Ethryndal replied to the topic One-Sentence Story Challenge in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@Warrenluther04 Hehhhh, thanks. 🤗 Zis makes me happy. I do try to keep things entertaining. It’s a bit of a hobby. 😉
Anyway, the pic still didn’t come through, but that’s okay because I did a bit of tech-ing and found it.
For the record… What. The. Heck. 😂
My story: And yet somehow, despite all odds, they still make fun of my…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@graciegirl Good luck finding them! XP
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
The GIF-Hiders: An Easter Story
Part Seven: Dog, Cat, and Squirrel
“So, Jenna?” began Dekreel after their previous conversation had petered.
“What do you like to write?”
Oh, no, <i>that<i> question. She sighed a little. “Umm… several things, I guess.”
“Anything you’re working on?”
“… Not really. I write random essays. And I journa…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Tagging @cindygreen for making this topic. I love it. XD
Tagging @daughteroftheking because of your friendliness, zeal and joy. You are among my favorite Kapeefers to geek out with! 😉
@sam-kowal for your humor, enthusiasm, your awesome writing abilities, and for being so encouraging to everyone!
And, of course I can’t tag Sam without tagging…[Read more]
Ethryndal replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Tagging @GracieGirl because you’re an adorable, enthusiastic INFP who paints cool things and taught me the difference between P/J in personality types. Girlie, you spruce things up.
And @That_Writer_Girl_99 because you’re an awful INFP who is mean to me and has the nerve to like Luke Skywalker.
(Okay, okay, fine. *grudging admittance* I really…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic *waves manically* ;P in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
@graciegirl Well maybe if you found a TARDIS………
Emoji-Bot? EMOJI-BOT?!?! *shakes head* Boy, oh, boy that show just keeps getting weirder and weirder…… *sighhh*
I have only seen the first season and a teensy weensy bit of the second season of Twelve, so most of those you mentioned I haven’t seen. I have seen Deep Breath and The…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic What's Your WIP? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Tagging @graciegirl @ethryndal @kate-flournoy @ingridrd
Emma Flournoy posted an update 7 years ago
@GracieGirl Happy Birthday, Gracie! Thou art a lovely KeePer, and the place would most definitely not be the same without you. *showers you with time related…things* Welcome to being seventeen. ;D I hope you have a great one.
Elizabeth started the topic A Year Ago… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
I was really going to try and wait another month before posting this, because that’s when my actual KP-versary is, but my internship ends next week and I’m kinda (really) sad about it, so I could use some love.
Anyway. March 26th, 2017–almost a year ago–I was sitting on the couch, doing schoolwork, when my mom told me about some ad she’d fo…[Read more]
Mariposa Aristeo posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi all!
Some of you may have noticed I haven’t been around much lately. I just wanted to let you know I haven’t been ignoring you. A lot of changes have been happening lately and I hate to say this, but I’m afraid I must…I guess what I’m trying to say is…goodbye. 😢 Y’all have been the bestistiest and I’ll miss every one of you sorely, and…[Read more]
I was just thinking about you earlier today. *sniff* But I think you’ve got the right perspective; God does know what’s best, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time. Or if, yeah, change isn’t the most comfy thing on earth.
Thank you for being such a great kapeefer! 😀 *offers Aberdeen a rough draft full of delicious adverbs*
@dragon-snapper Aw, thanks. *Aberdeen eats adverbs* Me and him will never forget you, dear Snapper.
@mariposa aw, we’ll miss you lots! *reaches for tissue* but I appreciate that you’re going in the direction you think God is taking you 🙂 I’ll definitely keep following your blog!
@jenwriter17 I can’t begin to tell you how encouraging your comments have been to me. Thank you for always being so sweet and wonderful. 🙂
@mariposa I really do enjoy your blog and your artwork is amazing! It’s inspiring me to keep drawing too 🙂 sorry I haven’t been as active on commenting though, life is just busy right now.
@mariposa, Oh no!!!!! I’m going to miss you!
Thank you for the input you’ve had here.
I’ll be following you blog too.
May God bless you in whatever He has in store for you. 🙂-
@clairec Thank you. It means a lot to know you’re reading my blog. I will miss you too. 😢
Shucks, I’m gonna miss you around here. Ah well, God knows best. I can’t wait for you to find out where He’s taking you. So long for now, my friend. You’ve been a wonderful addition to our Keeper circle, and we’re going to be sorely lacking in bright colors and dinosaurs without you. 💕
I’ll be keeping up to date on all your platforms. 🙂
@ethryndal The feeling is mutual. *sniff* Why do you guys have to be so amazing? That’s what makes this goodbye all the harder.
