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  • #120555
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      Oof….btw….u see ma recent RP? Pax is…ah…about to get into some trouble 😭


        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @godlyfantasy12. Yep, sure did! Just replied to it!!!! 😉

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          And yeah…he will…the poor, precious baby… *sniff* 😭

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1556

            Alright, two things:

            One: @freedomwriter76 I am so glad I did not see this earlier. Now Wolfgang is gonna be okay! (Right?)

            Two: @godlyfantasy12 Lynn! Grimm! Nyx! To be honest I was sorta wondering about those pics. (How are you bringing her back, if you don’t mind sharing?)

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @koshka. Yes, be very glad. xD (Yeah…he’ll live, don’t worry…but he will be put in a camp)

              . @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. But have no fear, y’all! Though it will be difficult, he’ll get a support system!!!! YAYYYYY!!!! That support system being Isaiah, Yosef, and….


              Tho Leon can’t stand it when he talks about his new faith…only because Leon is angry and bitter at God when Wolfgang comes…heh…

              But it will certainly be a test of Wolfgang’s new faith…that’s for sure…heh.

              OH…and…hehe…his brothers figure out he’s alive…

              …after Riker sees him and tells them that he’s alive. (they’re all working in the Anti-Nazi Resistance group…that’s how they know each other, hehe) So…the Bois know Wolfgang is still alive, but they still have to figure out how to get him out.

              Oh…and…hehe…Adolphus is transferred to work at the camp…and Riker and Erich have to deal with him…heh…and Adolphus figures out Wolfgang is there…and…y’know…trouble…conflict… #WriterThings.

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @freedomwriter76 AHHH NO NOT ADOLPHUS 😭


                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @godlyfantasy12. Yes, Adolphus…😒😔

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 692

                      I’m killing a character you all are gonna love. Yes, I know, I’m mean but it has to happen for the plot.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 812


                        Which one?

                        Normal me: that’s so sad!

                        Writer me: way to go!

                        I’m doing the same thing. He’s actually my FAVORITE character. So it’s SAD.


                        He must increase, but I must decrease.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2973


                          (to read a spoiler or not… 🤣)

                          Anyone else interested can look at this, it is a spoiler though. Would have put this in your happy moments topic, but it’s also a spoiler, and it isn’t completely happy. But mostly. It’s one of my charries getting over a fear.

                          Idk how familiar you are with  my plot, but they lived underground for there childhood, so everything is new and scary.


                          Drip. Drip.

                          Tauren glances towards the edge of the roof, drips of water falling into a glassy puddle at its end.


                          “What?” Lesli turns.

                          “Water! How’d it get up there?”

                          “Oh! I dunno.” Lesli furrows her eyebrows. “Weird.”


                          A drop of water falls, landing into Tauren tea. He stares at it in bewilderment.

                          From where?

                          “Les, you see that?”

                          “See what?” Lesli turns.

                          “Water just fell into my cup.” He looks upwards. “Unless my eyes are playing tricks on me.”

                          “Oh… hm.” She looks upwards too.

                          “Ah!” Lesli rubs her eye. “I just— I got water in my eye somehow.”

                          “Hm?” Tauren looks from Lesli down to his tea again.

                          Small rain drops pepper the ground.

                          Tauren flinches at the coldness of the rain soaking through his flannel. Their eyes meet.

                          “U-uh… I don’t know what’s happening.” Lesli pulls on her coat and grabs her tea.

                          Tauren looks around frantically as the sound of rain dripping around them intensifies.

                          “I-It is water, right?” Tauren stands up from the log he is sitting on.

                          “I… think so?” Lesli starts walking towards one of the cabins.

                          “Let’s head inside.” Lesli says, her voice uneasy as she motions for Tauren to follow.

                          “…Yeah.” Tauren runs up alongside her, trying not to splash his tea.

                          Thunder rumbles. The two of them dart inside, boots splashing up newly formed mud.

                          They enter the small cabin, standing statue still as they listen.

                          “T-That was terrifying!” Tauren stutters, setting his tea down with a shaky hand.

                          It’s dangerous.

                          This world is beyond repair.

                          Tauren remembers the common beliefs they chose to defy.

                          But everything was just fine yesterday!

                          The sky flashes, illuminating their faces with brilliant white light.

                          Fear courses through Tauren’s blood as he shoots a panicked gaze at Lesli. She shuts the door, pulling it to test its security. Tauren remains frozen, ready to run somewhere, anywhere.

                          “I don’t know what’s going on.”

                          “—Same.” Tauren replies shakily.

                          Wind rips through the forest trees, making them creak against their foundations. A loud crack sounds through the rain as a branch is torn in two, sent crashing towards the ground. The harsh fury of the wind sends the cabin shutters flying to the sides, clacking loudly against the wooden siding.

                          Lesli sits down, motioning for Tauren to do the same. Tauren covers his face with his hands, his frantic breathing barely escaping through his fingers.

                          We should never have come…

                          This place is unfixable.

                          Tauren looks up at Lesli, his glasses reflecting a flash of lightning spilling in from the uncovered window.

                          “I-I… I think we messed up.”

                          Lesli nods, looking at the floor.

                          “We’ll give it a bit.” She rubs the dusty wood flooring with her hand.

                          Tauren straightens his back against the wall, his eyes focused on the flashes of light landing on the opposite wall.

