Microphage6032 posted an update 6 months ago
@freed_and_redeemed @ava-blue @queen_of_alvastia @lydia-s @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @anatra23 @starshiness @mineralizedwritings @godlyfantasy12 @anyone else I’m missing
Ahhhhhh guys it’s been so LONG! I’m finally BACK! I’m sorry for being gone so long I’ve been SUPER busy(and forgot my login info) these past two… YEARS?!? Geez. Here are a few u…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi started the topic Portals: When My Story Ate Me in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Anyone wonder what would really happen if your characters were real and you met? Or what if tables turned and you were a character instead of the author?
Then this serial story might just be the sparkle of insanity you have been hoping for! (or if not, and if that’s the case, go invest in Narnian ice cream or something.)
Anyway, here’s the…[Read more]
Queen_of_Alvastia posted an update 2 years ago
@ava-blue @freedomwriter76 @gracie-j @microphage6032 @rose-everdeen @koshka @anatra23 @starshiness @saraina @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12 @princesschronicles @lightoverdarkness @anyone else I’m missing
I am no longer going to be on here anymore (right now anyway), so this is adieu, peeps! I have some personal stuff going on where it’s just n…[Read more]
Queen_of_Alvastia posted an update 2 years ago
@ava-blue @freedomwriter76 @gracie-j @microphage6032 @rose-everdeen @koshka @anatra23 @starshiness @saraina @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12 @anyone else I’m missing
*breaks down door* *rushes in* HEYO PEEPS I MISSED ALL Y’ALL!! I HATH RETURNED!! Sort of…I mean, I’m just going to pop in every now and then lol Hope you guys are having a fantab week!!
Me too!! I mean I missed you, if I missed me that would be weird….
I’m doing great! I have my sequel (the one with Payton) ready to be printed at the end of March and an adorable website that should be out at the same time 🙂
(Uhhhh same….that’s why I changed my tag – Torryn is one of those charries *fpfp*) -
That’s great!! (Awww I’m so glad to hear that you’re doing better now! Praise God! 💖💖)
AGHHHH I’m so excited rn I wish I could show you how the website looks, but I’m still going back and forth with the designer people…(YES! He’s my favorite charrie. Well him & one other guy XD YESS PLEASE I WANT TO KNOW!! <3333 Same!!)
btw what forum do you wanna chat on? I’ve been gone so long and like a hundred and one forums have sprung to life in my absence XD
(YUP!! I mean he was supposed to have like, what? One scene? Maybe two and he was like UHH NO!! So I made him the mc XD)
Haha I bet!! YAY! (I’m gonna be super sporadic on here btw but I just had to say HIIIII!! I’m on break rn XD) Okay thank you!!!
HOWDYYY how’s life been?? I haven’t been on much but it’s good to see you back! My week has been fantabulous for the most part, and I hope yours has been even better 😌 Whatcha been up to lately?
Microphage6032 posted an update 2 years, 5 months ago
I’m no longer a Bumbling Henchmen…
I am now a CHARISMATIC REBEL!!! Woo-Hoo!
@freedomwriter76 @ava-blue @queen_of_alvastia @lydia-s @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @anatra23 @starshiness @mineralizedwritings @godlyfantasy12
Loopy replied to the topic Want me to draw your character? in the forum Art 2 years, 5 months ago
@anatra23 I finally finished! I’m sorry it took so long, I’ve had a crazy couple weeks moving to a different town. I hope you like her!
Rose Everdeen replied to the topic Greetings friends! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 5 months ago
AAAHHHFGGG I’m really sorry I haven’t responded in so long, this reply was sitting open and written in a tab on my laptop for a week and a half, I’m just now hitting send.
