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      @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76 @queen_of_alvastia

      Yup..there’s definitely hope….

      *coughs awkwardly.*

      I think I’ve put y’all thru enough emotional rollercoasters for a while……




      also, u can totally tell us about Alwin if ya want!

      Plus, since we’ve discussed Charrie deaths, wanna talk about the why Of the deaths? Like not maybe the how

      but why for us, if that makes sense. Story wise and everything


        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @godlyfantasy12. Ooh, the why!? 😀

        FUN! XD

        . @queen_of_alvastia. @elishavet-pidyon.


        Being one of the most important deaths EVER, I better start with her. 😉 Okay, but first, a bit of info. Aadelheide already knew she was going to die. Not being told, necessarily, but she felt it in her heart…her soul…even before she and Leon were sent to the camp, that she was not going to make it out of WWII alive. She was going to die. And she was at peace. Really, she was. And, she held onto her faith even to her death. (wish I could be that strong, y’all get me? XD)

        BUT ANYWHO!

        THE WHY!

        More than anything, she has to die for the Theme, the Message(s), to be there. Her death plunges Leon into grief, and, more importantly for the story, Hate. And Riker is plunged into Guilt, because he’s like: “Oh God, I just killed a man’s wife.” (What happened was Leon, after being arrested, begged Riker to try and save him and his wife. Riker said there was nothing he could do. (there wasn’t) And also, Riker didn’t know about the camps yet. But…Riker already sees himself as a mistake because of his past, and plus, the Enemy really starts lying to the baby boy. *sobs*) But anywho! Her death makes Leon completely (for a time!) abandon his Faith, struggle with Greif, and Hate ALL the Nazi’s, especially Riker. (there’s that conflict we writers love! XD) And her death makes Riker feel so, so Guilty. (Like, y’all, Riker gets to the point where he literally hates himself.) But yes, she mostly has to die for the theme to be there. I wish it wasn’t so, but…*sigh* It’s also reality. *sobs*

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          Good idea. *Sigh*

          Well, the why Oswald dies is…um…to move along the plot by making Mikkel try to commit suicide.

          That sounds awful.

          And this is why I feel so cold hearted.

          There are other reasons…although most of them are about as bad.

          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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            You said that so much better than me. XD

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. @queen_of_alvastia. Also y’all, as a What-If thing, I was really just talking to my sister a few…weeks ago, I think, about Riker and Leon.

              So, Leon tells Riker that he’s forgiven him when Riker comes to apologize one last time before turning himself into the Americans. (which he still does. He goes to Prison for 5 years, but he’ll be fine!)

              But it really, just, suddenly, hit me. If Leon hadn’t forgiven Riker or at least hadn’t been able to tell Riker that he forgave him, Riker would have, after being out of prison…*takes in a deep breath, saddened just by thinking about it. Sobs*…would have taken his own life. He was so overcome by guilt…by thinking he was a mistake…thinking everyone would have been better off without him…that he would have, no questions asked, taken his own life. 😭😭😭 I’m CRYING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT! HE’S MY BABY! 💔

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                And this is why you can’t let that happen!!!!!!

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @koshka. But that can still be turned around to become something beautiful! And I love that! 💖💖

                  Thanks! A lot of thought has been put into her death. (that’s a weird sentence. 😂)

                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1056


                    Good idea!

                    Now is it why I’m killing him, or why the other characters kill him?

                    Why I’m killing him is that, well, it’s a little complicated.

                    When I first had the inspiration for him, it was as a serf that was killed for treason. This I always planned to kill him. However, after the story changed a bit and he became an MC, I didn’t want to kill him anymore, and especially not just because it was what I had originally planned to do. So after some thought, I realized that for him, who used to fear and desire death, (yes, he wanted to die sometimes) to die like he does is a type of victory, because he doesn’t fear it at all and can look forward to Life and Light instead of eternal punishment and death.

                    Plus, it illustrates to those he is trying to reach that he thought they were worth dying for – and so does the King.

                    Also, it ties into the testemonies if his wife and daughter in not only teaching Winifrith (his wife, y’all it’s so sweet, but we’re not talking about character couples, so I’ll be quiet) more about trusting the King and gives her more to go to the High Places for. Aethel (his daughter) comes to understand that the King is her father and she is able to use her story to help others who lost/didn’t really have their fathers/parents.

                    And that was A LOT!

                    The Dark Knights kill him ’cause for one, they’re under the influence of the Advasary, and for two, Alwin is causing trouble for them.

                    For the how, Alwin is “tried” for treason against the Order, beaten, then hung. In front of Winifrith.

