Favorite Lines of Dialogue from your WIP?

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    Alexa Autorski
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1011


      Haha, thank you!!! I’m hoping to post a couple more chapters (maybe tomorrow or the next day), so maybe you’ll get to see more of him 😉 Not sure how good they are, though lol. Yeah, fire powers definitely fit him better!!! And THANK YOU! I liked the soft colors:)

      Aw, thanks, and *gasps* I love love love those quotes so much!!! Thank you for sharing them!!! *tries not to fangirl over my boyyy Colin but fails* Woo-hoo!

      Issabelle Perry
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 976


        OOoh, YESSS!!!!! That would be soo AWESOME!!!! Eekkkk!!! I CANNOT wait to read them!!! *jumps up and down and ignores the strange looks my family is giving me* Girl, I know they’re gonna be AWESOMEEE!!!!!!!!!! You’re welcome! 🙂

        Of course!!!! <33 THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! <333 Of course, I’m SO happy you liked them!!!!! Lol *also tries not to fangirl over Colin and fails* XDD YESSS!

        God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

        Alexa Autorski
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1011


          Thanks!!! 🙂 I’ll definitely tag you whenever I post them, ’cause I always look forward to hearing your feedback!!! 😉 Haha, I’m pretty sure my family thinks I’m a nut by now because I can’t have a normal conversation without talking about writing XD Thank you so much, Issa!!! That’s super encouraging!!! And of course!! I always love hearing about your stories, and Colin is my boyyy!!!:)

          Issabelle Perry
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 976


            YAAAAY!!!! THANK YOUU!!!!!! Aww, I’m soo happy to hear!!!! Lol, like SAMEE girl!!! TOTALLY relating!! 😉 You’re SO welcome, girl!! Aww, again, I’m soo happy to hear!!! It’s true, though!!!! Aww, girl, that means SOO MUCH!!!! Aww, really? You’re just the SWEETEST!! THANK YOUU!!

            God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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              @abigail-m Aw, thank you so much!!!!!😀 I’m so happy you think so!!!

              THANK YOU, LEXI!!!!!!!!😃 You’re so welcome, girl!!!<3 I am so happy you like it!!!!! Really?!?! Yay, I thought it suited Deek!!😉 I am so HAPPY I made you smile so hard!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping that you would like it. Aw, yay!!!!! I will totally create more Deek-inspired things. You’re sooo welcome!!! *high-fives you back* (That is so awesome!!!! Eeek!!!! I can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait for the next chapters!!!!! *leans over Lexi’s computer to try to take a peak at the next chapter*) Girl, it makes me sooooo happy when I know that someone loves what I make for them!!!!!!! I enjoy making things for people, but I always get worried that they won’t like it. I am so happy you love the bookmark!!!!!😀

              Ooh, I LOVE those quotes!!!!! They are so AMAZING!!!!!😀

              "It looks like a fairy world"~Meg from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
              Fall in love with Jesus

              Alexa Autorski
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1011


                Of course, girl!! 😉 You’re always super encouraging and kind!! I can’t wait to post them (I mean, they certainly aren’t final draft material, but I guess that’s the purpose for critiques and improving 🙂 )! And no problem!! I always love hearing absolutely anything related to Into the Lamp and any other of your stories!! I’m a proud #1 fan!! 😉

                Alexa Autorski
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1011


                  Of course, Katherine!!! *tries to stay calm but internally screaming because I’m so happy other people like my characters* Yes, of course you did!!! I mean, right after I saw that, I started trying to figure out how I’m going to print it and turn it into a real-life bookmark that I could display somewhere!! I’m going to try!! 😀 And *gasps* YAY! Deek would be over the moon if he knew he had so many fans XD Yes! I’ll definitely tag you whenever I post (which may be tomorrow or the next day, depending). I know they aren’t final draft material, but I still thought I’d share them:) And I’d love to hear your feedback!! Oh, you don’t have to worry at all about whether or not I’ll like it!! I’m seriously so happy that you made this for me, and I totally LOVE it!! 😉

