Writers’ Corner #1

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  • #103960
    Alexa Autorski
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1011


      Heya, girl! Sorry I missed this! *flips through calendar frantically* I need to make note of these things… *sheepish grin*

      Anyways, thanks for checking in! *grins* As far as writing goes, things have been smooth, mostly. I’ve been outlining more of Echoes of Destiny, fleshing out and totally falling in love with the characters and developing them more, and adding a touch of time-travel-y substance as well. 😉 Aaand I’ve been thinking about writing the second Last of Her Kind book as well for a couple of reasons, though that’s on the back burner for now. I may start it soon though! 😀

      As far as non-writing life goes I don’t have much of a life outside writing XD, I’ve been wrapped up in school, babysitting a LOT, taking a couple of trips soon, and enjoying my free time before I start working. *crosses fingers*

      Aww, girl!! That sounds so scary!! I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but I’m very thankful you’re feeling better now!! (And I pray that you can find out the cause!!) How have things been going on your end? 😀 <3

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 765

        @writerlexi1216 Aw, don’t worry about it! I’m not so great at responding quickly either XD

        Hey, np! It’s what we writerly peeps do! 🙂 Ooooh, I’m so glad you’re getting stuff done on EoD! I know you were having a hard time with the beginning at first, so I’m really glad that things are picking up. AND WHAT IS THIS??? TIME TRAVEL?????? TELL ME MORE AHHHHHHHHHH

        Oooooh, if you do start the second LoHK book I’ll be really excited for that!!! If you ever need a beta reader for the first LoHK, by the way, I’m here! 😉

        Hahaha, same XD Oh, are you sitting for your nephew? 😛 Ooh, trips sound fun! And you’re going to work??? WHAT????????? You’re so old now XDDD

        Aw, thank you. We think we may have figured it out but it’s still best to follow up ofc. <3 Thank you for the prayers!

        Thanks for asking! Eh, I’ve not been writing too much lately. But school starts up for me in like a week, so I’d better get some writing in before my writing time becomes nonexistent XDD I’ve been also drawn towards working on Y&Y some more…. I miss Meichen and Jinlong XD <333

        staring at the fields
        if nothing's really real
        i'll make the winter now my home

        Issabelle Perry
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 976


          YESSS!!!!! I knew I would win. XD I mean, it only seems right since I’ve loved him longer. XD Yeah, you can get the Spainard then, it’s fair. 😉 OH my goodness YESSS JAMIE IS SO AMAZING!!!!!! I loved him as SOON as he came on the scene!!!

          *gasp* I DID!!!!!!! *Is trying to remember when I recommended them XD* THAT JUST MAKES IT EVEN COOLER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, I feel ya!!! It’s my second fav series ever cuz I shall be a false prince fangirl till the end XD But I am SO GLAD YOU LIKED THEM!!!! Especially, cuz, a LOT of Ally Carter fans didn’t like this series as well, and I’m like WUT???!!!! It’s the best one she’s ever written!!!

          Hahahaha, you’re very welcome. 😉 Are you going to try out any of Ally Carter’s other books? If so, I recommend Not If I Save You First because it’s probably my second fav from her. 🙂 Her other ones are just okay.

          *GASP* THERE ARE OTHER CHARACTERS IN THE SERIES BESIDES ALEXEI????? What is this madness?? XD Nah, I’m kidding. But, man, that’s a tough one. I’m probably going for Noah cuz he was so adorable and funny. What about you? also I LOVED the “official comrades-in-fangirling” part. XD YESS!!!

          God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

          Issabelle Perry
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 976


            Awww, I’m sorry to hear that, but, hey, at least you’re WAAAY more knowledgeable about these things than me. 🙂 Oh, okay, I see. THANK YOU SO MUCH for explaining that. Have you figured anything out yet, like are you certain that’s it? I don’t know how long things like that take, so my apologies if I sound stupid Wow, I kinda just realized how nosey I sound. I’m sorry, just worried for ya, that’s all. You’ll definitely be in my prayers, girl!!!!! 🙏

            AAAAHH Doesn’t it??!!!!! 😉 YESSS IT DOES!!! And I thought it’d give me some awesome inspiration for Heir to His Crown, since Keenum’s a storyteller and all. D’awww, girl, you just made me smile!! YESSS I SECOND THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

            Girl, there is SO many. XD Like sometimes my characters just mesh together. XD I can’t keep all my babies straight! (How many? Okay, I’mma have to count here. Do we count works I’m querying and plotting as well as writing? If so, then that’d be about seven to eight. Some I work on more than others, but that’s about right. I lost track after the second novel. XD)

            Hahaha, YES THERE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gunna have to be right down honest, I am terribly behind society hanging in my fictional medieval worlds is waaaaay more fun and have no idea what a canon thingy is, but Heir to Her Throne is the sequel to Heir to His Crown. Yup, I’m writing a trilogy that I’m calling the Heir Saga!