Lollll that’s such a mood, I’ve done that too, so often XD
Thank you, this is very true. I didn’t really realize this, but it was pointed out to me that all the mai…
Queen_of_Alvastia posted an update 2 years, 6 months ago
@ava-blue @freedomwriter76 @gracie-j @microphage6032 @rose-everdeen @koshka @anatra23 @starshiness @saraina @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12 @anyone else I’m missing
Hey y’all, I’m going to be stepping back from Kingdom Pen for awhile/potentially taking a permanent hiatus. School is going to be picking up, and I want to make sure I am focus…[Read more]
😊😊 Thank you, girl! I’ll miss you too 😉 (Take care of Trevyn for me XD) Thank you for the prayers, I appreciate that. When/if I come back, I’ll make sure and tag you XD
PS Don’t forget….. #ProtectionSquadForever 🤭😂
💖 (I know you will lol)
And I won’t forget that either XD 😎
No clue….I guess you can do what you want with them? Technically M & K haven’t met anyone so they should be easy to disappear….the others? Not sure, it’s up to y’all XD
NUUUU I’ll miss you girl 😭😭🥺
Well, I totally get that. School is crazy, and I hope everything works out for you! Good luck with your degree! 🥰 I’m going to finish your characters today so that you get them before you leave, I apologize for the wait. God bless, I’ll really miss you! 💖-
Thank you!! 💖💖 Oh my goodness, I totally didn’t mean to rush you or anything XD *hugs* I’ll miss you too! -
@ava-blue Oh and I know I’m gone from KP now but this is one last exception because I just wanted to say….when you finish Verity & Kerwin, you can always shoot me a message here because, girl, I would still LOVE to see them. 🤭🥰💖
Of course, fren! I just finished it, here it is 😄
https://kingdompen.org/forums/topic/i-can-draw-your-character-%e2%9c%8d%f0%9f%8f%bb/page/2/ (it’s about halfway down page 2)
I hope you like it!! <3-
I just saw this….AHH!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! 💖💖💖 Thanks a gazillion for doing this for me!!
Anytime, girl! 😄💖
Aww we’ll miss you girl!! Best wishes and God bless you in whatever you do and wherever you go 💕💕
Thank you girl!! 🥰🥰😊😊 You’re so sweet! 💙
Totally understandable! I hope your hiatus from KP goes well and you make great progress in school! 😀 (But this is sad because I just met you and FreedomWriter and now y0u’re both leaving for now! 🙁 <3 )
💖💖 Thank you!!😊(Hey, if I come back on here, I’ll be sure and tag you to let you know! Wait, I didn’t know Freedom was leaving for now too…)
(Yay, please do! 😊 Yeah, she just posted about it…)
(I will for sure! Oh okay….)
Okay. Hope you have a fun time. I’ll miss you <3 God Bless!
Thanks! 🥰🙃
AH! I’m so sorry I’m late!
Thank you for even the little moments recently, your beautiful characters and quirky comments still make me laugh XD
You’re always welcome back! No pressure here 🙂-
No you’re good girl!!
*blushes* *hides* Oh my word, you’re so sweet 😊😂
Yeah no pressure…. XD
My word thank you for bringing a smile to my face <3333 Sorry I meant to reply to this when I saw it but school has been kinda….hectic XD God bless! 🥰
Rose Everdeen replied to the topic Greetings friends! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 6 months ago
It has been a little while since I’ve read them all, but I really used to like Alyss. From what I remember, though, her character kinda fell flat like, just over halfway through the series, so I wanna say Halt or Tug–a character around those lines.
Oh YES Alyss was so sorely neglected, she deserved SO much better!! Honestly, most of the…[Read more]
Loopy replied to the topic Want me to draw your character? in the forum Art 2 years, 6 months ago
@anatra23 She sounds really pretty, I’d love to draw her. 😁 What time period is she from?
Rose Everdeen replied to the topic Greetings friends! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 6 months ago
Hello Anatra!
