Active 1 year, 9 months ago- Rank: Charismatic Rebel
- Total Posts: 29
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Yeah, I think it’s important to remember that it’s never bad for a villain to be non sympathetic, it’s just all in the execution. Azula from Avatar the Last Airbender isn’t really sympathetic in the whole series, but she’s probably the most fascinating and terrifying villain I can think of. Her father, Ozai, is also a…[Read more]
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Fair enough, lol!
Would you say that you adhere to the doctrine of infallible scripture and/or sola scriptura then?
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 11 months, 3 weeks ago
I hope that wasn’t too much😅
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 11 months, 3 weeks ago
What I was trying to get at is that God was the first one to use the word “good.” That means that He invented the word. However, it’s debatable whether God invented the concept of good. It would certainly make sense if He were the origin and the source of all goodness, but I would have to really do research in order to fully back that.…
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 11 months, 3 weeks ago
We know God created the word Good, but maybe not its meaning, because He used it before anybody else existed.
So I’m not sure what exactly your getting at here. Are you asking if Good as a concept existed prior to God’s first use of it in Genesis? If so, I’d say yes.
Since the bible says that the requirements of the law are written in our hearts,…
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Oof, I’ll repost
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 12 months ago
You know your a writer when someone sneezes, and you naturally start to contemplate the implications of a world in which the mechanics of sneezing is a magic system.
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Cosmere/Brandon Sanderson in the forum Book Discussions 1 year ago
Do you mean Long Chills and Case Dough? Or something else?
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 1 year ago
I will probably read The Sunlit Man first, since that one is available at my library. I had Yumi, but alas, it was returned before I read it. ☹️
Ah, that makes sense. I’ll be reading Sunlit soon. I heard you need a lot of background for it though, but it’s mostly Stormlight stuff, so you should be ok.
I didn’t know there were two. I…
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 1 year ago
I’ve read Skyward, Tress of the Emerald Sea, A Frugal Wizard’s Guide to Surviving Medieval England, and all of the Stormlight Archive except Dawnshard, which I think I have from the library, but is missing. Alas.
Awesome! I’ve read all of those except Stormlight 4, which I’m in the middle of. Are you about to read Yumi then, sin…[Read more]
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 1 year ago
Thanks! A few tips would be nice, but I’m mostly focusing on my other WIPs right now.
Oh yes. Especially at the end when Alcatraz and Bastille were arguing over who broke the balcony. And I’m so glad Grandpa Smedry is still arriving late for his death. I love him.
Yep, Grandpa Smedry is the best! So you’ve read Alc…[Read more]
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 1 year ago
Hi! I generally lean more towards soft worldbuilding, though I am trying to create a world with harder worldbuilding. (I haven’t actually come up with any good ideas yet though.) My duck world has a very soft magic system, in which pretty much every weird magic idea I’ve had exists. Including a singing pineapple.
Cool! A singing pin…[Read more]
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Hear ye! Hear ye! The Ducktator doth cometh, bearing greetings and pancakes! in the forum Start HERE 1 year ago
Greetings your Duckiness!
I’m the Arcane Axiom. I love math, searching for divine fundamental truth, and exploring that in my writing. I read/write sci-fi/fantasy, and I’m currently working on a universe with my sister called the Sceptrum.
Do you lean towards hard or soft worldbuilding? (I heard your into Sanderson, so…[Read more]
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year ago
@keilah-h @princesachronicle22
For sure! I need more connections so I can get more spatial awareness of what’s going on anyways
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year ago
Also, I like the knife idea!
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year ago
Fair enough lol! It will be interesting to have the literal deified personification of chaos wandering around what may as well be a playground for him. He’ll have fun turning your villain into a toy by the description you gave, and others such as Synian for sure. *Evil laughter
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year ago
Hmmm, idk I just introduced Chaos before I saw you posted this. The thing is that Chaos might try infiltrating, but Umen and Synian will both recognize him. He will be by definition unreliable with completing any goals. If he has been intentionally summoned, he won’t really serve the villains very well. He’ll just make it…[Read more]
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year ago
asldkfjasldtjsngfsdoafas ;lsdkfj sl;fjlksjtotjtosd;af skdlfj ljlda;fjdfl jsl;fkjs dlitgtjtri astiteneaoo prasdafdsafdf ddddddddddddddd ddddddddfksdfasdovdsffsd;alfkj jkls;dfjl;sajflsjradodi;jtoasdfjas;dlkfj lasjfl; ajsdlkfj sald;jfjtoeit i oasoidfp jsdof jsoa;dijfo piajpt joidsjf osajdfpsadjit ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt sdfsdlk;jtoi…[Read more]
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Worldbuilding help and discussions! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year ago
So, from my understanding, mass and inertia are basically the same thing (mass could even be considered the measure of inertia), except in one instance. The force with which gravity pulls on something is directly proportional to its mass, but greater inertia would slow down your acceleration. Since mass and inertia are always the same i…
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Character Adventure (Formerly Character Party) in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year ago
I still need to write Umen’s RP, and I’m still trying to figure out what’s going on, but I’m going to add a villain.
Age: unknown
Description: Chaos is one of the White Lies, who are the children of Entropy. He may appear as a ghostly white crocodile, with pure black maw and eyes. He may also appear as a pale young man with white…[Read more]
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