Active 2 months, 2 weeks ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 404
freedom started the topic ⚔️Fantasy WIP⚔️ in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 3 weeks ago
@rae @savannah_grace2009 @godlyfantasy12 @kyronthearcanin @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @theloonyone @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @queen_of_alvastia @gwyndalf-the-wise @thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22 @esther-c @keilah-h @ellette-giselle @theducktator @smiley @highscribeofaetherium @grcr @trailblazer @acancello @godlyfantasy12…[Read more]
Ava Murbarger (Solfyre) started the topic Website is Up!!!! in the forum Publishing & Platform 11 months, 1 week ago
So, I know I’ve been on and off the forum (life is crazy y’all, I’m busy just fitting in YDubs XD), but I just wanted to let everyone know that I’ve finally gone and started a website!!! Hopefully this will give me some accountability and motivation to keep pushing forward.
How is everyone?? I feel like an old veteran returning XD
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MineralizedWritings posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago
@acancello @esther-c @freedomwriter76 @whalekeeper @loopylin @highscribeofaetherium @smiley @euodia-vision @grcr @rae @lightoverdarkness6 @gwyndalf-the-wise @hybridlore
Sorry if I missed somebody!
I’m going to be in the kings daughters writing camp this november, it’s open to all christain girls if you’re interested.
it’s super fun and you can…[
Smiley started the topic Project Elites in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 6 months ago
Hey Y’all
It’s time to rant about one of my projects (I have many but this one has taken a special place in my heart)
And some of Y’all know it… If you remember Tomorrow’s War… well it’s changed a lot. AKA completely, to the point where only the characters’ names remain, (Actually I changed one of the names…)But I still love this story, and t…[Read more]
Esther posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago
@acancello @euodia-vision @awsumfaith @felicity @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @gwyndalf-the-wise @highscribeofaetherium @hybridlore @lightoverdarkness6 @livingwoodchronicles @landric @thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22 @whalekeeper @smiley @starshiness @janellebelovedpig @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h @kyronthearcanin
Hello everyone!! I hope…[Read more]-
Ok!! Yeah, we’ll also be starting school soon.
Cool! You homeschool, right? What grade are you going into?
Freshman 😬-
Fun! I am homeschool and I’m gonna be a freshman too! I’m excited, but the workload is definitely going to be more. Science is probably going to be pretty hard this year. Are you excited?
Yeah, I’m exited and I’m also a little terrified, though not nearly as much as I would be if I went to public school.
Yeah, definitely understandable. 😉 I’m taking one class at a hybrid school near where we live, and I’m a little nervous, but it’s a Christian school and the people there are wonderful. And it’s not just Christian by name. Like, these people are awesome. 😊
Alrighty!! Yeah we started a few months ago so that’s why I’ve been so quiet lately XD
Oh yeah, I totally get it. XD
Oooh exciting! Are you looking forward to taking any new classes this year?
I get it! My school starts back pretty late. Good luck with volleyball and your classes! <3
@freedomwriter76 Do you ever have people in person tell you that you seem old for your age?! I would have never known you were going into tenth from the way you talk 😂
Thanks!! <3
Have fun! We also start this week, it will be fun! I am now a sophomore like @freedomwriter76 and I’m also home schooled! How do you like volleyball? I have the opportunity to join this year, but have never played.-
Awesome! 😊
Oh my goodness, I love volleyball so much!! I was really bad at it when I started, but this is my third year and I’ve gotten SO much better. It’s super fun. It looks easy, but if you wanna do it right, then it’s a challenge. But I love it nonetheless. 😁 Definitely my favorite sport.
Lol I get it alot, but I think it’s because I’m good at small talk? (After much of embarrassing practice, mind you. I prayed about it and uh it did come about but not without much failure XD)I’m also old for my grade! If I were a couple months older I could be in the next grade.
Yeah mentally you are a lot odler, but I’d…[Read more]
Oh yes, ASL is so cool!! I have a couple friends who know ASL.
Oooh, 4-H sounds fun!! I know some people who do that kind of stuff all the time. It’s probably not something I’d be into tho. XD But if your interested, you should totally go for it!!-
I think Spanish is pretty easy to learn. (But I haven’t actually taken a class sooo… XD) But I really want to learn French. I think that’d be so neat. 😁
That’s a great question. 😉 XD So the first two years I played, I played with a school that let homeschoolers on their teams. This year, I’m playing with a hybrid school. So basically the schoo…[Read more]
Lol small churches always seemd really cool to me, I’ve never consistently attended one though. Our last one was quite big and I only new the names of the youth, not a lot of other people. -
Lol that sounds great! XD
(I have come to the attention Esther is getting notified for each of these comments 😶 feel free to not respond I will in no way take it as a ghosting XD)
You guys are fine. 😂-
Ah, yes, that makes sense girl. ❤ We’re starting school soon. Since I do 4H we usually try to start after the fair, so early September. I’d technically be a senior this year but I’m in the process of graduating early. 😆 Have fun with volleyball! My sister played for a few years and my dad coached!