Your WIP sounds very interesting, I haven’t read as many paradoxes in a single sentence like that in a while XD
Delightful, my goal has been accomplished! Ah well yes… They really are like that. My characters put me through a lot, though I return the favor. *Sips tea reflectively*
Medieval period books are one of my f…
Queen_of_Alvastia replied to the topic Greetings friends! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 6 months ago
@rose-everdeen *emerges from a dark corner* ROSE!! YOU’RE HERE!!! *tackle hugs you* *steps back from your dragon*
(just as a side note, y’all her trilogy *gasps* is gonna be amazing! <3)
My writing…ummm hmmm, I know the next book is gonna be orange, and yellow, and red…FIRE!!
My current WIP *takes a stab in the dark* dark green, like forest…[Read more]
Queen_of_Alvastia replied to the topic Anyone else love Moodboards/Aesthetics? in the forum Art 2 years, 6 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @koshka @godlyfantasy12 @ava-blue @anatra23 @elishavet-pidyon @microphage6032 @anyone else I’m missing and drawing a blank on
Any of y’all have Pinterest accounts? I was looking up pics for my charries on Pinterest and that thought just struck me XD
Microphage6032 replied to the topic Howdy! 🙂 in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 6 months ago
@anatra23 Technically I’m self-taught, but I use Irrashai on the Georgia Public Website and Rosetta Stone (I personally like Irrashai better). I don’t really watch anime because most anime (for me) is either dark or weird, however, I occasionally watch Sonic X and I liked the Marvel anime as well.
1. Well… I don’t really know……[Read more]
Queen_of_Alvastia replied to the topic Howdy! 🙂 in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 6 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @anatra23 *nods* SO TRUE!! TRUEST THING I’VE HEARD ALL DAY!! (writers also like to use ALL CAPS when they get EXCITED!! which is basically every other post XD)
Queen_of_Alvastia replied to the topic Howdy! 🙂 in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 6 months ago
@anatra23 Yeah we’re all kind of crazy on here…. (@microphage6032 just a little heads-up XD)
Ava Blue replied to the topic Character Playlists in the forum Music 2 years, 6 months ago
Hey y’all! I haven’t decided which story playlists I should add this to yet but I just found this song and I really loved it. I thought there might be a chance that you guys would find it fitting for your characters/stories too 😊
Grace – Marcus Mumford
Marcus Mumford is the lead singer of Mumford & Sons so he might sound familiar to some of you…[Read more]
Koshka replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 2 years, 6 months ago
AHHH! Calvin and Hobbes!!!! *Bounds in bearing a tray of tuna sandwiches*
Poor, dear November…XD
GodlyFantasy12 replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 2 years, 6 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @queen_of_alvastia @koshka @anatra23 @elishavet-pidyon
a lot of them are about November XD! But I can’t share them all on here cuz spoilers, I’d have to share them in the spoiler chat, but I can share some! Not everyone may get them tho.
whaley replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 2 years, 6 months ago
Not really, it’s never actually occurred to me. My style’s anything but realistic. You? (I’m guessing so, since it seems you take the realistic path.)
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forgot to tag @e-m-trepke
Welcome back! I also haven’t been online in a long time. 🥴
Oh! And if anyone wants to add me as a Nintendo Switch friend, my Friend Code is SW-4032-9613-2242. Just let me know your Switch Name so I know it’s you (and not a crazy random person 😝) I also have Instagram. Username is PiranhaPlantQueen
Hey! Glad to see you back, and congrats on getting published! Yay!
I’m pretty sure I follow you on insta. I’m Corvusdrawss over there. Oh, and you’re learning Japanese, right?
にほんごは べんきょうしているのが どう です か?
I apologize if my grammar is weird lol.
Your grammar is fine. 🙂 I’ve been really busy so I haven’t been studying as much as I want to. I have a Super Mario manga that I’ve been reading and it’s in Japanese. I don’t understand all of it, but I’m learning.
Oh that’s cool! I’ve been wanting to get some manga in japanese sometime too.
Hi!!!!!!!!!! Glad to have you back!