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We crazy people are the normal ones.
*sees Fabain looking over ocean.*
*show his hands shaking as he aims.*
*he inhales*
*he readies blaster*
*blaster quietly whines as it fires up*
We crazy people are the normal ones.
We crazy people are the normal ones.
(Fabian) *hears whine, indicated by an ear twitch*
(Jake) *exhales and pulls trigger*
(Fabian) *As blaster loudly fires, Fabian dodges and turns, tripping.*
We crazy people are the normal ones.
We crazy people are the normal ones.
(Fabian) *falls on his knees, staring at Jake*
(Jake) *aims agian*
(Fabian) *Holds up hand*
We crazy people are the normal ones.
We crazy people are the normal ones.
(Jake) *Lowers blaster, confused*
(fabian, looking scared,) “Please.
We crazy people are the normal ones.
We crazy people are the normal ones.
(Jake) “Sorry,”
“I’m not gonna fall for that.”
*Show Fabian’s scared face in the helmet’s reflection.*
We crazy people are the normal ones.
We crazy people are the normal ones.
(Fabian) *knocks Jake’s legs out from under him with his tail*
(Jake) *drops gun and falls on back*
We crazy people are the normal ones.
We crazy people are the normal ones.
(Fabian) *steals gun*
(Jake) *surprised*
(Fabian) “Um… Sorry!” and runs away.
(Jake) “D—–t!”
We crazy people are the normal ones.
We crazy people are the normal ones.