-kamibaya @bethanysinkyroses @winter-rose @writefury @delightinlife
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Brainstorming Zone in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
@That_Writer_Girl_99 Hey, I’m willing to admit First Person can be great, and I cite @Writefury‘s Blank Mastermind as proof. 😉 I just…Kara’s wasn’t doing much for me. *helpless shrug* You know if it was I’d say so, I would. Maybe you don’t need to change to Third Person, maybe the First Person writing just needs more practice, or a different…[Read more]
Mark Kamibaya replied to the topic What makes a good music video? in the forum Music 7 years, 8 months ago
First lemme tag everyone who participated @donyclark @kate-flournoy @charisetter @leumeister @cloudy @writefury.
Ok, I’ll try to make this short and sweet. Music videos are supposed to highlight two things: the artist and the song. Therefore, a good music video should make use of its cinematography and editing to highlight these two things.…[Read more]
Jackson Graham started the topic Creature Question in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 8 months ago
@gretald, @bluejay, @writefury, @daeus, @hannah-olsen, @mark-kamibaya, @Sarah-H, @kate-flournoy, @emma-flournoy, @dragon-snapper, @michael-stanton
I’m in a dilemma. I’ve created this creature for my fantasy book that is like a large dragon type creature. It is covered in metallic scales, has a long tail, and looks pretty much like a dragon except…[Read more]
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