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1242


                    *WHEW!* I’m so glad it wasn’t a boring explanation, (because the actual scene was much tenser). THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER!!! I mean, I grinned thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis huge that you liked it so much:) Yeah, I felt pretty awful for poor Filip too, (I mean it was fun to write and everything, but I still felt bad for him, *sigh* I’m not being very nice to him huh? XD ). Anyway no,  don’t be sorry! I am really happy when others fangirl about those two:) I mean I think they know how to be romantic, but they stubbornly refuse to be, (I think they do it to just make dealing with them difficult for me XD ). Morio’s story within the novel is pretty sad; but yep, it didn’t make things easy in the least for Mejia.
                    And I’m glad you liked the part with the flower petals because I was beginning to worry whether that was a good idea or not. So I think I’ll hang on to it for a while then!:)

                    Alright, so quick question. What would Deek say to tease Caira about Newton? You see, I drew out a short comic idea I had for an illustration and there is really no words except in one place, and so I was wondering what he would say:) I really hope you don’t mind, it’s a super small board with only a few panels, but just let me know if you prefer me not to draw it. It’s no problem either way:) I am aiming for posting the illustrations before NaNoWriMo begins:)

                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
                    Alexa Autorski
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1011


                      Oh, it wasn’t boring at all!! I loved reading through it and *takes deep breath* *tries really hard not to start fangirling* it was seriously THE GREATEST THING EVER! I mean, I just love that confession scene! Yes, poor Filip… I feel so bad for him, but he’s also just super adorable. Eh, I’m not very nice to my characters at all *Caira glares at me from the background* so it’s just a writer thing, I guess XD Oh, good (are you sure you want me to start fangirling? Because I might never stop and might never come back to KP) because I normally don’t freak out this much over books but I just adore TSW so much!!! Oh, no, keep the flower petals! That was such a sweet moment!:)

                      And *gasps* wait, really?! Oh my goodness, I started smiling so huge when I read this!!! *ignoring my don’t-use-too-many-exclamation-points rule* Hmm, you can write it however you want (I’m not good at coming up with dialogue on the spot) but here’s a scene. Feel free to change it however you wish (I know you can’t include all of it, I’m just posting the whole thing) but here’s just an idea of what the teasing looks like:

                      Deek began to smile mischievously, and he nudged Caira when he said, “A certain someone on your mind?”

                      Caira blinked out of her thoughts, and a deep blush spread over her pink cheeks. She kept her head down so her brownish-blond hair would fall over her face. “Wh—Wha?”

                      “Newton,” Deek prodded her. “Come on, Caira, just admit it. You were thinking about him, weren’t you?”

                      Caira smiled bashfully, fingering her hair as her blush deepened. “N—No! I–I don’t think about him. Why would I, um… Newton is my friend and nothing more, okay?”

                      And of course I don’t mind!! I’m honestly over the moon that you love my characters so much (you’ve been the greatest encouragement to Fortitude! I mean it:) and you’re more than welcome to use them whenever you want! *gasps* Yay! I’m so excited to see them! Then I can post them on my wall and use them as motivation for NaNo 😉

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1242


                        THANK YOU SO MUCH!:D
                        Yeah, I normally don’t freak out too much over books either. But not freak out over Fortitude? Impossible!
                        Oh good, that scene’s dialogue will work out great! I mean I may have to alter it a tiny bit to fit the comic’s pacing, (I hope you don’t mind), but it still gives me the main idea. And that is just such a cute scene! I mean it was so funny and sweet and awesome at the same time:) I love how Deek knows exactly who she was thinking about and teases her about it, it’s SO cute!! Does Deek tease Newton too? I believe you said he did once, (you’ll have to forgive my sometimes bad memory XD ). Deek is just so awesome:)

                        YES!!! *Snatches all three and sets them in front of my sketchbooks* *looks back over shoulder* This might take, oh, three years… XD No seriously, these guys have been THE HUGEST inspiration for my illustrating:)
                        🙂 I hope they are good enough to put on your wall, but no promises on my art skills though since I’m just getting familiar with these mediums and drawing style;)