That, my friend, is EXACTLY the point. It’s the safety measures we take to make sure as few people leave us as possible. 😉
*hugs you tightly* I’m so sorry to see you go, lovely girl 🙁 You’ve been a wonderful addition to the team, as well as an incredible encourager and friend. Can I have the link to your blog? You’re not getting rid of me that easily.💕
@cindygreen *hugs you back while sniffling* Thank you for your very kind, sweet words, Cindy. You’ve inspired me ever since I read your first KP poem. ❤️
Of course! Here it is: https://www.thetinytealtypewriter.com I may be taking a break from it for a short time as I mull over some new ideas. Also, I’ll be hanging out at Story Embers and hel…[Read more]
@winter-rose Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. 💜 I’m glad God gave me the opportunity to meet people like you.
AGHHH! I am crazy late to this. 😭
So sad to see you go, Mariposa!! I’m going to miss seeing you around here. 🙁 Praying everything works out on the new path you’re taking! ❤❤❤
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
The Gif Hiders
Part Two: The Bird and her Cake
The Kingdom of Pen did grow weirder and weirder for Jenna, but only gradually. After a few days, ever since she had come, she had met some centaurs, a mermaid, another dragon, a tiger, and even a droid. But the weirdness didn’t exactly just rocket into the air until about three weeks after she had f…[Read more]
Joy started the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
Are you guys ready?!
I am proud (and terribly, maniacally, crazy ecstatic) to introduce…
The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton: A Kapeefer Series
The GIF-hiders: An Easter Story
Part One: The Dragon who Melted Chairs
“Welcome to the bestistest place in the Universe!!”
“Jenna? *whinny* That’s my name!”
“Stan…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic *waves manically* ;P in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 1 month ago
@graciegirl GAA! I missed your post about Dr Who! *shakes head at self*
Yesss, you’ve seen the First Dr! FYI, the next episode series after Unearthly Child, called The Daleks, was really good. And really long. It was the first appearance of the Daleks!
Yes, Five is my favorite. He’s cool! But I’d watch the Fourth first if I were you…[Read more]
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic *waves manically* ;P in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 1 month ago
@GracieGirl They shouldn’t disappoint. 😀
Joy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@daeus BTW I am sorry if that GIF made you feel uncomfortable in any way. I’ll restrain myself from now on XD
@rochellaine I know! That was my reaction, too X/
@clairec @notawriter @graciegirl @jenwriter17 @epicaddie2 Thank you all! 😀
Claire — Umm…. I’m going to see how comfortable Daeus is first… X)
Joy replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
I have an announcement: The KPA is finally underway! I hope…
(don’t judge — I have no idea what movie/show this gif is from…)
I had to rewrite it completely, but I think it will turn out well! I FINALLYFINALLYFINALLY have the plot figured out!!
Unfortunately, since I rewrote it, Number One: The prologue is a dud, and Number Two: I have…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
Another question: Is it @graciegirl or @daughteroftheking who “waves maniacally?” Or both?
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic *waves manically* ;P in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 2 months ago
@GracieGirl Coolness.
YES I love Mere Christianity. *flails* I’m glad you’re reading it. Have you read The Screwtape Letters too?
I’m reading a true WWII rescue account called The Forgotten 500 right now. It’s pretty cool. In the fiction realm, one of the things I’ve read recently which I liked quite a bit was the Mysterious Benedict Society…[Read more] -
ClaireC replied to the topic *waves manically* ;P in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 2 months ago
Thanks! @graciegirl. It’s exciting, isn’t it! 😛 😉 😀 🙂
Joy replied to the topic Thirteen Plus Five in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years, 2 months ago
Hey guys! So I’m going to reuse an OLD thread and post my updated story snippet for you guys to critique. To make it clear, this is my Doctor Who fan novella. You don’t have to be a Whovian to read it. I’m excited about it because I recently started changing it to first person instead of third. Here is what I have so far!
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*explodes with happiness* Thank you so much, Emma!!! ☺❤
😀 😀 😀
Here’s some glue to put yourself back together, if you so desire. *glue* XD