                          It’s so…


                          “Hey, you need to calm down a bit.” Lesli says noticing his panicked expression.

                          “I- just… I think this was a really bad idea. We were so naïve.”

                          “Maybe we were. But we’ve had an adventure non-the-less.”

                          “I just worry there’s no un-doing it.” Tauren covers his face again, his curls shaking side to side.

                          Thunder sounds outside, closer than before. The wind howls through the small window, sending a chill down Lesli’s back. She rubs her arms with a shiver.

                          “I just—I can’t believe we seriously thought—” Tauren gasps for air. “Th-this could turn out—” He tries to catch his breath. “We’ve messed up so bad Lesli, They’re never—”Lightning illuminates Tauren’s tear-stained face. “Never going to let us back—” Tauren looks up at Lesli with wide eyes.

                          “Hey buddy, it’s okay to be scared—” Lesli takes Tauren’s face in her hands, his tears falling onto her fingers. “—but we don’t let fear control us, okay? We’re going to keep trying here.”

                          “Y-yeah—” Tauren gasps for air again.

                          “We keep going together, okay?” Lesli raises her voice over the thunder outside. A couple tears fall down her cheek.


                          “Take a deep breath—” Lesli combs his bangs out of his eyes with her hand. “–you’re okay.”

                          “Yeah.” Tauren says quietly, letting his pent-up air out with a shudder. “I’m ok.”

                          “Sorry.” Tauren says, allowing himself to relax.

                          “Oh, don’t apologize.” Lesli ruffles his curls.

                          Tauren pushes up his glasses onto his head and wipes his face on his sleeve.

                          “I thought you wanted to keep going—you’re crying too.” Tauren says in a gasp of air.

                          “It’s just hard– I think this is right—” Lesli breaths out with a shudder. “But right isn’t always easy.”

                          “We might be glad we had this experience later.” Lesli says. “W’bout you?”


                          “How do you feel about this?”

                          “Scary.” Tauren says,

                          “Yeah. That’s valid.” Lesli laughs.

                          “I never would have chosen to do this if it weren’t for you.” Tauren says.

                          Lesli pauses. “So that’s a good thing or a bad thing?”

                          “I don’t know.” Tauren sighs. “I wish I knew.”

                          “Well, I guess we don’t have to worry about it for now. Sorry I pulled you into my ordeal.”

                          “No, I think… that’s it. Being pulled into other people’s “ordeals” is a part of being a real friend. I can talk to you a lot, hang out, and give you a present on Christmas, but I’m not really your friend unless I live your life with you—no matter how bad your life is.” Tauren says.

                          “Yeah. I’d agree.” Lesli pauses, listening to the rain fall outside.

                          “Almost peaceful, isn’t it?” Tauren says with a faint laugh, glancing out the window.

                          “Is it? I’m surprised to hear that coming from you.” Lesli exclaims.

                          “I think I just realized at some point it isn’t hurting me. I guess it’s just water, air, and light.” Tauren says.

                          “Hm. I guess so. Why it happens is simply beyond me.” Lesli says, listening to the rain patter against the roof.

                          “You think it’s a common occurrence?” Tauren asks.

                          “I have no idea.” Lesli says, looking at the window.

                          “You should stick your hand out there.” Tauren says with a smirk. “I dare you.”

                          “No, you do it. You can’t dare people to do things you haven’t done before.”

                          “Fine then.” Tauren stands up and gingerly reaches his hand out the window.

                          “What’s it like?”

                          “Cold and wet.” Tauren says.

                          “Well, yeah.”

                          They laugh.

                          “Not so bad?”

                          “Not so bad.” Tauren echoes. “Though the rumbly noise things still might make me jump.” He rubs his arms.

                          “it’s getting dark.” Lesli says.

                          “I’m heading back.” Tauren says.

                          “Yeah…” Lesli replies, watching the rain drip down across the windowsill.

                          “We’re going to be running through the water then!” Tauren exclaims.

                          “You just watch. I’ll get back to my place so fast not a single drop will touch me.” Lesli says, her hand on the doorknob.

                          “Yeah? Same.” Tauren says defiantly.

                          “Ok then!” Lesli swings open the doorway, running out towards her cabin.

                          “AAaaaaah! She squeals with glee, skipping through the rain.

                          Tauren laughs as he looks back at her. He smiles, dodging path puddles as he runs off into the opposite direction.









                          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @mineralizedwritings AHHH I loved that!!! Ok so that was EXTREMELY cool how you showed their reactions to rain for the first time like no one really thinks about those things, but of course they’d be freaked out and think the world is “Broken” I mean…it’s freaky for someone who has NEVER seen it!

                            Especially already hearing the things/stories they’ve been told.

                            This was so sweet! Ugh Tauren and Lesli! I loved it!


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2973


                              Thanks! 😁 Glad you liked it! Definitely one of my favorite scenes to write yet.

                              "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1643


                                Oh my goodness, girl!! Tauren!! He’s so sweet and innocent ❤️. That was pulling my heart strings 😂❤️😊. I love their relationship!! And that scene was so sweet 🥲❤️!!


                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 812


                                  That was such a good idea! I’ve never thought about what it would be like to experience a thunder storm for the first time, but that’s exactly how it would be. Great job!

                                  Yeah, Tauren…I really like him.


                                  He must increase, but I must decrease.

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