            YOU’RE SO WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!! Awwwww, THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Girl, THAT JUST MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!!!!! <33333333 More is on the way!!!! (Cute guys are THE best XDD)

            Lol, hmmmm do I? Lemme see who is this person I’m talking to? XDD Anyway, EEEEEE here’s the graphic:

            God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

            Issabelle Perry
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 976


              God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 765

                @issawriter7 Haha, the knowledge comes with having pretty much every health problem under the sun. XD Ofc! And noooo, you don’t sound stupid! Like I said, it just comes with having a lot of… experience XD No, we’re not 100% sure that was it, but it looks EXTREMELY likely that it was. And so far, I am not having any allergic reactions to the things that I ate on the day of that first attack. Only one food left to try. Aw, it’s totally fine! And thank you!!! <33333333333

                YUSSSS you’ll do AWESOME at it!!!!!!! 😉 and OOH it will be inspiring for HTHC, I would think!! YOU SHALL MASTER THE ART OF STORYTELLING >:)

                Lol, relatable. XD DANG, that’s a lot of WIPs!!! How do you have so many??!?!? XDD

                Ah, “canon” just means that it’s related to the book/series and is content that’s an official fact of the story. 😛 YO, NO WAY!!! A TRILOGY?!?!? You’ve GOTTA tell me more about this!!! :OOOOOOO LGJDWFIYWLKHDGJF!!!

                I AM SO EXCITED FOR IHH SHLKQDGKFTIQWYJKLJFUDJGW it sounds SO INTERESTING SO FAR!!! how do you come up with these amazing storylines XD (YES THEY ARE)

                Okay, touche XD but ISSA!!! THAT LOOKS AMAZING!!! I’ve already got a vibe from the story in my head and this looks so good like oh my word– SO GOOD KALDJSLHF

                staring at the fields
                if nothing's really real
                i'll make the winter now my home

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2307

                  I would like to bring this back once again. Good place to chat while you’re working on stuff. It’s supposed to help people be motivated to write if they know someone else is doing it with you while also chatting with you……. emphasis on *supposed to*, I’m notoriously bad at focusing when I’m talking to people haha, but I’ve always loved the idea and I feel like y’all would enjoy it too. If you’re confused what this topic is for exactly you can look at the first message.

                  ( @seekjustice I miss you!)

                  You can pronounce it however you want.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3365


                    HEELLLLOOOO! I’ve missed you too! I’ve been hanging around here a lot lately but not commenting on anything, because everyone seems to be so young talking about things I do not understand (#OldLady).

                    How are you doing? Working on anything lately?

                    INFP Queen of the Kingdom commander of an army of origami cranes and a sabre from Babylon.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4293

                      This looks like such a sweet little corner of KP – and therefore I choose it for resurrection!

                      @esther-c @loopylin @freedomwriter76 @smiley @keilah-h @euodia-vision @lydibug

                      Sorry if you didn’t want the tag, but I thought this spot might be cute ❤️

                      "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 100


                        Ooo this does look cute💕

                        Me likey!

                        Happy unbirthday every one!
                        "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME..."

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2243



                          *Me grabs a mug of milk* don’t like coffee XD

                          Oooh this looks like fun

                          a place where I can talk about my writing and not get people annoyed XD sounds good

                          seriously I was trying to talk to my brother about my books and he left XD

                          I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                          ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1308

                            @whalekeeper @dekreel

                            Ummm, yes plz!

                            So we just chat ’bout whatevs?

                            I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 5970

                              @smiley My brother does that sometimes too. He just isn’t a fan of my dragon fanfics……

                              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4293

                                @smiley @keilah-h

                                My brother did the same thing to me this morning… 😂


                                I think this thread is pretty much for casual chatting while working on our WIPs. Apparently the original thread was a classic go-to of KP…

                                "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3754

                                  @whalekeeper @smiley @keilah-h @euodia-vision

                                  Oooh, looks cozy!! 😊

                                  *grabs caramel frappe* *plops in abnormally large beanbag chair*

                                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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