                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
                        Alexa Autorski
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1011


                          Of course!! I mean every word:) And thank you, that’s so sweet of you to say!! *grins* I’m just so happy that you enjoy hearing about my story! It means the absolute world! 🙂 And great! That’s okay–I figured you’d probably need to alter it a bit, so feel free (and of course I don’t mind! I’m honored that you’re doing this!) That was just to give you a general idea of how it usually goes 😉 Thanks! Deek can read Caira like a book most of the time, and likes teasing her about Newton because she’s really obvious about liking him. Poor Caira, she gets so embarrassed when somebody mentions romance XD And yes, he does! Deek and Newton have a very brotherly relationship, so Deek teases Newton all the time about Caira because he knows exactly what’s going on 😉

                          Aw, thank you so much!! (And Caira, Deek, and Newton say ‘thank you’ as well:) Really, you’ve no idea how much it’s meant to me that you’ve wanted to illustrate my characters! And don’t worry–you’re very, very talented with your illustrating, so don’t be so hard on yourself! You’re doing an excellent job, and I’m on the edge of my seat looking forward to seeing them! 😀

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1242


                            Ditto:) I mean every single thing I say about Fortitude:) I was able to finish that comic tonight, thank you so much for sharing that scene! It really helped with the dialogue, (though there’s only a small bit). I can’t wait to post it!
                            Poor Caira, but aww at the same time:D And oh my goodness, I love that Newton and Deek have a brotherly relationship, that’s so awesome! I also love the idea of Deek teasing Newton about Caira:D Does Newton act the same way as Caira or does he more like shrug at Deek’s teasing? I mean just the thought of Newton reacting to teasing is so adorable! *Internally screams:)* I LOVE the dynamics between these three!!

                            Aw thanks! I’m on the edge of my seat to share them!:D

                            Alexa Autorski
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1011


                              Thank you!:) And yay! I’m so looking forward to seeing it! 😀 I’m glad that helped, and I understand if it didn’t all fit (I was just posting the whole thing for a reference), and that’s totally okay. I can’t wait until you’re able to post it/the illustrations!! Aw, that just makes me smile so big! 🙂

                              I know, I love Newton and Deek’s relationship because they’re like the brother that neither of them ever had. It’s similar to how Caira and Alana have a very sisterly friendship. Newton acts similar to Caira when it comes to romance, but he tends to panic more because he knows nothing about love and feels like he’s going to mess everything up when/if he confesses. Besides, Caira is the only girl he’s ever liked, so he usually gets nervous and shy whenever Deek teases him. It’s one of the rare times that Newton gets so shy:) Thank you! I know, Newton can’t help but be adorable when it comes to Caira. And thank you! I’m so glad you said that, because that makes me so happy to know you like the dynamics in my trio! 🙂 And of course! I can’t wait to see them:D

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1242


                                Aw, I love that! I love the brotherly/sisterly relationships between them!:D
                                And that is also just way too cute the way that Newton reacts to Deek’s teasing and how he feels like he’s going to mess things up if/when he confesses:) I mean is it possible to love Newton any more than I already do? I seriously doubt it:) He is just way too awesome! And this is kind of off-topic, but did I ever say how much I utterly adore the name Rowne? It is like my FAVORITE name ever and I haven’t even heard of it until I met Newton. It’s seriously the greatest:D

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1242

                                  I decided to post a couple more scene/dialogue pieces:) Tagging @writerlexi1216 in case you’re interested in reading them:) If not, please don’t feel pressured to, because I know that I can post long scenes sometimes XD Well, okay maybe these aren’t super long, but just saying:)



                                  Mejia and Anton hurried through a string of trees fastened along a ridge above the valley.
                                  Orange light from the setting sun glinted in patches on the trees and snow. Their splotches reminded Mejia of glowing embers.

