Active 8 months, 4 weeks ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 244
Northerner's profile was updated 8 months, 4 weeks ago
Northerner replied to the topic So what's next for the forums? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 9 months ago
@Rochellaine, that’s good to hear. Like Kate, I was getting worried too.
And, @kate-flournoy, I was in a writing group before, on Ravelry (Hope might remember it), and a lot of the older writers left for another group, leaving just us less experienced ones, and so through all this I’ve been remembering the downturn that group took in terms of quality.
Northerner started the topic So what's next for the forums? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
“He told her tales of the frogs in the forum, and the toads in the rice that destroyed the poppycockalorum and the cockahoopatrice.” (The Thirteen Clocks)
I’ve read all the official announcements about the site being on hiatus, and I know about Story Embers and whatnot, and in coming back after my absence (very hectic end to the term and then…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic What's Your WIP? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
I came here intending to make an on-topic post, but I think I’ll just back slowly out now. . .
Northerner replied to the topic What's Your WIP? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@kate-flournoy a series about the importance of the past? We don’t see that often enough anymore. I mean, we all know it’s good not to be sentimental and dwell on some (made-up) version of a part era which was perfect, because there wasn’t one except for a very little while before snakes got the power of speech, but it seems like the vast majority…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
I’ll second @emma-flournoy for being a very good beta reader (and I’m sorry I shoved that story into hibernation before you guys got to finish it), and her presence as (how shall I say this?) an interested and educated reader to constantly remind us writers what we’re doing this for.
Northerner replied to the topic Self-Doubt… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
(Coming a bit late to this, sorry — hurrah for Spring Break and a chance to catch up on the forum! — but I sympathize with this a lot. So I thought I’d add my two cents.)
When I first started writing, I didn’t quite get that other living writers existed. I mean, if you’d asked me were new books getting published every year, I’d…[Read more]
Northerner posted a new activity comment 7 years, 2 months ago
We’ve bumped into other Sophia Whites, too — one of them, when we lived in the Cities, went to the same hospital and our records got mixed up once. It’s weird how often that happens.
Oh, and then when people who know us personally call each of us by the other’s name, things get even more complicated in no time.
Uh, yikes. That’s freaky.
What, you and your sister? Do you look similar? That I’m used to. People think my oldest sister Elizabeth and I look incredibly similar (supposedly, we really do, but I don’t think the resemblance is THAT close), and we get called each other ALL the time. People confuse us for twins even. She’s four years older than me.…[Read more]
Northerner posted a new activity comment 7 years, 2 months ago
Completely unrelated. Other Olivia Whites do seem to follow us around, though.
We’ve bumped into other Sophia Whites, too — one of them, when we lived in the Cities, went to the same hospital and our records got mixed up once. It’s weird how often that happens.
Oh, and then when people who know us personally call each of us by the other’s name, things get even more complicated in no time.
Uh, yikes. That’s freaky.
What, you and your sister? Do you look similar? That I’m used to. People think my oldest sister Elizabeth and I look incredibly similar (supposedly, we really do, but I don’t think the resemblance is THAT close), and we get called each other ALL the time. People confuse us for twins even. She’s four years older than me.…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic A KeePer Christmas in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 3 months ago
Let us join the throng!
Oh, the gangly youth. . . *dies laughing* “He. . . amuses me.”
I’d love it if we could all get together sometime like this! Though considering our average age and budgets, it would be rather difficult.
Northerner replied to the topic Hello, fellow writers 🙂 in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 4 months ago
*Peeks in* You rang?
Oh, hi, @Alia. For as rare as INTJs supposedly are, there’s a lot of them here, so you’d think the INTPs would be more represented too. But apparently not. Here I am, though. And contrary to the stereotypes, math and computer science have never held any charm for me.
Northerner replied to the topic Anyone interested in beta-reading a novella? in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@that_writer_girl_99 that’s my major too! It’s not so bad, I guess. I’m learning more about good stories from my History and Philosophy classes, though, and even the Literature ones are good for that kind of thing as long as it’s not on anything modern (except perhaps as examples of what not to do). And I’m a senior and have had some proper…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic Anyone interested in beta-reading a novella? in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@lady-iliara Thank you!
I think that should be enough, unless anyone else really wants to do it. Thanks, guys!
Northerner replied to the topic Anyone interested in beta-reading a novella? in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@that_writer_girl_99 I understand. What year are you? What’s your major?
Northerner replied to the topic Anyone interested in beta-reading a novella? in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@Shannon, little sisters have a way of reading over people’s shoulders anyway. . . ask me how I know.
@Aislinn-mollisong thank you!
@Ethryndal, much appreciated!
If you ladies would like to get me your e-mail addresses without waiting for someone at KP to be a go-between, you can use the Contact form on my blog…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic Anyone interested in beta-reading a novella? in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@Shannon, hopefully you won’t be my only beta, so don’t worry too much :). And practice is a good way to get better at these things.
Northerner replied to the topic Anyone interested in beta-reading a novella? in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
Alyona inherited her black hair, pale skin, and red lips from her mother, who died giving birth to her. Her father remarried to give his daughter a mother, but when he dies, her stepmother, Akilina, indentures her to her (Akilina’s) brother, who keeps a curiosity shop. Alyona has only her mother’s portrait, painted by her father, lef…[Read more]
Northerner started the topic Anyone interested in beta-reading a novella? in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
I know this is probably a bad time, with most of you either doing NaNo or working on your own Rooglewood entries, but I’m finally ready to ask for beta-readers for my novella, and I thought I’d ask here just in case somebody happened to be free.
The Colour of Life is about 12,000 words, and fits (somewhat loosely) in the historical fantasy genre,…[Read more]
Northerner replied to the topic Kapeefer Poem in the forum Poetry 7 years, 4 months ago
Daniel’s rank is Bumbling Henchman? Am I the only one who finds this laughable?
Northerner replied to the topic Fairytale Expectations in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 4 months ago
@daughteroftheking “Anything with step in front of it is evil” — Okay, now I want a fairy tale with a) an evil set of stairs, or b) a set of stairs which grumbles about everyone assuming it’s evil (it’s not) because it’s made of steps.
@princessfoo I have a story-in-waiting where the princess goes ahead with the arranged marriage to the prince…[Read more]
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