Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Would You Rather Character Edition in the forum Characters 7 years ago
@alia I like Jycin just from your descriptions. Can you tell me a bit about him, or are there spoilers?
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Create-a-story in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Every time you people hijack a thread, I freak out because on the Aetherlght forums, off-topic posts are either moved to Random Anything or deleted. Spamming is a federal offense.
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic A Girl Writing from a Guy's POV in the forum Characters 7 years ago
@daeus Thank you. I knew a bit of that, but I wasn’t sure. As some of you people know, I didn’t do the best job on Nikko….so I was a bit wary.
@jenwriter17 Thank you!
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@dragon-snapper *applause*
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Create-a-story in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@ingridrd @dragon-snapper @daughteroftheking @catwing
I wake to the sound of rustling grass and the smell of blood. Only, I can’t see anything, not even when I open my eyes.
“Did we win?” I mumble breathlessly.
Akila wipes stray hairs away from her face. “Yeah, why?”
I grunt, struggling to sit up. “If we won, why am I bleeding?”
Aislinn Mollisong started the topic A Girl Writing from a Guy's POV in the forum Characters 7 years ago
Hey, guys!
So…the title basically says it all. One of my two POV characters is a boy. I am a girl. Hence, the question.
Guy writers. Tell me how your brains work, please. Or just some tips. Or examples of what NOT to do. Like, if you read a book by a girl author with a boy POV and they failed miserably, how did they do it?
Also, just for…[Read more]
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Story Tagging in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@kate-flournoy I’ll go with the Victor story, if you don’t mind. The other one is getting a little bit too epic for me. 😉
@dragon-snapper Here we go….Graenw smiled maliciously, although Victor wasn’t quite sure how the creature’s face managed the expression. “I want you to destroy AAAAALLLLLL THE HUUUMMMMMAAAAANNNNSSS!” He screeched. Victor…[Read more]
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic A Catwing Christmas in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@catwing AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY NOOOOOO! *hides in bunker with notebook*
No, honestly, I actually screamed. My mom freaked out. I had to explain, “No, I’m fine, just…remember those books me and Emmy read where we kept screaming every five seconds? Someone on KP just mentioned the freaky Nobody dude that wanted to start a…[Read more]
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@Ariella-newheart @lady-iliara You know how there is a KaPeeFer anthem? Those right there, ladies, are our Aethasian anthems.
Just sayin’.
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Story Tagging in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Can I try one?
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@ariella-newheart You, madam, are the absolute bestest. Who else could handle the absolute emotion-dumping and nighttime insanity and scatterbrained distractedness of a random internet friend like you have? *realizes 20% of that sentence was not real words.* *doesn’t care*
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic What's Your WIP? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Um…..well that happened. *walks away slowly*
ANYWAY. Here ya go, @ariella-newheart
Here is the summary-ish thing for my WIPs. (Wait. If I haven’t started writing most of them, are they even WIPs? Idek.)
Embers Burning (Fantasy) : Amber, a fifteen-year-old girl living on a colony island, is living an uncomfortably perfect life with her…[Read more]
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@dekreel BRAVO, MISS CHASM BEAST! Or are you Jenna now….ah, who cares. Great job!
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@ariella-newheart Go ahead, I can’t remember most of it anyway…..
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Farewell Josiah in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@aratrea NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! This is Mr. Ironheart all over again….@ariella-newheart
Thank you for being the best editor-in-chief KP has ever had (to my knowledge). I can’t say anything eloquent right now so I’ll leave it at that.
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@supermonkey42 yes, I wrote one, but it’s gone. I’ll try to fix it….
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Character Art Exchange #2 in the forum Art 7 years ago
@warrenluther04 Yes, one of the biggest Star Wars nerds in the business. Nice to meet you. I make random mynock noises whenever I’m surprised or scared out of mind or just too happy to say anything.
@dekreel Awwww! She’s so cute!
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@alia Oops……I may have been???
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Self-Doubt… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
I wanted to say something…but I’ve been feeling like this too. I’ve been reading books like Half Upon a Time, The Ilyon Chronicles, and @hope-ann’s books. And the sheer incredibleness of their writing makes me almost jealous. I’ve wanted to write a fairytale retelling for years now, but I can never figure out how to write an original one. And…[Read more]
Aislinn Mollisong replied to the topic Just a Bit… Dismal in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@dragon-snapper Yes, it is indeed. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. (Also it’s a really good thing that Aislinn is me because if she wasn’t she would mutiny.) (I still can’t figure out whether to refer to her in first- or third-person.)
Thank you. I must read it. SOON.
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