Corissa Maiden of Praise replied to the topic TOTW – What's Your Favorite Type of Scene in Stories? in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 6 months ago
To read: Plot twist!!! Though I also love a good dialogue or description. And suspense in a story will definitely keep me reading, especially if I’m trying to figure things out along with the main character rather than knowing what’s going on and simply pleading with the main character to FIGURE IT OUT ALREADY. XD
To write: I enjoy…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic JUSTICE FOR THE BUMBLING HENCHMEN! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
. . . Can you come up with a different quest?? Tallest tower + mountain dew doesn’t really fit the job description. XD *at least I hope it doesn’t*
Snapper replied to the topic I have come. in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
@not-so-secret-secret-assassin My apologies. Spy just seems to fit well with assassin.
@leon-fleming YES food! Once, long ago, raspberries and ice cream were the most important and precious commodities of this kingdom (besides writings).
Snapper replied to the topic JUSTICE FOR THE BUMBLING HENCHMEN! in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
Indeed! Justice for the Bumbling Henchmen! *stares into the setting sun* you are destined for greatness. *nods sagely*
Now if I recall correctly, Chosen Ones like Anakin Skywalker, Frodo Baggins, Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen…. and many more …well, we don’t have the easiest time of it. Enjoy being Henchmen while you can. o . o
*pursues…[Read more]
Snapper changed their profile picture 4 years, 7 months ago
Snapper replied to the topic Reintroduction of Yours Truly in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
lol no problem. I’ve had my share of hijacking threads. 😉
Snapper replied to the topic Backkkk in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
Hi there!
So, you like Tøp? SAMEEEE which is your favorite song?? Mine is probably Trees. 😛 -
Snapper replied to the topic I have come. in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
Well, then not-so-secret-assin XDD Welcome to the kingdom!! Hopefully you’ll enjoy the snacks and won’t feel the need to spy on us too much. 😀 We have lots of ice cream and raspberries around here.
Snapper replied to the topic Howdy from the new KP forum moderator in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
Hi @kathleenramm !!
Sushi. Yes, that. (except not the raw stuff). What do you like to write?? Personally, I like writing sci-fi. 😀
Snapper replied to the topic Reintroduction of Yours Truly in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
Huh, even tho you all tagged me my email refused to tell me. :///
@josiahdeboerofficial Hey I remember you too! XDDD Good to see you again!
@dekreel HELLOOOO!! Nope, not an ENFJ anymore. I’m joining the ENFP club. 😉
@leon-fleming Hey! See you were close with Educated Natural Flipping Pancake. But look at what you’ve done. Now I want a pancake.…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Reintroduction of Yours Truly in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
@that_writer_girl_99 Oof I’m sorry. :/
@epicaddie2 I have to remember all the tags lol XDDD WELCOME BACK!!
@warrenluther04 EYYY how you doing?? I’m not doing too bad, all things considered!!
@devastate_lasting I’m on story embers, yup, but I’m not really active on there. 😛
OKAY GROUP QUESTION: What’s your favorite…
Snapper replied to the topic Reintroduction of Yours Truly in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
@that_writer_girl_99 AHH WOW IT’S ELIZABETH! <333 I’ve missed you tooo ;-;!! It’s been wayyy too long.
I’ve been well, thank you!! <3 Lately I’ve been finishing high school (o.o how even), lots of bullet journaling art XD, and working on writing. Hbu??? How’s life treating you? <3
Snapper and Kathleen are now friends 4 years, 7 months ago
Snapper posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago
this is only the beginning . . .
Snapper changed their profile picture 4 years, 7 months ago
Snapper's profile was updated 4 years, 7 months ago
Snapper started the topic Reintroduction of Yours Truly in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 7 months ago
Hello everyone!!
It’s Snapper!! Long time no read to this place, but I’m so glad it’s back. I’ll start the introductions. 😉
I’ve been writing for six years and I’m currently working on my eighth novel. I’m one of those people that would rather write than read (anyone else???). XD Sci-fi is my writing forte, but I’m a hardcore LotR fan.
A few…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years ago
@hannah-c We all have our habits, or hobbits. XD
I mean, as a dragon, I generally like to just chill by the fireplace, though sometimes I just cozy up on a mound of fleece blankets.
Snapper replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years ago
@hannah_c Thank you! I’ve been writing sci-fi for the past … four year now, I think, and I can’t seem to get myself out of it! XD Yeah, he has a struggle with it. Because #evil_author
Very true, both of those things. I mean, if my legs get tired I can just use my wings, and I don’t dare to melt couches. Chairs … now those can be spared.
Snapper replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years ago
@hannah-c ;-; A sad curse indeed, though a necessary one. 😛
That sounds awesome! I wasn’t ever able to get into historical fiction, though it’s really interesting to read. <3 And an autobiography. That sounds fun too! Good luck with both of them.
Rn I’m writing a science fiction set in a world that is torn between industrialism and…[Read more]
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