Talking about are Fanfics

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  • #145571
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @godlyfantasy12 You are very welcome!!! ❤️❤️❤️

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @euodia-vision @smiley @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12 I have another fanfic idea XD

        anywhooooo, it’s been in my head for a while, lol, 😂😂, and it came back to mind today! 😛

        anywhooooo, i don’t have a blurb written, but this is kinda the main gist of it XD

        (it’s heavily based on the Indian Boarding Schools in America…kinda where I took my inspiration…it’s what happens when you’re a History Nerd XP)

        In a world where Superpowers/Abilities are looked down upon, the Government of America has set up a special boarding school in New York for citizens aged 16-25 with superpowers or at least enhanced/good abilities, where they are taught that their powers are nothing but harm.

        The boarding school, run by Alexander Pierce, is hard and cruel, and students are often stripped of even their own personalities, all forced to dress the exact same and with no jewelry or other marks of individuality allowed.

        But superpowers are looked down upon, so no one outside of the boarding school complains.

        But there are a few, very few, who wish for something different…and are somehow able to convince the government to let them try something different with a few of the students. These few who see differently, a small group of individuals, collecting of Nicholas Fury, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, Bruce Banner, Vision, James Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson, and Tony Stark, could never expect where their attempts to do things differently could take them.

        They bring in a small group of students from the boarding school. A rather large group that they plan on training how to use their powers, collecting of…

        Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2243


          Eeeeeeeehhhhhhhh I love it!!!!!!!! And Wanda and Vision are in it so you have me completely XD

          I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
          ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            I need more Peter content plz??? XD


            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 5822

              @freedomwriter76 OOOOH I like that!!

              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @smiley awwww, thanks!!! ❤️❤️ (idk if i’ll get around to it anytime soon…but i wanted to share it XD)

                Haha, I understand…we all have our favs XD😂😂

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @freedomwriter76 BTW NEW CHAP OF MY FANFIC IS UP AHHHH



                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @keilah-h Thanks!!! ❤️❤️



                    uhhhhhh…welllllll, i mean, Peter’s in basically every fanfiction I have, he just disappears into the background sometimes 😂😂

                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      @godlyfantasy12 AHHH, YAY!!!!!

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1308


                        Ahhhhhh I love this idea!!!!!! I’m up for any fanfic that has young Avengers XD

                        I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          I see I have good company as a Parker fan XD

                          "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            XD Same

                            (honestly who needs the new Marvel movies when we have Freedom’s fics XD)

                            I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                            ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1308


                              Exactly. 😂

                              I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @keilah-h Miitopia is a game, Hermitcraft is a youtube series of a bunch of people playing Minecraft. It’s more interesting than it sounds, trust me haha.

                                You can pronounce it however you want.

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 5822

                                  @dekreel Cool! Hey, I think that’s certainly interesting! I have a little Minecraft fanfic idea, which I hope to one day make into a fan film or something.

                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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