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  • #129947
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Y’know funnily enough… I hardly share any of my creative endaevers with my parents. if I have a piece of art that is particularly good and no route for questions that could become personal (why does that character go through this thing) I’ll share it with caution. Both of my parents know I am writing a dystopian ya, my mom knows the stories background but not the plot. idk about you guys, my stories are just too personal to share with my parents. So many of the things my charries go through are things I’ve experienced, sometimes in my own family. I like having something that is just mine, and I can go to it whenever necessary. So yeah, very different. My sister is like that with her writing too, I don’t think our parent’s know much about it. That’s great you share it with your parents! I also think I have a wider age gap with my parents then most (42 years I think) so we’re in kinda different worlds sometimes.


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