                    (Also a story of deliverance: they don’t touch Winifrith or Aethel, and even though they beat William till loses consciousness, he is stolen away from them and wakes up in his brother’s house, but that another story.)

                    By the way, is that too gruesome? Considering the medieval options, and what many of our fellow brothers and sisters in Jesus have gone through, I felt it was a good middle ground. Any thoughts?

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @koshka. EXACTLY!!!! 💖

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @elishavet-pidyon. I think it fits with the time period, absolutely! 🙂 (the Middle Ages is known for being gruesome.)

                        BUT THE OTHER PARTS…I’M CRYING!!!! 💔💔💔

                        Elishavet Elroi
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1056


                          That is a really weird sentence, but totally accurate. XD and obvious. It’s beautiful, even in it’s nastiness.

                          Alwin also knows he’s gonna die, and literally his only prayer is that 1, his work will continue and that those they’ve reached will not be destroyed, and 2, that if his wife and daughter survive, they will continue strong and be comforted.


                          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @elishavet-pidyon. For us Writers, at least. 😂😂😂 Yes. 💖

                            Oh Alwin!!! 💖😭

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                              Yeah, that’s really the only reason I’m still going through with it.

                              And the way it all works out is just so beautiful to this author.

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @koshka. Exactly. 🙂 That’s the only reason I keep going with Leon’s death, honestly. 💖 (it’s mostly important to Elias’ story, but still important for the end of Freedom’s Fire too. 💖😭)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  BRUUUUUUHHHH is this before or after he is married with kids?!

                                  Also! Here is the Why and all of my stuff about Jocelyn!

                                  and brace yourselves cuz most of my posts are long and detailed XD (I’m character driven sooo yea lol)

                                  So, Jocelyn is the bubbly, fun, always has a smile on her face, one of the gang. Kinda the “heart of the group”, in the way that she keeps them upbeat and alive. I guess there are others who are the “heart” per say, like Ara, November and Paxton, but she’s at least the blood that keeps them going.

                                  That being said, for the most part, I had her staying as a pretty static character (until recently) and just kinda being the one who was always there for the others. Not that that’s a bad thing at all! And she is a definite fighter and can be serious when she needs to.


                                  However, upon thinking about her death and the why of it (and some awesome ideas my mom/editor (lol) gave me, I decided she has more of an arc then I realized throughout the series. I already knew she was going to sacrifice herself for Ara and November, but her arc was kinda static.

                                  Now, I realize it isn’t anymore.

                                  Towards the middle to end of the series she begins to question her purpose.

                                  Why is she here? And is there more to her destiny then just being the smiley, bubbly girl she is.

                                  Not that she isn’t happy being that, but…can’t she be more? Is that all there is for her in this life?

                                  (my series focused on God-given destinies as well, and His plans for you, and so she begins to wonder “Is this all I’m meant for?”)


                                  And this leads into where she’s able to step up and sacrifice herself, realizing that is her moment.

                                  Just like in Esther.

                                  This is the moment for which she was created. And all the moments before it as well.

                                  Her death drives the group to grief, because while losing any of them would’ve been heartbreaking, Lyn’s death hits hard.

                                  She’s been there almost from the get go (having entered from book 2), and always with a smile on her face.

                                  Not to mention, the group was already only being held together by a thread at this point.

                                  Grimm blames November, due to things that happened earlier in the series (but in truth, he’s just blaming himself, because once again his own flaws and lies have returned to haunt him. He leaves the group, despite Lyn’s last words to him.)

                                  Nyx is heartbroken.

                                  Ara’s trying to be the leader she should be….but….how do you do that when you just lost one of your own?

                                  Luna’s trying to help pick up the pieces, and mourn with the rest of them.

                                  Paxton doesn’t know what to do

                                  And November….he’s crushed with guilt and reaches the lowest point he’s ever been at, nearly deciding to take his life.



                                  But All of these things actually needed to happen, because they needed to discover what was truly going on inside them (specifically, Ara needed to finally understand how much November meant to her and how much she needed him, because she’d forgotten that along the way, and what she’d been destined by God to do. She’d been destined to give life, not take it. But it’s hard to do that when a piece of your own heart is missing (November) call me sappy but I love these 2 okie XD

                                  And she finally shows November how much she loves him, and how he is somebody, and how he is loved. ugh my baby.


                                  But, Lyn’s death has done something else, as well.

                                  It’s been the final nail in Corvina’s coffin.



                                  Corvina didn’t mean to kill her….


                                  DUN DUN DUNNNN


                                  XD I love leaving ppl hanging 🤣


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