The Character Ship Game Show✨

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  • #138003
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 365


      *The Great Spy of Gully falls from the ceiling and into the limelight*

      GSG: I have arrived, and am ready for my questions!

      Mike: Who are you, and how did you get in here?

      GSG: Countless creature have asked me those exact questions! What do I usually answer? . . . Nothing!

      Mike: Um, okay? Then why did you come?

      GSG: Ah, now you are asking the right question!




      *More crickets*

      Mike: So, whats the answer?

      GSG: I want to be a part of this couple question thingy!

      Mike: Okay, but there is only one of you.

      GSG: *Glares* I would be quite surprised if there were two of me!

      Mike: *Coughs and clears his throat loudly* Err, yes. What I meant was, you don’t appear to have a crush, girlfriend, or spouse-err mate, you are a ferret after all, so I don’t see how you could play a shipping game by yourself. See my point?

      GSG: I made a wall collapse on a couple of goons one. Crushed, them flat. . . Does that count?

      Mike: No.

      GSG: Fine. *Sticks out lower lip* It’s just not fair that us poor single character can’t be a part of this shindig. In my defense I died before I had a chance to become twitterwitter and that rot.

      Mike: Thats nice. Would you mind leaving the stage?

      GSG: Fine. *Sulks off into the dark*

      Mike: Well folks, that was interest. Back to the-


      Mike: Fine, just GET OF THE STAGE!!!

      GSG: *Charges off into the Shadows* I’m taking all comers! The ferretier the better!

      (Anyone have a character who wants to try and answer questions with/about the Great Spy of Gulley?)

      You will love what you spend time with.

        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 110


        Well, opposites attract, you know. I also have another couple like that: Mariano and Jazzy from the same series. Jazzy is an ESFP while Mariano is an ISFJ, which makes for a really interesting dynamic since she’s so extroverted, loud, and fun-loving while he’s serious and somber and hardly ever even smiles. XD I really like it when one character in a relationship is the calm presence while the other teaches them to lighten up a little and not take life so seriously.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3718


          Characters with opposite personalities are so fun to write!!

          Those two sound awesome! 😄

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 5815


            She’s so extroverted, loud, and fun-loving while he’s serious and somber and hardly ever even smiles.

            Ha, I love character couples like that.

            I so would, but I know nothing about your charrie and you’d know nothing about mine, so we’d be guaranteed to lose…..

            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6702

              @power XD XD u might enjoy the Character Questionairre forum if that’s what ur looking for!


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6702

                @loopylin are we moving to the next round or nawh?


                November: *awkwardly sitting in lounge room with other couples*

                Arthur: *leans back, leisurely wrapping his arm around Corvina. She shoves him off. He nearly falls off the couch.*

                Arabella: *laughs. Turns to the other couples* So…how long has everyone known each other?


                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 5815


                  Reed: A couple years…don’t know how many exactly….

                  Aurelia: How long have you known each other?


                  Is it too late to add another couple?

                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6702



                    Arabella: Since we were five, *smiles at November.* We’ve been best friends since we met. I remember it like it happened minutes ago…

                    November: *Rubs a hand on his neck, heat creeping into his cheeks. He grins goofily.*



                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2783

                      @godlyfantasy12 I likely won’t have time until Friday because I still don’t know what the next challenge will be. (I was thinking maybe doing a third wheel challenge? Not sure exactly what that would be, but it sounded fun to me)

                      If you don’t want to wait that long, though, you could figure out and start the next round yourself. I could still just keep track of points.

                      Or we can wait until Friday. I’m fine with whatever. 🙂

                      No, it’s not too late. Go ahead! Mike might be annoyed, but that’s his problem.

                      Official KP archivist ✨

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5815

                        @loopylin Lol, ok!



                        Aurelia: Aww, that’s sweet! I met Reed when my half-brother captured him.

                        Reed: He thought I was a gang member. To be honest, I was roving about the world like a rogue……but that was mostly to hide from my father…

                        Aurelia: Who was dead by the time Rinzler found you. [yep, the same Rinzler from the character castle]

                        Reed: I didn’t know that!

                        Aurelia: Yeah, so Reed and I worked together to help start his business…and we just kinda got closer over time.

                        Reed: Don’t remind me! Thinking about The Glitched Bagel means I think about cleaning it after hours! Which I should be doing right now!

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2783

                          *Dante and Ellie walk together down the hall towards the backstage lounge.*

                          Ellie: How did you know the answers to those questions? It’s kinda… creepy.

                          Dante: Creepy? I just guessed blue because of the blue hoodie you constantly wear, and you have flinched pretty much every time I’ve accidentally brushed against your arm or something. I’m not creepy. I just… noticed things, I guess.

                          Ellie: *squints at him* Still creepy.

                          Dante: Really? Fine, then. How did you know that I don’t like water??

                          Ellie: *walking faster and leaving Dante behind* I memorized your police file.

                          Dante: Now that– *jogs a little bit to catch up*  that is creepy.

