Active 7 years ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 144
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@nicolerivers03 Cool! I wish the library here had all of them…
If you like Dr Who novels, then I’m actually writing a fanfic of my own. Feel free to check it out! 🙂
@lady-iliara You’re welcome! 😉
Yeah, you’ve told me before. I think you should watch it sometime. 😉
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Another favorite part. With good reason. 😉
The GIF-Hiders: An Easter Story
Part Eleven: Daybreak, Mayhem, and Rocks
“This wasn’t supposed to be my problem.”
“Aww, cheer up, Xonos! It’s an experience!”
“Yeah, it’s—AUGH! Oomph! ARIELLA!!”
“That wasn’t me, it was Iliara!”
“Sorryy, Aisyyy…”
Jenna cocked her head and smirked at N.C.’s…[Read more]
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@Ariella-newheart @lady-iliara You know how there is a KaPeeFer anthem? Those right there, ladies, are our Aethasian anthems.
Just sayin’.
Joy replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@lady-iliara *glances around* *whispers* Maybe this weekend!
Joy posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
*whispers back* Great, looks like us Kapeefers will have some competition them 😉
Thank you! I’m excited, too! -
Joy replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@lady-iliara My pleasure!! *waves* *walks off* *barely dodges rock*
@0-0enyali0-0 😀 No, I have not read it, yet. Should I? 😉
Yeah, I have several ideas. But I haven’t started writing them. Not until I actually join (maybe this weekend!!! *pulls another Vytanni*).
Yes, I do get that reference. Comes with being friends with Aislinn and A…[Read more]
0-0Enyali0-0 replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@Ariella-newheart @lady-iliara You guys… those poems… ARE AWESOME!!!! #desperately wants to go on forums to talk more about them but can’t…
I would try to make a poem but their harder to write then they look… >;(
Ariella Newheart replied to the topic Writing Prompts in the forum Art 7 years ago
@lady-iliara As a matter of fact, you are my assistant. *smirk*
I really need to post the next part of quote stories soon…. *walks away inspired*
Ariella Newheart replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
OH MY GOODNESS…. @lady-iliara That is perfect. *pulls a Vytanni*
I think you should post that on the Aetherlight forums. I’ll put mine on there, too. 😀
Joy replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@lady-iliara BRAVA! 😀
Wait… I’m the only one you tagged who isn’t Aethasian… 0.0 (Not that there’s anything wrong with that 😉 )
Now, tag someone else and give them a topic 😉
Joy replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Tagging @aislinn-mollisong, @ariella-newheart, @destiny, @xonos-darkgrate, @foreverme, @lady-iliara, @silverclaw-bonnetfolly, @0-0enyali0-0, and all the other Aethasians even if you aren’t on KP. I can’t express how AMAZINGLY AWESOME you guys are! I stalk The Aetherlight forums everyday, and you never cease to amaze me, and/or make me laugh,…[Read more]
Joy posted an update 7 years ago
@aislinn-mollisong @ariella-newheart @lady-iliara @0-0enyali0-0 @other-aethasians
Greetings, Awesome Aethasians!
I was just watching several YouTube videos of someone playing The Aetherlight, and I wanted to say that I am SUPER EXCITED about it. It looked SO fun! Maybe, MAYYYYYBE I’ll join this weekend. Maybe not. I’m NOT promising it though…[Read more]
Ariella Newheart replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
All right, here is my poem @aislinn-mollisong. *reads over poem and cringes* I think I could have done better…? eheh….
The Quest for the Pringles
One day in Aethasia there began
A fearsome quest for the fairest of fare
How in the world did this quest come about?
Why, I don’t know, nor do I really care.This quest was for delectable P…[Read more]
Ariella Newheart replied to the topic What's Your WIP? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
My main WIP is a fantasy series, 5 books long (written in 1st person with a few sections in 3rd from other characters), about a girl who is battered by various trials and sorrows that test her faith and threaten to embitter her. First she watches her village burn and learns of the death of her parents, and then she and her brother must flee from…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
Get ready, guys, this part contains one of my favorite scenes ever. Mwahahaaaaa…
The Gif-Hiders: An Easter Story
Part Four: The Young Man with the Extension Cord
“Two… thousand… GIFs?!”
“But of course! There are nearly six hundred Kapeefers on this island.”
Jenna stammered, “I-I can’t hide two thousand GIFs all over the island in o…[Read more]
Ariella Newheart replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@dekreel Ok, good night! And I will definitely tell them that. Heheh…
I finished one chapter! Hurrah! *throws confetti* I suppose I’ll sign off KP, too. *salutes and trips over a rock* ILIARAAAA ( @lady-iliara )
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Just a Bit… Dismal in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@dragon-snapper I honestly think it’s perfect. I want to write emotions like that!
But I understand why you might be concerned about an overload of cold cloudy grayness. (I can’t seem to get enough of that in…but then again, I’m not to the gray parts yet….anyway.)
I’ll take some examples from my Aislinn Mollisong: Hero! roleplay for this,…[Read more]
Daeus started the topic Song for my book in the forum Poetry Critiques 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi KeePers,
Any of you who write structured poetry, I could use a bit of help with a poem I’ve written. This is for the fantasy novel I’m writing and essentially recounts the first events of the world.
My problem is that I know a few spots have clunky meter. I generally have a good ear for meter and maybe I could fix this by myself, but…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
The Gif Hiders
Part Two: The Bird and her Cake
The Kingdom of Pen did grow weirder and weirder for Jenna, but only gradually. After a few days, ever since she had come, she had met some centaurs, a mermaid, another dragon, a tiger, and even a droid. But the weirdness didn’t exactly just rocket into the air until about three weeks after she had f…[Read more]
Ariella Newheart started the topic Poems and Songs by Ariella in the forum Poetry 7 years, 1 month ago
Hey, everyone! I’ve recently been writing a lot of poems, some to include in my WIP and some just for fun. 😉 I’d appreciate any thoughts. @dekreel @aislinn-mollisong @lady-iliara @0-0enyali0-0 @foreverme @anyone
One of my favorites which is sorta based on a Bible verse:
In A Mirror, Dimly
In a mirror, dimly,
The love of God revealed.
Only a…[Read more] - Load More
Yaaaay! *does a happy dance* I am so EXCITED!!! As for your questions:
1. Yes and no. 😛 In the character creator, you get to choose your first name by typing it in, such as my name of ‘Ariella’. There is another bar below it with an Aetherlight last name, such as Newheart or Mollisong or Darkgrate. Below that bar there is a randomize button that…[Read more]
@ariella-newheart So I can choose my own first name, but I can’t choose my own last name?
Yes, that is correct. I can’t believe I made such a long, complicated explanation for that…. 😛
That’s okay — I do it all the time!! X’D
Oh, also: Is it AutomaTONS, or AutomaTRONS?
Oh, NVM looked it up XD
Yaya! Super excited!😄
*whispers* Aethasians are taking over the world!
Joking aside, looks like Air answered your questions (so far). I hope we see you soon!
*whispers back* Great, looks like us Kapeefers will have some competition them 😉
Thank you! I’m excited, too!