Oh yeah, I’ve heard 4-H can be pretty hectic sometimes. 😉
Oooh, that’s so exciting!! 😆 Are you planning on attending a college in the future?
Cool! Thanks!!-
Haha yeeeeah, it is. But it’s a fun hectic.😅
Um, atm I’m not feeling called to something that requires college. So I’m going to spend what would be my senior year just pouring into the things I enjoy, i.e. art and photography. I’ll be taking online courses and improving my skills. I’ll also be getting a job. But yeah!-
Awesome!! That’s really cool! 😊
Esther posted an update 1 year, 8 months ago
@acancello @euodia-vision @awsumfaith @felicity @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @gwyndalf-the-wise @highscribeofaetherium @hybridlore @lightoverdarkness6 @livingwoodchronicles @landric @thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22 @whalekeeper @smiley @starshiness @janellebelovedpig @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h @kyronthearcanin
Hey everyone!! I’ll be o…[
Light posted an update 1 year, 8 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision @esther-c @felicity @livingwoodchronicles @HighScribeOfAetherium @godlyfantasy12 @mineralizedwritings @hybridlore @acancello @awsumfaith @keilah-h @smiley @sarafini @starshiness @whalekeeper @smiley @acancello @gwyndalf-the-wise @anyone-else-I’m-forgetting-so-sorry-XD
Hello everyone!! So tomorrow I am leaving to go…[Read more]
Esther posted a new activity comment 1 year, 8 months ago
@acancello @euodia-vision @awsumfaith @felicity @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @gwyndalf-the-wise @highscribeofaetherium @hybridlore @lightoverdarkness6 @livingwoodchronicles @landric @thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22 @whalekeeper @smiley @starshiness @janellebelovedpig @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h
Hey everyone!! I’m back!!!
Definitely e…[Read more]-
I did!! Thank you!!
Hey!! Glad it was fun 😉
Welcome back!! How was it?
It was INCREDIBLE!!! I had so much fun and I got a lot from the sessions. We were near Gatlinburg, so we went to Dollywood, which was tons of fun!! And I was able to make some new friends and spend some time with my bestie, who’s moving in a couple of months. I could talk about everything for ever, so I won’t bore you with details. XD But ove…[Read more]
Awww I’m SO glad!! That’s awesome that you were able to spend some time with your bestie. ❤
Thanks! Yeah, for sure. 🥰
Keilah H. replied to the topic Oops… in the forum Plotting 1 year, 8 months ago
@esther-c I’ll just reiterate what everyone else has said, I think. If you’ve read enough good books (and maybe some less than good ones), you’re going to see that the same stories have to get repeated by necessity.
Read the Bible and other history books. Read old myths and stories from various cultures. I guarantee you you’ll find pretty much…[Read more]
PrincesaChronicle22 replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 8 months ago
@godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6 @freedomwriter76 @esther-c @whalekeeper @felicity @euodia-vision @smiley @gwyndalf-the-wise @orielle @loopylin @keilah-h @mineralizedwritings @magicalstories0611 @anyone-who-wonders-where-I-have-mysteriously-dissapeared-to
Heya everyone!!
Sooo, well I wanted to say sorry for basically vanishing from KP for the…[Read more]
Esther posted an update 1 year, 8 months ago
I’m so sorry, I forgot y’all. 🤦🏻♀️😂
@mineralizedwritings @keilah-h-
Ooh sounds fun!! No worries girl, have fun and I’ll talk to you when you get back!! ❤️
Cool! Hope you have fun!
Have so much fun!!!!
@acancello @euodia-vision @awsumfaith @felicity @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @gwyndalf-the-wise @highscribeofaetherium @hybridlore @lightoverdarkness6 @livingwoodchronicles @landric @thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22 @whalekeeper @smiley @starshiness @janellebelovedpig @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h
Hey everyone!! I’m back!!!
Definitely e…[Read more]-
Welcome back!! How was it?
It was INCREDIBLE!!! I had so much fun and I got a lot from the sessions. We were near Gatlinburg, so we went to Dollywood, which was tons of fun!! And I was able to make some new friends and spend some time with my bestie, who’s moving in a couple of months. I could talk about everything for ever, so I won’t bore you with details. XD But ove…[Read more]
Awww I’m SO glad!! That’s awesome that you were able to spend some time with your bestie. ❤
Thanks! Yeah, for sure. 🥰
I did!! Thank you!!
Hey!! Glad it was fun 😉
Welcome back, @esther-c!!!
Esther posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago
@acancello @euodia-vision @awsumfaith @felicity @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @gwyndalf-the-wise @hannahn @highscribeofaetherium @hybridlore @princesachronicle22 @landric @lightoverdarkness6 @thearcaneaxiom @keilah-h @smiley @anyone-else
Hey everyone!! My fam and I are leaving tomorrow morning to visit some family for the weekend, so I…[Read more]
Oops. I knew I missed a few people. 🤦🏻♀️
@mineralizedwritings @whalekeeper-
Oh ok! Lol I haven’t been active much, either. How are you doing?
