Writing Routine

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    Issabelle Perry
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      LOL!!!!!!!! That’s why it’s good to be friends with people who have lots of siblings. So if you needed any help in a fight, you’ve got a lot of people. XD


      Yeah. 😉 Having younger siblings is not as much fun as you’d think. XD (I try to boss my li’l sis around but she doesn’t listen to me. XD) Yea, being the “baby of the family” is still cool!!!!!!!!! Hahaha, there you go!!!!! <33

      God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

      Gracie J.
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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        @devastate-lasting I’ve gotten used to it, so yeah, it’s “only.” Plus, like Izzy said, there are much bigger families out there! But, yeah, I love it. I actually want 8+ kids because of it.

        What’s it like to be the baby?

        Awesome! Girl, I don’t know how many times we have had to drag multiple tables together…not fun. XD

        the resident romance ghost; last seen within the pages of a gothic novel

        Linyang Zhang
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          @issawriter7 Ah, most people I know either have one or they have like 2 who are 10 years older than them…

          Lol I thought the same at some point. I think I’ll stick with 3 or 4 for now.

          Lately, it's been on my brain
          Would you mind letting me know
          If hours don't turn into days

          Alexa Autorski
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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            *nervous laughter*

            It’s nice being the baby, because then you get to follow in your older siblings’ footsteps and feel like you’re learning from them/looking up to them for advice. But then again, it’s weird whenever two of your older siblings leave the house and pretty soon it’s just you, your parents, and one other sibling at home ;-; I always wanted a younger sibling, but being the baby is okay I guess lol. My family isn’t huge, so maybe that’s why I want, like, a dozen kids someday XD

            Gracie J.
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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              @devastate-lasting I dunno…kids are pretty awesome! 🙂

              *grins* That’s good to hear! As the oldest, I feel like I have a huge responsibility has a role model–and that the babies of the family don’t always seem me in that light. So it’s great to hear from a “baby” who’s had a good experience! (Both my parents are last-borns, but their older siblings were, uh, lacking, shall we say.)

              A dozen kids sounds fantastic! 🙂

              the resident romance ghost; last seen within the pages of a gothic novel

              Daisy Torres
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                Hey, Ella!! I’m gonna be honest, I have no routine. Every once in a while I’ll do a challenge-myself haiku thing where I do a haiku a day, (which I’m actually doing rn XD) just to keep my creative well freshly-dug, but otherwise, I just write a little bit whenever I have time haha. I try to write every day, but I don’t set an amount or time limit on myself, because it just won’t happen if I do 🙃🙃🙃🤣 Your routine sounds so aesthetic though honestly!! I do have myself a nice writing desk that I set up, facing my window with an oil defuser and a lace tablecloth and my three favorite pens (all related to coffee XD ) with my two favorite notebooks. I find that I work much better there than anywhere else.

                "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                  @gracie-j @devastate-lasting @issawriter7

                  HOW do y’all have so many siblings!!!??? I just have my older brother and when he talks to me it’s to harass me. XD He’s turning 18 in just a couple more weeks, though, then he’s going off to college. I have to admit I’m probably gonna miss him, especially since he has some colleges lined up that aren’t so close 🙁 He does annoy me but he’ll always be my very special friend. I’m excited for him because I really think he’s gonna choose a major he’s always been passionate about… Okay, HOW did I start bragging about my brother??? lol

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                    Great topic, Ella! Here is mwa schedule:

                    1. Wake up and head to school! I absolutely love school, everyone there is family. It’s so awesome to go to a Christian school. Everyone is so supportive of me and they’re my motivation.

                    2. Get home and eat dinner, then stress over AP World Hist. and other tough classes. LOL

                    3. An episode of When Calls the Heart. (I’m SO impatient for the next episode to come out! Ugh… cliffhangers.)

                    4. After all this I write, and usually get about 2 or 2.5 hours on weekdays. On Saturdays, I don’t write during the day since that’s Sabbath rest, but after sundown I have 4 hours for writing. Sundays I study, prepare blog posts, then have a lot more time for writing. Sometimes as much as 6 hours.

                    Issabelle Perry
                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 976


                      Yep, SAME!!!! Dragging tables together is not fun. 😂


                      haha, well, I guess if all your friends and their siblings teamed up together, you’d have a big family. 😉


                      I dunno. Yeah, that’s kinda sad when the older sibs go to college. My older brother lives out of state, so we rarely get to see him. But he’s a lot older than me, so I wasn’t really ever close to him. Though, that’s cool your brother will get to study what he’s passionate about!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33 🙂 (LOL, It’s okay, I brag on my sibs all the time.)

                      God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

                      Wyn Rose
                        • Rank: Wise Jester
                        • Total Posts: 57

                        @nova21 Hey! Your routine sounds so nice! Mine’s pretty loose and flexible. I almost always end up writing in the evenings, partly because I have a talent for procrastinating and partly because it tends to be a lot easier for me to write then. I usually read the Bible before I write, and then sometimes I do something to get into the mood for writing, like listening to a song that reminds me of my story or just brainstorming or drawing. Usually once I force myself to start I can get into it pretty well.

                        @issawriter7 Wow, you do have big families! I have one brother a few years younger than I am.

                        @joy-caroline Your school sounds like a really cool place! It seems like most people on here are either home-schooled or go to a Christian school, but I just go to a regular old public school. Yeah, school and I don’t get along all that well. Not my particular school, I just really dislike a lot of parts of school in general. But sometimes it’s worse than at other times, and it also depends on what course I’m taking.

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                          @nova21 Wow, that’s such a neat writing routine!! Now I want a fitness cube. 😀

                          Heh, I would love to have a better “routine,” but honestly, most of my writing happens during class. (Don’t tell my professors.) Last semester I would try to write after breakfast/reading my Bible, but that time has now been filled by other things.

                          Also, to add to the sibling discussion, I am the oldest and have three younger brothers. Yay! 😛

                          “Seven seconds till the end. Time enough for you. Perhaps. But what will you do with it?”

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                            Older brothers are really the best thing in a sister’s life. They might be annoying sometimes but really they’re always there to protect you. You should try talking to yours on the phone or something once in a while, just to ask how he’s doing. 🙂


                            I absolutely love my school. We’ve had our rough times, but working together gets us through a lot. 🙂 I’m blessed to have them. But public school is also a huge blessing – since it’s not predominantly Christian, you really get a lot of opportunities to witness!

                            Issabelle Perry
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 976


                              Hahaha, yeah. My brother’s never been annoying, though. He’s actually really cool and fun to hang with. But he’s like fourteen years older than me, and has pretty much been away most of my life, soooo I just don’t really know him that well. That’s a good idea, but my brother doesn’t normally answer the phone or respond to messages. He’s pretty laid back, if y’know what I mean. Our relationship is just kind of complicated.

                              God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

                              Wyn Rose
                                • Rank: Wise Jester
                                • Total Posts: 57

                                @joy-caroline That’s a good point! Thanks for the encouragement 🙂

                                Gracie J.
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1789

                                  @issawriter7 And the weird looks people give you…not cool. XD

                                  @joy-caroline I’ve always wanted an older brother…but I’ll admit that I (1) like being the boss and (2) am terrified that any older siblings would be a huge jerk. Therefore, I am resolved to remain the only jerk in the family. XD It’s so sweet that you think so highly of yours!!

                                  the resident romance ghost; last seen within the pages of a gothic novel

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