Jenna Terese started the topic Q&A w/ Caitlin Lambert in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
Hi, everyone! I don’t know if you all know this, but I have a second blog called Project Inspire, a site dedicated to equipping and inspiring artists of all mediums to change the world with their art. I have two wonderful guests visiting the blog for Q&A’s in February and thought you all might be interested, especially since one is an author and…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Would You Rather Character Edition in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@ugroza Collin would rather never say anything remotely funny.
Would your character rather always call everyone by their first name or last name?
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Hey there! in the forum Start HERE 4 years ago
Thank you. I most certainly will 🙂
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Hello! (again) in the forum Start HERE 4 years ago
@seekjustice Hiii!! Thank you! How have you been?
@alia Thank you!! I like your profile picture — how long have you been playing? I picked up the violin almost exactly a year ago. 🙂
@ugroza Greetings! I definitely want to publish my WIP someday, although I probably won’t pursue publication until I’ve written the entire series just because I’m…[Read more]
ella started the topic Writing First Chapters… in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
Hey peoples!!! I am currently in that “writing-the-first-chapter-that-turns-out-to-be-a-dud-FIVE-THOUSAND-TIMES” phase… I may be over-exaggerating a little, but I’m sure y’all have felt like that before… 😄
So here are some details:Â Seia, the MC, is living in isolation from society, with only her sister and a couple of slaves as fr…[Read more]
GodlyFantasy12 replied to the topic Writing Resources! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
@ugroza ooh gonna have to look into that!
ella replied to the topic Writing Resources! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
I also use Scrivener, which I love!! So helpful. I’ll attach a screenshot below to show y’all how it works.
You have parts, chapters, and scenes (as @godlyfantasy12 mentioned) that you can create. There are also character and setting sketches. It’s basically to help keep you organized while you’re writing. (You can also change the color sche…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Time Travel Critique in the forum Short Story Critiques 4 years ago
@ugroza Ah thanks for reading! I think that I did intend to make it more on the confusing side; when my friend gave me the plot I had to read it five times before understanding it 🙂
I’m glad you enjoyed!
E. K. Seaver replied to the topic MBTI Types and Writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
@ugroza that doesn’t surprise me at all. 😂 -
E. K. Seaver replied to the topic MBTI Types and Writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
@issawriter7, that’s hilarious!
@ugroza, that’s great that you’re consistent. That can relieve some of the stress from a desire to figure it out.
@godlyfantasy12. 😂 I’m not saying 16p is always incorrect, but it’s just generally inaccurate. 😁
@jenwriter17, I would be interested to see what you think after studying it. INFP and ISFJ do share…[Read more]
Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land replied to the topic Good evening in the forum Start HERE 4 years ago
@ugroza Good morning tu thee, and besides welcome to Kingdom Pen. I take it you made a fine entry through the gates?
600 books? Neat; I’ve got quite a bit as well. Books get interesting. Especially when moving over large distances. Also especially when a grey-leather The Lord of the Rings gets harshly bent. Especially then.
I’m assuming you’ve…[Read more]
E. K. Seaver replied to the topic MBTI Types and Writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
Also also also @ugroza, @nova21, @joy-caroline, @issawriter7, @kathleenramm, @devastate-lasting, @jenwriter17, @writerlexi1216, @millennium, and @godlyfantasy12, this test is much more accurate because it actually deals with the cognitive functions. Most people who have studied MBTI well say that the 16personalities test is trash. (no offence to…[Read more]
E. K. Seaver replied to the topic MBTI Types and Writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
@ugroza, yeah, most writers are Ns, and most fantasy/fiction/YA are XNFP. Has to do with the Ne urge for creativity and the Fi urge for expressing oneself.
ella replied to the topic MBTI Types and Writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
I already told you, but I’m an ENFP and I love to write fantasy and thriller/suspense!!!!!!!! 😀
Issabelle Perry replied to the topic MBTI Types and Writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
I’m an ENFP and my favorite genre is either suspense or action-adventure but I mainly write fantasy. *shrugs* I’m weird. 😜
Kathleen replied to the topic MBTI Types and Writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
I’ve taken the test multiple times, but like @devastate-lasting I always get a different answer. My “personality” drastically changes depending on the day and my mood, and who I’m around. Sooo, yeah. XD But my favorite genres to write in are fantasy, contemporary, crime, and sometimes sci-fi.
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic MBTI Types and Writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
@ugroza Every time I take the thing I get something different, but I usually get INFJ, INFP, or ISFJ. I like writing fantasy, crime, slice of life.
GodlyFantasy12 replied to the topic MBTI Types and Writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
@ugroza OH Looked it up lol. Figured it was Myers-briggs something lol! So, last I took the test, I got mediator (which is so me. But idk if its changed lol.) And I really love fantasy. Also, apparently Tolkien was a mediator also and he wrote fantasy. Plus, Mediators are the ones most likely to dream of or write a book!
ella replied to the topic Favorite Character in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
Haha! What’s your personality type (if you don’t mind me asking 😄)? I also do it for my characters–Seia is an Architect, INTJ, I believe…?
ella replied to the topic Favorite Character in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
haha, yes I’ma huge extrovert!!!! 🤪 pretty sure I’m an ENFP (extroverted, intuitive, feeling, perceiving)… 🧐
here’s the link for a personality test if you haven’t taken it before——the results are almost always on point:
have fun!!!! 😃😃😃
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