EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Cheesy Jokes (Writer's Edition) in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 11 months ago
@not-so-secret-secret-assassin I’ve tried finding a good writing joke to contribute but I just can’t find anything that’s the same level of hilarious XD
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Cheesy Jokes (Writer's Edition) in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 11 months ago
This has got to be one of the best threads on here XD
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Uh… greetings in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 11 months ago
@when-i-see-the-kingdom Okay, that’s what I thought but I wasn’t completely sure XD I used to be on there but I left almost exactly a year ago XD I plan to rejoin someday, though!
EpicAddie2 posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago
Nice!! School is going pretty well. I just finished geometry which is fantastic XD I’m also taking a French class at a community college and it’s been pretty challenging.
EpicAddie2 posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago
Hey!! Life is pretty good! How’re you?
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Uh… greetings in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 11 months ago
@when-i-see-the-kingdom I love your blog!! I subscribed 🙂
My blog is aldarley.wordpress.com — I don’t post on it very often though XD
Also, random question, but are/were you on Ydubs?
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic What do you do when you feel discouraged and feel like giving up? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years, 12 months ago
@kathleenramm I always hate reading old writing and feeling like I haven’t improved *cries*
To readjust my focus I usually pray but then I also like to remind myself of things like “it’s okay to not be perfect” and things like that XD
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic If you got to be a screen writer for a movie, what type of movie would it be? in the forum Topic of the Week 4 years ago
@gracie-j Yep! I would love to write a script for my novel. I should probably finish it first though XD I’ve spent literally hours imagining it as a movie XD Yes, I saw it a couple months ago! I watched it with my family and we didn’t realize it was a Christian movie when we started it XD I was nervous it would be preachy like most Christian m…[Read more]
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic If you got to be a screen writer for a movie, what type of movie would it be? in the forum Topic of the Week 4 years ago
@kathleenramm Ooh, this is a good question! I’ve tried writing scripts before but they kind of flopped. I still wanna finish one at some point though XD
I think it’d be suuuuper fun to write a screenplay for historical fiction or fantasy (an epic script like LOTR? yes please). And like @gracie-j said, PIRATES. It would be SO MUCH FUN to write a…[Read more]
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic What do you do when you feel discouraged and feel like giving up? in the forum Topic of the Week 4 years ago
@kathleenramm When I start feeling discouraged I’ll usually spend some time praying about it and take a short break from writing. I think for me when I’m feeling discouraged it’s usually because I’m comparing myself to other writers or I feel like I’m not working hard enough on my WIP. Usually it’s simply a matter of readjusting my focus.
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Hello! (again) in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 2 months ago
@writerlexi1216 That’s alright! I haven’t actually been on here very much either. XD You should definitely read Prince Caspian. It’s probably one of my favorites in the series. It’s been quite a while since I read The Horse and His Boy, so I should probably reread it! I actually just started reading a book from the perspective of Lewis’s wife…[Read more]
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Uh… greetings in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 2 months ago
@when-i-see-the-kingdom Welcome to KP!! I’m an INFJ as well. 🙂 I’m a 4w5 though. Do you prefer MBTI or enneagram? Recently I’ve been reading a lot about the enneagram.
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Q&A w/ Caitlin Lambert in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 2 months ago
@jenwriter17 I didn’t know you have a second blog! This looks awesome!!
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Looking for Worldbuilding Guest Authors in the forum Non-Fiction 4 years, 2 months ago
@r-m-archer This is awesome! I’m going to spend some time thinking about this — I do have experience with everything you mentioned except maybe language, but I’m certainly not a master at developing the things you mentioned. I do give a lot of attention to the cuisine and fashion in my novel so if I can figure out a good way to write out my…[Read more]
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Hello! (again) in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 2 months ago
@seekjustice Hiii!! Thank you! How have you been?
@alia Thank you!! I like your profile picture — how long have you been playing? I picked up the violin almost exactly a year ago. 🙂
@ugroza Greetings! I definitely want to publish my WIP someday, although I probably won’t pursue publication until I’ve written the entire series just because I’m…[Read more]
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic WIP Chat! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 2 months ago
@joy-caroline Perhaps do some sort of prologue at the beginning of your book? Or you could drop subtle details, maybe like similar mannerisms and physical traits that your reader will catch but your characters won’t.
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Writing Resources—Websites, Courses, Books, etc. in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 2 months ago
@e-k-seaver Ahh nice!
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Hello! (again) in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 2 months ago
@abigail-m I really want to do some research on Norway. Hopefully I’ll get an idea while learning about it XD And I’ll definitely ask you if/when I ever have questions about ancient Russia. Thanks!
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Writing Resources—Websites, Courses, Books, etc. in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 2 months ago
Also, I second @abigail-m and her suggestion of Hillsdale’s online courses. THEY ARE AMAZING. I’ve already gone through a few (the Genesis one is incredible!!) and I’ve even been able to get some high school credit for it.
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic Writing Resources—Websites, Courses, Books, etc. in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 2 months ago
@e-k-seaver Unfortunately not, but I do intend on rejoining! I was on it for about two years until around April of last year when I decided to take a break because it was becoming a bit distracting. I still talk to lots of Ydubbers though because they’re all like my best friends XD Are you on Ydubs?
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I’m great! Just went on a run and wrote a lot so I’m happy, lol!! How’s school going for you? I only have four weeks left, including finals week 😱 It’s crazy.
Nice!! School is going pretty well. I just finished geometry which is fantastic XD I’m also taking a French class at a community college and it’s been pretty challenging.