                                  She wrapped her fingers around Anton’s wrist as she guided him around trees, rocks, felled branches, and all manners of natural obstacles that were more than willing to test poor Anton’s personal gravity.

                                  Anton allowed himself to be led about like a colt. Had it been anyone else, he would have been supremely uneasy, but he trusted Mejia with his life.
                                  Mejia could see a rough outline of the purple-tinted horizon, through the trees as she dodged a cluster of closely-knit young birches.

                                  “Where are we going anyway?” Anton asked finally as Mejia warned him to jump a log that was protruding from the earth.
                                  “We are going to see what we can see,” Mejia said, then remembered and added, “and hear.”

                                  “And hear,” Anton echoed smoothly. He turned his head subconsciously to the west. But of course, he saw nothing.

                                  But then as they hurried on, suddenly Anton saw, yes saw a brief flash of light and blurred shapes. He stumbled though there was nothing in his path.

                                  “What is it?” Mejia asked as she stopped suddenly. Anton stuttered to a halt.

                                  “Nothing. Nothing at all,” he said. For the lapse of vision left as quick as it had come.



                                  After Artur felt satisfied that he had everyone and everything under his thumb, he relaxed and sheathed his dagger. He bound Mejia himself and said, “escaping is not a wise thing, I hope you realize that.”



                                  Then the Painter selected a beautiful brush and dipped it in wherever he kept his colors and composed the clouds in a wispy pattern and splotched the rest of the sky with bursts of red and purple. Though it was no place of hers, Mejia agreed with the Painter’s choice this night. The masterpiece reflected very deeply the happenings that had happened and what would yet happen.



                                  She inched further onto the ice, the cry of an owl whooshed overhead and she heaved her body out of the lake. But that started the ice to breaking again. She grabbed her sword and now in sodden clothes weighting her down like bars of iron, she ran harder. Not because she could, but because she had to. Faster, harder, faster, she ran. Despite how difficult it was, until her feet were caught on a log and she plunged into the snow of the solid, beautiful ground.

                                  Mejia looked back and saw a river of broken ice she had paved, then looked about her. She drew in a shivering breath, then began to walk along the shore back towards the fortalice, keeping her sword in hand as she eyed the density of trees beside her; the moonlight mimiced water as it flowed through the branches.


                                  #5 (From the chapter where Mejia first met Filip, the scene picks up just after she beats him in a swordfight. I may change it later, however).

                                  Mejia studied him for a moment, unimpressed.

                                  “Remove your mask,” she instructed and the stranger removed it’s mask to reveal the personable face of a boy, no older than Mejia herself. They stared at each other warily, for a long minute in silence before Mejia broke it.

                                  “If you have a message bound for Ivatoust, let’s see it then.”
                                  “I-I don’t think I should-”

                                  “If it’s anything worth intercepting, I found out about it before it was written.”

                                  The boy fumbled through his cloak before finding a parchment  paper and held it aloof. Mejia read the address, nodded and waved it away.

                                  “I’m Mejia of Birch Woods,” she said, “is it your first time passing through this part of the land?”

                                  “No, years ago I travled though the eastern western territory.”

                                  “Since the last seven nights.”

                                  “Then yes, this is my first time since then.”

                                  Mejia studied his face, but she saw no trace of dishonesty. She nodded. Now that they understood each other, Mejia handed him back his sword.

                                  “You should practice,” she said, “you are fortunate that I wasn’t actually trying.”



                                  “Well then,” Anton said, “I guess that I had better boil the roots and find bark.”

                                  “What for? Medicine?” Filip asked.

                                  Anton made a face and said, “No, to eat.”

                                  “Eat?” Filip asked, “that’s not food! Don’t you ever have meat?”

                                  “Quail now and them when I can catch it, but otherwise I really just do not hunt,” Anton said matter of factly.

                                  Well now, that would just not do. That would not do at all.

                                  “Never mind it,” Filip said, holding up his hand, “I will go hunt something, if you promise to not do anything of a sort with that bark,” he said pointing at the contents in Anton’s hands.


                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
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