Active 3 minutes ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 547
Potato reporter replied to the topic I have an Idea! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 months, 4 weeks ago
That’s a great idea! And I’m assuming that it’s still bad but it is just horrible at its job, but that sounds really funny! I remember there was this book my mom read about a demon teaching like this little baby demon how to “get” a human, the whole point of the book was meant to be a kind of cool/scary way to teach Christians how to…[Read more]
Potato reporter replied to the topic Fantasy/Modern School AU RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 months, 4 weeks ago
that’s fine I have no idea what happened before I got here so thanks for filling me in! 🙂
The three headed down the way Ben pointed and soon found the person of description. “Oh no!” Rax said sounding nervous “He seams badly injured!”. Cyrus looks at the kid on the ground and scoffs. “He’s probably fine, he’s still breathing.” C…
Potato reporter replied to the topic Character Castle! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Princess Ruth
“How come they were so fast?” Ruth thought to herself, “They’re supposed to be slow, right?”. Ruth began trying to think of anything that could work, but her head was too dizzy from all the action. Then it came to her, she remembered seeing that person walk into the room, before she foolishly ran off. “Oh how I wished I…[Read more]
Potato reporter replied to the topic Fantasy/Modern School AU RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 months, 4 weeks ago
“Sure, got nothing better to do.” Cyrus responded. The three headed down the way Ben pointed and soon found the person of description. “Oh no!” Rax said sounding nervous “He seams badly injured!”. Cyrus looks at the kid on the ground and scoffs. “He’s probably fine, he’s still breathing.” Cyrus could an would never take a clue.
Loopy replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
@raxforge I’m in a campaign run by my brother. Do you dm or you prefer just being a player?
whaley replied to the topic Character Castle! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
I have no clue. I think the castle is meant to be mysterious in every aspect, but also customizable, so you can make up rooms. Whatever lore it contains is probably in the earlier pages of this roleplay.
Potato reporter replied to the topic Character Castle! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
Princess Ruth and the zombie knights
At first Ruth just stared even harder with wider eyes than ever at the undead couple. She realized this would foil her entire plan, How could you compete with zombie knights! But that didn’t stop the determined princess.
Lord Quakers and Johnny
The two walked up to the heavy doors and forced them…[Read more]
Potato reporter replied to the topic Fantasy/Modern School AU RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
Cyrus, Ben and Rax
Cyrus was watching the two friends talk when he carelessly interrupted “So your Rax? Ive heard a little about you, and your ability with fire.” Cyrus firmly grabs Rax’s hand and shakes it hard, he gave him a smirk before letting go. He didn’t see Raxs expression.
“Yes, I do have quit the ability…” Rax said sighing…[Read more]
Esther replied to the topic Prayer Requests for Anyone in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 5 months ago
Ugh, that does not sound fun. 😖 I’ll be praying! 🙏
I’ll keep praying for you all. Keep trusting the Lord. He’s got this. 💕 I can’t wait to see how He uses this in your life, the lives of your family members, and the lives of those around you. ❤️
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic Write to bring me pain. in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
I’m glad. This should make people angry.
Kind of. You would have to read to see.
Honestly, the most pressing reason why marriage is under attack, even today, is because it is such a beautiful image of Christ and the church, and if a nation turns it’s back on God, it’s going to want to erase all memory of Him.
Potato reporter replied to the topic Character Castle! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
LQ is a villain, right?
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Prayer Requests for Anyone in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 5 months ago
I’m so sorry! I’ll definitely be praying.💚
Oof, back pain stinks. I’ll pray for you!
Potato reporter replied to the topic Character Castle! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
Princess Ruth
“SO… Are you going to put me down?!” Ruth asked with disgust in her tone. “Oh I’m sorry did I not tell you what your purpose is to Lord Quakers?” Johnny asked sounding apologetic. “No you haven’t, and I demand you tell me now!” Ruth responded sounding quit sharp. “Why of course, you are to be his servant.” Johnny…[Read more]
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Write to bring me pain. in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
You can yeet one of my characters if you like. *hands you Vyette* She deserves it.
Potato reporter replied to the topic Fantasy/Modern School AU RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
Cyrus eyed Ben as he messed around with the ball, “What is that?” Cyrus asked with a touch of boredom in his tone. “And why is it important?”.
Potato reporter replied to the topic Character Castle! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
Princess Ruth
Ruth stared hard at Johnny. “You can talk…?” she asked sounding surprised. “And how should I know where the throne room is, I’ve never been here before! And put me down, NOW!”
Johnny looks at Ruth, amused. “Besides don’t you think the throne room would be right there?” Ruth pointed over to a large beautify crafted…[Read more]
TheShadow replied to the topic Whazzap!!!!!! in the forum Start HERE 5 months ago
Jesus, “Why are you here?” Me, “Can I have a hug?”
I wasn’t expecting that for some reason, I love it.
I would love to be an expert in “Me trying to figure out how which chords are going to fit in my songs!!!!” Either that or public speaking.
Those would be great skills.
Narnia, Aslan is much cooler than Gandalf.
Ah, interesting.…[Read more]
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Character Castle! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
I’d go to the dark side if it were led by a duck man.😂
-GRCR- replied to the topic Don't Y'all Love Plotting in the forum Plotting 5 months ago
No problem!
He’s the guy in the high school RP. I don’t think you’re apart of it but if you want a general idea of who he is you can check it out.
Oh ok. 🙃
Potato reporter replied to the topic Character Castle! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 months ago
Princess Ruth
Ruth began to stir, when she opened her eyes she began to look around. At first she was confused from the view she saw, but then memories came flooding back to her. “Wh-who are you?”. She asked.”What are you doing to me?”. Ruth began to squirm while being on his shoulders, trying to get free from his grip! Suddenly some…[Read more]
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