Elfwing replied to the topic Blog!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 3 months ago
Elfwing replied to the topic Reading in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 3 months ago
ella replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
@will_starke Those shades are dope if anything is.
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
@will_starke I don’t really watch other stuff on YT besides piano, lol, so do give me a link. It would be mighty helpful to me.
@imwritehere1920 Heh heh, so it seems.
Elfwing replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
ummmm y-yeah sure, I bought him a brand that isn’t dream whip (in your dreams would I ever!) anyhow he got into it before I had a chance to stop him. After all he’s a lot quicker than his author turn babysitter (aka yours truly) who was at the time juggling orange juice and winegums and Doritos. Yes I have healthy food choices and…[Read more]
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi, I’m Lily….erm… welcome to the K.P forum (or again… like @elfwing, I’m sorta ‘new’. Â I mean, I’ve joined several months ago, heard vaguely of someone named William Starkey, but never met him… so yeah.. if you’re not him or are, then welcome!…. I think… *scratches head in confusion*).
Btw, you should know I do like…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
@will_starke You still didn’t drop your YT link, dude.
Kathleen replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
Fancy hat competition? I do believe that was with @william-starkey, but were you posing as him during the entire competition?
If so, then it now makes more sense of why it was so easy to beat you. @william-starkey would never wear a hat from Walmart to a fancy hat competition.
Thanks for clearing things up about that.
Elfwing started the topic Top Ten Things never to do… in the forum Plotting 3 years, 4 months ago
ooookay people I wrote this this morning and wanna see what you guys think!!
@gracie-j @devastate-lasting @not-so-secret-secret-assassin @keilah-h @abigail-m @lydia-s @milena @zatara @will_starke
Top 10 reasons why to NEVER EVER let your fantasy character leave their world to visit earth.
* These are personal…[Read more]
Elfwing replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
@will_starke Hi! welcome (again? idk what these peopke are talking about @not-so-secret-secret-assassin @devastate-lasting, I’m newer on here sooooo) anyhow, that is cool you do poetry. I do occasional ones meself, but writing fantasy is my preferred getaway. What poetry do you write? Also, what’s your favorite color? if it’s pink then we will be…[Read more]
Kathleen replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
@will_starke are you sure you are not @william-starkey ? Because I feel like if someone actually tried to pose as you they would try harder.
Your hat is quite exquisite I must say, the feather is a nice touch. Did you get it from the Walmart?
No pineapple on pizza? Hmmmm… well, you do seem like the person who would prefer grapes on their…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
@not-so-secret-secret-assassin Pfft, I don’t mind. It was much more refreshing than people saying out of the blue “oh yeah, by the way, I like pineapple on pizza” or “I can’t stand this heathenistic ritual”. At least he acknowledged me, ay?
I feel like we’ve been stealing each other’s welcome questions for a long time now, lol. But isn’t that…[Read more]
Not-So-Secret Secret Assassin replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
YOOOO, wassup pal?! Glad to have you back, man. @gracie-j has been looking everywhere for you.
I srsly thought you got trapped in a cheeto factory. Those things are impossible to get out of…
Don’t you think that was a lil rude to @devastate-lasting? I mean, pineapple on pizza isn’t thaaat bad y’know?
@devastate-lasting oh, so…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic I am will starke. i do indeed be him! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 4 months ago
@will_starke *crying from mirth*
Are you sure?
Are you absolutely sure? Because you look somewhat familiar to me, heh. Then again, my facial recognition skills are pretty bad.
(Has everyone been stalking my welcome posts? Is that why all the newcomers lately have been answering this question? Is it? Fine then, I should come up with a new…[Read more]
Elfwing replied to the topic What are the 1st three things your MC says? in the forum Characters 3 years, 5 months ago
sorry, your tag didn’t go through the first time
Daisy Torres posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago
@will_starke Welcome to KingdomPen!! We have a really great community of Christian writers here that would love to get to know you, so I’ll just tag a few below. What is your current novel about? What is your favorite genre to read/write in? Do you have a pet? How many books have you written?
Also quick joke! Why did the cow jump over the moon?…[Read more]