Active 9 months, 1 week ago- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 3515
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Does writing energize or exhaust you? Or both? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
@kathleenramm Boi, your profile picture sure looks familiar, although a tad bluer haha.
I think writing will always drain me. I don’t think I’ve ever walked away from writing without feeling a little more tired than before. Unless I’m in the middle of a load of homework and I needed to write a paragraph or something as a pick-me-up or a…[Read more]
Kathleen changed their profile picture 3 years ago
Kathleen started the topic Does writing energize or exhaust you? Or both? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
Does writing energize or exhaust you? Or both?Â
Well, for me, both. If ideas are flowing, plot lines connecting, and character’s developing, then I get really excited and end up unable to fall asleep until 2 a.m.However, if ideas are absent, plot lines clashing, and characters are not working, then I end up like a complete tired mess from…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Writer's Corner #505 in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@trahia-the-minstrel Nice snippet! Love the dialogue!
@annabelle Fantasy is a good genre! Hope you have fun with it!
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Writer's Corner #505 in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@karissa-chmil Thank you! It looks so beautiful!
R.M. Archer replied to the topic Fairytale Retellings in the forum Genre-Writing 3 years ago
So, perfect timing, Nadine Brandes and Sara Ella happen to be focusing on retellings in their webinar next month! There’s a $10 registration fee, but Nadine and Sara are always super helpful, they answer so many questions… Honestly, it’s worth a lot more than $10, in most cases if not all cases. XD And Nadine has written a couple of historical…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Writer's Corner #505 in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@annabelle My current projects are all fantasy, haha, but I also dabble in slice of life, crime, among other genres. I want to give them all a try!
What about you?
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Writer's Corner #505 in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@annabelle I’m working on two long series, one of which is for a contest, a dark fantasy standalone novel, and right now a short story for the KP forest contest haha. It’s a bit much.
@karissa-chmil Ey, that sounds great, Karissa! What’s your blog?
@lavenderbookling Welcome, welcome. Sit down and have some tea? *offers cookies*
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Writer's Corner #505 in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
@annabelle Yeah, you can talk about anything!
Wow, congratulations on your author spotlight! It looks quite interesting!
As someone who is also juggling several projects, I relate. Which one is your favorite story to work on right now?
Ah, I’ve always gotten emails from YWW, but never could bring myself to join. But I’m planning on taking some…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang started the topic Writer's Corner #505 in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
Hello, one and all! For those of you who are newer, we used to have some topics called “Writer’s Corner” or something like that, but I’m far too lazy to search for the previous ones or consult how many of these we have been through, so we can just start a new one.
This thread is just a place for off-topic chats, where we can talk about our day or…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang changed their profile picture 3 years ago
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic What come to you first? Plot or Characters? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
@kathleenramm I’d say both. Sometimes I have names and character ideas and I want to flesh out a plot around them; other times I have a plot idea and I make up quick characters to fill in the blanks. But if I had to choose one, it’s most likely characters first.
Kathleen started the topic What come to you first? Plot or Characters? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
What come to you first? Plot or Characters?
For me, honestly it’s both. Sometimes a cool character comes to me sometimes a cool plot.However, that’s a bit of a cop-out answer so I’ll say what most commonly comes to me. And that would be plot ideas. When fleshing out a story idea I always focus on characters, however, the basic premise of the…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Some questions about characters in the forum Characters 3 years ago
1. Plenty.
2. For any of them probably just number 4.
3. Worst, like, most evil or worst written? I feel like I’ve read/watched a lot of awful villains, but I can’t really think off the top of my head the most evil.
4. A lot, haha, but then I warp them enough that no one can recognise them.
R.M. Archer replied to the topic Who has impacted your writing the most? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
Exactly! Long, deep conversations are my favorite, but it’s often hard to find people to have them with (or specific topics for discussion, lol). God has really blessed me with the friends I can have those conversations with, whether those discussions happen often or only on occasion.
Kathleen replied to the topic Who has impacted your writing the most? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
That’s really cool!
Of course, putting you into the world to pretty cool, but letting you naturally fall into stories in your own way instead of forcing you is also really cool.
Was there a particular audiobook that you found that made you interested in listening to more?
All of your inspirations from friends to…[Read more]
R.M. Archer replied to the topic Who has impacted your writing the most? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
There are so many people. My mom (encouraging me to read, allowing me to pursue writing for a good chunk of my homeschooling, critiquing my work over the years, etc.), my dad (he has a book started that I’m excited to read one day, he got me started reading fantasy, he’s also helped edit my work from time to time, etc.), my writing groups…[Read more]
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Author Conservatory in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 3 years ago
I’ve never been part of the Author Conservatory, but I’ve heard a ton of good things about it 🙂
Kathleen started the topic Who has impacted your writing the most? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
Who impacted your writing the most?
(This can be someone you know personally or not)
For me, it’s my older sister. I loved reading her and my older brother’s stories growing up, which is kinda saying a lot considering I didn’t like reading at the time.
I shared a room with my sister since I was born, so I grew up seeing my sister come up with…[Read more]
R.M. Archer replied to the topic Have you ever considered writing under a pseudonym, and why or why not? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 years ago
Autumn was my first pen name! I was going to go by Autumn Meadowlark for a while, but I picked R.M. Archer after I decided “Meadowlark” was too weird, lol. Autumn is a lovely name. ^-^
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