                          *They enter the lounge where all the other couples are. Ellie finds herself a nice, quiet corner while Dante sits cross-legged on the floor in the middle of everyone.*

                          Official KP archivist ✨

                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 110


                            Eliza: *smiling at Arabella* We have something in common, then. My husband and I are childhood best friends as well. We met when I was seven and he was nine, so . . . forty-one years ago. Yet it does seem just like yesterday.

                            Kimbel: *wrapping his arms around Eliza* She was my first ever friend when I never thought I’d have one. And her father was my father when my own had abandoned me.

                            Eliza: *softly* When we first met, that was when my father had cancer. I had nearly lost all my hope, but then I found a friend who gave it all back to me.

                            Kimbel: She was light itself. And still is. And Russell had every reason in the world not to take me in, but he did.

                            Eliza: It’s because of him that we are married. And have five wonderful kids and two grandkids!

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 173


                              Sorry everyone….I’m really late on this but I’m going to squeeze in a little Q and A with my charries even if I’m disqualified from competing. Have fun!


                              ———Quiet chattering could be heard from the stage.

                              Mike: “Hey, I didn’t ask any questions yet. What are you two whispering about? No conspiracies.”

                              Pete grins. “Estamos practicando espanol, Senor. Lo siento.”

                              Mike frowns. “I didn’t get that. Can you speak English please?”

                              Margie laughs. “Alrighty, sir. We’re ready for the questions.”

                              Mike: “So, Pete, if you would show up randomly at Margie’s house, what would she most likely be doing?”

                              No hesitation. “She’d be riding her horse, Shadowfax. Or doing homework. Or helping Uncle Jim in the barn. Or….”

                              “Okay, that’s enough!!!! All correct answers. Apparently you’ve been over to her house a lot.”

                              Pete winks at Margie, who smiles. “Yes, sir. Everyday after school and on the weekends. We’re neighbors.”

                              “Stop ‘sir’ing me.” Mike clears his throat. “Next question, Margie. What is Pete’s full given name?”

                              Margie suddenly puts a hand to her face nervously. “Ummm, Pedro….Lopez Gonzalez, but I don’t know if you have a middle name!!! How could I not remember?”

                              Mike grins triumphantly. “He does have a middle name. Marcos.”

                              “I’m so sorry, Pete. Now I can remember your mom calling you by your full name one time.” Margie elbows Pete in the ribs.

                              “Oww. Really? When?”

                              Mike: “Another time for stories, my dears. Next question. Pete, what is Margie’s favorite food?”

                              “Goodness.” Pete drums his fingers. “Boy. I don’t pay attention to food, I just eat.”


                              “I’ve seen Margie eat a lot of cookies and drink coffee.”

                              Margie face says, “Come on now”, but Pete just shrugs.

                              Mike: “Another incorrect answer. Her favorite food, at least right now, is Churros.”

                              Margie smiles at Pete. “But only his mom’s churros. They are the best!!!”

                              “Okay, quickly guys. We have few more. Margie, tell me where would Pete like to live if he could live anywhere?”

                              “Somewhere beautiful, but without mountains. Probably near a beach somewhere, but it has to be the Altantic Ocean, right, Pete?”

                              Pete raises his eyebrows. “Didn’t think you’d remember all that!”

                              Mike: “Corrrrrrect!!”

                              Margie and Pete fist-bump.

                              Mike: “No congratulatory actions yet….I have more for you.”

                              Margie runs her hand through her long brown hair.

                              Pete scratches his head, listening closely.

                              Mike: “Pete, what were Margie’s parent’s names?”

                              He looks at Margie, sadness filling his eyes. “George and Annie Carlson. I wish I could have met them. They have a very beautiful and special daughter.”

                              Margie smiles. “Thank you Pete. I appreciate you.”

                              They hug.

                              (Mike doesn’t reprimand them.)

                              “Next question…Margie, where in Guatemala is Pete from?”

                              “Pete!! You never told me….”

                              Mike: “NOOO consulting with your partner. Give it a go.”

                              “I have no idea. I’m going to say somewhere where there’s quetzal birds.”

                              Pete snorts. “Umm, Margie….”

                              Mike: “Incorrect, young lady. It’s a town called “La Libertad.”

                              Both Pete and Margie look at each other and burst into a fit of laughter.

                              Mike: “WHAT’S SO FUNNY???”

                              They keep laughing.

                              Mike gives up. “Okay, session done. NEXT!”

                              “You need to practice your Spanish accent, Senor.” Pete grabs Margie’s hand and they take off.


                              Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 173


                                SAME. I’m an INFP. How about you?

                                I’m ESTP-T. 😉

                                Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2783

                                  @orielle21 That was really cute! I love these two! Don’t worry, it’s not too late to do the Q and A until we start the next round. Though, you were just supposed to do four questions. (Sorry, I don’t think I was clear about that at all.) But, I can just convert 3/6 to 2/4 points. Would that be ok?

                                  Official KP archivist ✨

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