I’m doing well, thanks for asking! 😊 Summer’s been pretty good and I’ve had lots of volleyball stuff (and the season hasn’t even started yet XD) so that’s been fun. 😉 My family is still looking for a new church and our best friends are moving away in August. So there’s a lot of change, but we’re just doing our best to trust God with it all. But t…[Read more]
Oh awesome! Sorry about your best friends 😟 I’m doing pretty good, too, we just moved in and have been meeting new neighbors and trying to find stuff for the house. I’m hoping to start writing again soon though! I’m sort of waiting for an idea 😅
Aww, thanks girl. 😊 They’re only moving a few states away (about 7 hours away), but that’s still a lot. We’ll definitely miss them. ❤️
Awesome!! I’m glad things have been going well for you!
Oh yeah, I totally get the waiting for an idea. XD I’m actually writing the climax of my second draft right now! (after putting it off, while waiting f…[Read more] -
Of course! Gotcha, at least you’ll still be able to visit ♥️.
Ahhh really!? Congratulations!! You’re so close!! (Aw, thank you 😅 Yep, me too xD) -
Yes, definitely. 😊
Thanks!! I’m really excited. My reward for finishing it is being able to start writing the second book in the trilogy. (Which I’m really looking forward to writing. 😁)
ttyl! Hope you have a fun time!
Have fun!!! I just finished my vacation, it was sooooooo much fun, So I hope yours is just as enjoyable
Esther replied to the topic Oops… in the forum Plotting 1 year, 9 months ago
Thanks so much, Gwyn!!! 😊
Faith posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago
Heyooooo! So y’all know i left for a little while, but ive returned! Imma try to find all the stuff you tagged me for…
@freedomwriter76 @starshiness @kyronthearcanin @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 @gwyndalf-the-wise @godlyfantasy12 @esther-c @whalekeeper @anyone-I-Forgot-sorry
Esther replied to the topic Oops… in the forum Plotting 1 year, 9 months ago
Some more tags…
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 1 year, 9 months ago
@esther-c @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 @gwyndalf-the-wise
Thank you guys all so much! <3
You should! It’s very frusterating at first, but if you just keep at it for a little bit you’ll get the hang of it. I’ve been doing it for maybe… 1-2 years?
MineralizedWritings posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago
@godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @gwyndalf-the-wise @lightoverdarkness6 @esther-c @felicity @smiley @anyone else
Hullo, I will be gone for a couple days visiting colleges! If you are rping with me and need a charrie to move on, that’s ok. Would you guys pray for us to be able to see what we need to see here? I have no idea where to go and what…[Read more]
Okay girl!! I’ll miss you immensely, and can’t wait to talk to you again soon! Praying for you ❤
Ooh that sounds fun!! Unfortunately I’ve been really busy this month so I probably won’t be able to sign up. I’ve barely been able to keep up with the RPs (as you know 😅😬) Hopefully next time!
Love ya girl!! God Bless 🥰
Thanks you too girl!!
XD yeah, life gets busy. Aren’t you on summer break? Still busy lol?Love you too! <33
You’re welcome! Aww thank you! ❤❤
XD Yes it does. Wellll…I’m homeschooled, so we do things a bit differently. I’m a bit behind in math and I’m superrrr scatterbrained so if I go even a few days without doing math I’ll forget a bunch of vital details XD 😅😬 It’s not my strongsuit, to say the least lol. So I’m still doing school, which kinda sucks…[Read more]
All I can say is I hate math. Lol. I used to like it but then it got complicated… I’m going to get to take logic instead of math next year because it counts as a math credit XD
Me too girl, me too 😅 Oh cool!! I know that will be very nice to not have to do *shudders* math. All those numbers…oof XDXD
Thanks!! <3 You too and thanks for the prayers!<3
I’ll miss you but I hope you have an awesome time!! 😊I’ll be praying! ❤️
Thanks! <3
@freedomwriter76 Aww girl…tysm girl…that means more to me than you know ❤️
You’re in my prayers Min! I hope everything goes smoothly. Also, have a fun time at the writing camp!!
Thank you! <3
Euodia replied to the topic I'm back! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 9 months ago
Noooooo that’s the worst. *glares at post-eating monster* *tells it to go eat some ridiculously old posts instead*
Ikr? *pouts*
The bird one is almost entirely outlined. I’m working on finishing up chapter outlines so I can start drafting by the end of June/beginning of July! *cheers* It’s not as soon as I thought I’d have it…
Esther replied to the topic I'm back! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 9 months ago
Thanks! I’ve missed you too! ❤️❤️ XD The LORD has perfect timing, as always. *grins*
Yes, for sure! 😉
Yay that it’s going well! Change is hard, but I’m glad you’re trusting Him with it. That’s the hardest part. 😅
Yeah, definitely. 🙂
Oh dear. XD Is that a consistent thing for you? Cause I find that usually the parts of my storie…
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Hope you have a good time!
@rae Thanks!!
Oh awesome!! Hope you have an awesome time!!
That’s so fun! Have a wonderful time!
Sounds cool! I checked out the website and it looks super fun!
@savannah_grace2009 @esther-c @euodia-vision
Thank you guys!!