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Ooh! I keep hearing about the Wingfeather Saga, but I haven’t read it yet. It’s super high on my “to-read list” 🙂
I grew up with The Chronicles of Narnia and Percy Jackson and the Olympians, so those are probably my top fantasy books.
Oh wow! You like physics and geometry too! That’s cool. I enjoyed those back when I took them. (At least, I enjoyed them more than chemistry :P)
I prefer the Colin Firth adaption (mainly because I’ve watched that one more times). I’ve only seen the 2005 version once, but I do really enjoy Keira Knightly as Elizabeth XD
Love your signature, by the way. 🙂
@nova21 Hi Ella! Welcome to Kingdom Pen! It’s awesome to have you join us.
Yay! Another suspense/thriller and adventure/fantasy writer! That’s exactly what I love to write as well.  Do you have a favorite fantasy book?
I’ve heard about Kingdom Pen ever since it began in 2011, and I was mainly just a stalker on the website and forum, and only really got involved after it’s relaunch this year.
My WIP is a superhero novel. But not just any superhero novel. Throw in a bunch of mystery, secrets, betrayal, and borderline-criminals-who-are-pretending-to-be-superheroes, and then you got a little bit closer to what the story is really about. I’m writing it with my sister, Kathleen, and she may or may not have mentioned something about it already. 🙂
What’s you’re favorite subject in school? (Besides writing, of course)
And since you are a Pride and Prejudice fan, I have to ask… What is your favorite Pride and Prejudice screen adaption??
Wow. I think you hit the nail on the head! You brought up a lot of great points. Especially the part about throwing the character into situations that bring out the best, worst, and unknown about a character.
And yes, I really can’t take the “the-girl-who-dresses-up-as-a-boy” or the “the-girl-who-is-not-like-other-girls” cliches anymore. I just… can’t.
I also have to agree with @kathleenramm and the one-sentence-test. The more you dive into a character the more they stand out from any other characters who seem similar on the surface.
Too often, writers rely on giving characters quirks, a rather eccentric appearance, or a peculiar favorite color to make a character interesting. You can have many characters who are witty, or have a tragic backstory, but in the end, what differentiates them all is their hopes, fears, desires, flaws, values, how they change throughout the course of the story (how they change the story, and how they are changed by the story), misbeliefs about the world, who they care about, and more- through these things they become so much more interesting and memorable.
Iron Man is a good example of this. While you could try to describe him as a “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist” he is so much more than that. He has his flaws that he needs to deal with, values that are challenged, fears he needs to overcome, and by the Endgame he is a decidedly different person than he was at the beginning of the first Iron Man movie. And that’s why Iron Man tends to be the favorite of so many fans.
But those are just my thoughts. What do you think makes for an interesting and diverse character?
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by
Erin G.
Hey! Sorry this is a bit late, but here are my thoughts on the story:
I really enjoyed reading it overall and thought it was a really sweet story. The ending was quite beautiful. 🙂
My favorite character was probably Eddy, haha. I particularly liked the scene where he was pretending to be invisible. XD
As for critiques… well, I agree with a lot of what Kathleen said above. Have you had someone of your intended age range read it? I suggest that you do, and see what they think of it. As we aren’t your intended age range, there is only so much input we can give. Right now, I think it could be a really sweet story to publish, but having a middle-grade kid or younger read it would really take your story to another level. What parts did they particularly like that you could strengthen? What parts didn’t connect with them as much that you could change? Which characters did they like? What parts did they think was funny?
But yeah, that’s pretty much it for critiques. I enjoyed reading it! *two thumbs up*
Oh wow! Congratulations! *throws confetti* I would love to read it. 😀
Wow! This is great! I look forward to looking over the Google Doc. 🙂
July 17, 2020 at 8:24 pm in reply to: July 3rd – What was the most boring main character you’ve read about? #83565@leon-fleming haha yeah. I enjoyed the Inheritance Cycle, too, especially the first book. I’ve read the first one about two or three times now, but the flaws of the last three books make them rather difficult to re-read.
It’s been a while since I’ve read it, so I don’t really remember all that Paolini did with the world-building, but now I’m curious. What were some things that could have used more depth in world-building terms?
I actually haven’t gotten around to reading The Fork, The Witch, and The Worm. Is it worth a read?
July 6, 2020 at 6:05 pm in reply to: July 3rd – What was the most boring main character you’ve read about? #83366100% Eragon from the Inheritance cycle. Mainly because he is just your typical Chosen One who doesn’t really have a personality.
Aaaand if I could choose one more I would say Thomas from the Maze Runner series. *gets terrifying flashbacks* ugh, he was really boring. His character was done a lot better in the movies though. 🙂
Ah yes! I love that trope as well! If the relationship doesn’t progress to the lover stage too quickly, it makes for a really interesting romance. 🙂
May 29, 2020 at 8:49 pm in reply to: FTOTW – What was a book you read that was bad, but you were hooked anyway? #82749I personally really didn’t like the Eragon series. And yet, I read all four of them (and they are super long!)
What kept me reading was the fact that there was a certain character that I really, really liked and I wanted to see what would happen to him.
Overall, I think I can stay with any story – no matter how boring or poorly written it is – as long as I am in love with the characters.
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
Erin G.
*happy to have a friend to sip coffee with*
What’s your favorite coffee btw? Iced or hot? With milk or black?
Right now, I’m studying Korean, Japanese, and Spanish. *heart aches because of love for all three languages*
Yeah, well. So I’m teaching myself piano, so pretty much all I know is from youtube *laughs nervously* but I really like learning songs from movies. Especially How to Train your Dragon. <3 <3
Yeah, I have six siblings. Since it would take a long time to describe what each of them are like, I’ll just describe all of them in two words: creative (whether it be music, writing, or art) and intelligent. 🙂
I’m really looking forward to seeing your cards. I used to love card making myself… before I discovered language learning and writing and now spend most of my time on that.
Okay, I better getting going. I am going to go buy The Green Mile now, (on iBooks or something since the library is closed) since I have been dying for a good fiction book to get into. 🙂 So excited!
Ooh! I would love to see your cards! Definitely post a picture! *sips coffee in excitement*
I actually haven’t read any Stephen King books! I have been meaning to though. The Green Mile? Okay, I’ll start with that one then. 🙂
For fun? In my free time I like to learn languages, play the piano, or hang out with my younger siblings (usually just talking or watching movies/shows). Do you have any siblings?
As for my favorite books – besides Lord of the Rings – I love pretty much any Lemony Snicket book. haha I don’t know, I just really like something about his random humor. And people who have read my writing say that my stories have Lemony Snicket-ish tones to it. Is there an author that you think you have modeled your writing after? Or an author that you thing your style is similar to?
I love ice cream! My favorite flavors have to be either coffee or matcha tea ice cream. (I think I might have a caffeine addiction XD)
May 27, 2020 at 6:57 pm in reply to: TOPIC OF THE WEEK – Who is the best villain in any book/movie of all time? #82636Yeah. I thought Moriarty was cool because of the image I got in my head whenever the author described him in the books. From what I remember, he compared Moriarty to a spider weaving webs and pulling strings and all that. So cool. 🙂
Ernesto is from Pixar/Disney’s Coco.
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by